Burst Effect?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Burst Effect?

Amon(Posted 2005) [#1]
I have some balls which are arranged in a circle. I draw them to screen with the following:

	Function drawBalls()
		For Local b:ball = EachIn ballList
			DrawImage balls,b.xpos+BallXoffSet+Sin(b.angle)*distanceFromCenter,..
	End Function

I want there to be a sort of burst effect which causes the balls to burst outward then return inward to the center of the screen.

I thought I could use something like this.

Function testBurst()
	Local temp:Float = distancefromcenter
	BurstDistance = 100
	If KeyDown(KEY_SPACE)		
	distanceFromCenter = Sin(temp)*temp	
	If temp <=0 Then temp = 360
	DrawText "temp = " +temp,0,0
End Function

It craetes a nice smooth movement inwards but then it stops and hangs.

Any ideas on how I can proceed?

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2005) [#2]
To go out and then back in you shouldn't need the full range of angles for Sin, you'd only need up to 180.

Amon(Posted 2005) [#3]
Hi, I've modified the code accordingley but it still has no effect.

Anymore tips would be appreciated.

Thanks :)

PetBom(Posted 2005) [#4]
You seem to have Cos() and Sin() mixed up in your code example.

Use Cos() to calulate X position and Sin() to calculate Y position. In your code you are doing the opposite(Sin() for X and Cos() for y).

PetBom(Posted 2005) [#5]

I whipped together some thing really quick to set you on the right track:

Hope it helps! ( Slow day at work today ;-) )

Amon(Posted 2005) [#6]
Sigh, This is a much better approach then what I've been using. I'm Still an OOP noob. This is the exact effect i wanted. Thanks. :)

PetBom(Posted 2005) [#7]
Don't sigh :) Just keep at it!

OOP takes some getting used to. Remember that OOP is more of a mindset than actual coding techniques. It's all about the process. Try thinking in objects and their properties first instead of thinking of how to implement the details. If you have you have a good set of objects, your implementation of the details will easily (well, sort of...) fall into place.