Could you help me to undestand my error !

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Could you help me to undestand my error !

hub(Posted 2005) [#1]

Type Path

	Field Id
	Field x[102]
	Field y[102]
End Type

Type Ship

	Field Id
	Field x 
	Field y
	Field List:Tlist = CreateList()

	Field hImage:TImage

	' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Function  Create:Ship (x,y, File$, t:Path)

		Local n:Ship = New Ship
		n.x = x
		n.y = y
		n.hImage = LoadImage (File$)

		ListAddLast n.List, '<- Compiler : Unable to convert 'int' to 'object' ????
		ListAddLast n.List, 10 '<- Compiler : Unable to convert 'int' to 'object' ????
		Return n
	End Function
End Type

Hi !
Could you exlplain where is my error !
Thanks !

Ferminho(Posted 2005) [#2]
Lists must contain objects. You can't store ints in a list that way. This is what I do:

Then you can do this:

ListAddLast n.List, Integer (
ListAddLast n.List, Integer (10)

Just remember that to get their values you must cast the list objects to a TInteger and access their field X

Local I:TInteger = TInteger (n.List.First ())
Local Myint:Int = I.X

It's a brief version of my actual code, maybe I made a mistake somewhere. I hope it helps

Azathoth(Posted 2005) [#3]
You need some kind of container that can be cast to Object, like an array or string if you don't want to make a container type.

hub(Posted 2005) [#4]
Thanks ! Is there a function to convert an integer to to a string ? 12 -> "12"

hub(Posted 2005) [#5]
@Ferminho :


Type TInteger
   Field X:Int = 0
   Function Create (N:Int)
      Local I:TInteger = New TInteger
      I.X = N
      Return I <- compiler : 'unable To convert from 'TInteger' to 'Int'
   End Function
End Type

Azathoth(Posted 2005) [#6]
Your Create function needs to return TInteger.

String.FromInt(9) returns the String "9", "9".ToInt() returns the int 9.

hub(Posted 2005) [#7]
Type Path

	Field Id
	Field x[102]
	Field y[102]
	Function Create:Path (Id, x1,y1,vx1,vy1,x2,y2,vx2,vy2)
		Local n:Path = New Path
		n.Id = Id
	Return n
	End Function	
End Type

Type Ship

	Field Id
	Field x 
	Field y
	Field List_id_path:Tlist = CreateList()
	Field hImage:TImage

	' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Function  Create:Ship (x,y, File$, p:Path)

		Local n:Ship = New Ship
		n.x = x
		n.y = y
		n.hImage = LoadImage (File$)

		ListAddLast n.List_id_path, String.FromInt( '<- ok

		Return n
	End Function
	Function Add_new_path (n:Ship, p:Path)
		ListAddLast n.List_id_path, String.FromInt( '<- ok
	End Function
End Type

p1 = Path.Create (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
p2 = Path.Create (2,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5)

s1 = Ship.Create (1,1,"image.png", p1)
Ship.Add_new_path (s1, p2)

Now how to display (with a for each ?) s1.List_id_path values (ie '1','2')?
Thanks ! Sorry for this stupids questions, but i'm a beginner with bmax notation and List system !

Azathoth(Posted 2005) [#8]
I've change your code to have Add_new_path as a method, and p1,p2 and ship are no longer ints.
Add_new_path would make more sense as a method, as you're applying it to an instance of ship; the advantage you have access to the instance without the need of passing it as an argument.
Although its up to you to have p1,p2, and ship as ints; they get treated as handles and you need to convert them back to their types to access their fields and methods, I thought it would be easier just to skip the whole integer handles bit.

Type Path

	Field Id
	Field x[102]
	Field y[102]
	Function Create:Path (Id, x1,y1,vx1,vy1,x2,y2,vx2,vy2)
		Local n:Path = New Path
		n.Id = Id
	Return n
	End Function	
End Type

Type Ship

	Field Id
	Field x 
	Field y
	Field List_id_path:Tlist = CreateList()
	Field hImage:TImage

	' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Function  Create:Ship (x,y, File$, p:Path)

		Local n:Ship = New Ship
		n.x = x
		n.y = y
		n.hImage = LoadImage (File$)

		ListAddLast n.List_id_path, String.FromInt( '<- ok

		Return n
	End Function
	Method Add_new_path (p:Path)
		ListAddLast List_id_path, String.FromInt( '<- ok
	End Method
End Type

p1:path = Path.Create (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
p2:path = Path.Create (2,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5)

s1:Ship = Ship.Create (1,1,"image.png", p1)
s1.Add_new_path (p2)

For Local id_path:String=EachIn s1.List_id_path
  Print id_path

hub(Posted 2005) [#9]
Many thanks for your help !

Ferminho(Posted 2005) [#10]
Thanks for pointing out the mistake - I made it on the fly x)

Using a string is actually better, nice idea. I think I will do it that way from now on too ;)

Azathoth(Posted 2005) [#11]
If you're really picky, using arrays as a container may result in less memory usage for large multi digit numbers.

Edit: For those who are interested this code compares the memory required in bytes by a string container and by an array container.

Function Container:Object(a:Int)
	Return String.FromInt(a)

Function Container2:Object(a:Int)
	Return [a]

Local s:String=String(Container(i))
Local ar:Int[]=Int[](Container2(i))

DebugLog SizeOf(s)+" "+SizeOf(ar)