Problem using CreateProcess

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Problem using CreateProcess

Mirko(Posted 2005) [#1]
i know how to use CreateProcess from C but now i wanted to use it from bm

I wrote the following code, but it doesnt work.
Can anybody give me a hint, what is going wrong?

Extern "Win32"
 function CreateProcess (  lpApplicationName$z, lpCommandLine$z, ..
                           lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, ..
						   bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, ..
						   lpCurrentDirectory$z, lpStartupInfo:Byte ptr, ..
						   lpProcessInformation:Byte ptr ) "WIN32" = "CreateProcessA"
 function GetLastError:int () "WIN32"
end extern

type StartUpInfo
field cb:Int
field lpReserved:byte ptr, lpDesktop:byte ptr, lpTitle:byte ptr 'Pointer
field dwX:int, dwY:int, dwXSize:int, dwYSize:Int
field dwXCountChars:int, dwYCountChars:int
field dwFillAttribute:int, dwFlags:Int
field wShowWindow:short, cbReserved2:Short
field lpReserved2:Byte ptr 'PBYTE
field hStdInput:byte ptr, hStdOutput:byte ptr, hStdError:byte ptr
End type

type ProcessInformation
field hProcess:Int, hThread:Int
field dwProcessId:byte ptr, dwThreadId:byte ptr
end type

type TExecuter 

	field FName:String
	field Parameters:String

	field res:int, nhandles:Int
	field handles:Int[2]
	field StartInf:StartUpInfo
	field ProInf:ProcessInformation
	field lasterror:int
	method New ()
		StartInf:StartUpInfo	= new StartUpInfo
		StartInf.cb				= sizeof(StartUpInfo)
		print "Size"
		print StartInf.cb
   		ProInf					= new ProcessInformation
	End Method
	method Delete ()
		StartInf 	= NULL
		ProInf 		= NULL
	End Method

	method Execute (WaitForEnd:int)
		local res:Int
		local appname:String
		res = CreateProcess ("","notepad.exe", NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,StartInf, ProInf)
		print res
		lasterror = GetLastError()
	end method
End type

local Ex:TExecuter = new TExecuter


print ex.lasterror

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#2]
This should do the trick,
Function CreateProcess (  lpApplicationName$z, lpCommandLine$z, ..
                           lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, ..
						   bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, ..
						   lpCurrentDirectory$z, lpStartupInfo:Byte Ptr, ..
						   lpProcessInformation:Byte Ptr ) "WIN32" = "CreateProcessA@40"


Mirko(Posted 2005) [#3]
Did you try it. Did it work?

On my PC it has the same result as my version.
CreateProcess returns a 0
and GetLastError returns that the file or path could not be found.

No matter what program i want to start.

Sweenie(Posted 2005) [#4]
If you want to call notepad using only the commandlineparameter you must pass Null in the ApplicationName parameter.
In your case ApplicationName isn't Null but instead an empty string which makes CreateProcess think that you want to launch Application "" with "notepad.exe" as commandline arguments...

These should be valid variations...

res = CreateProcess (Null,"notepad.exe", NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,StartInf, ProInf)

res = CreateProcess ("c:\windows\notepad.exe","", NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,StartInf, ProInf)

Mirko(Posted 2005) [#5]
Hi Sweenie,

you where right. That was the thing that caused the problem.

Thank you very much.