Unable to create module

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Unable to create module

PowerPC603(Posted 2005) [#1]
I have this code:

Module SG.GetParameterNameNValue

Import BRL.Basic
Import BRL.Blitz

Function GetParameterName$(LineFromFileRead$)
	' This function returns the first part of the given string
	' It takes all chars from the first char to the "=" and removes the spaces, tabs and the "=" from it

	Local PosInString%
	Local ParameterName$

	' Find position of the "="-character
	PosInString% = Instr(LineFromFileRead$, Chr(61))

	' If no match ("=") has been found, return entire "LineFromFile" (instead of nothing)
	If PosInString% = 0 Then
		PosInString% = Len(LineFromFileRead$)

    ' Get first chars from the string until the "="
    ParameterName$ = Left$(LineFromFileRead$, PosInString%)

	' Replace:
	' - tab-chars (= Chr(9))
	' - spaces (= Chr(32))
	' - equal sign (= Chr(61))
	' with nothing (= ""), so only the parameter-name remains
	ParameterName$ = Replace$(ParameterName$, Chr(9), "")
	ParameterName$ = Replace$(ParameterName$, Chr(32), "")
	ParameterName$ = Replace$(ParameterName$, Chr(61), "")

	' Return the parameter name
	Return ParameterName$
End Function

Function GetParameterValue$(LineFromFileRead$)
	' This function returns the second part of the given string
	' It takes all the chars from the position of the ("=" + 2) to the end of the string

	Local PosInString%
	Local ParameterValue$

	' Find position of the "="-character
	PosInString% = Instr(LineFromFileRead$, Chr(61))

    ' Get the last chars from the string (starting from the position of the ("=" + 2 chars))
    ParameterValue$ = Mid$(LineFromFileRead$, PosInstring% + 2)

	' Return the parameter value
	Return ParameterValue$
End Function

I saved this file here:

When I choose "Build modules" in the IDE, I get an error, stating the "Instr"-identifier hasn't been found.
I tried importing BRL.Basic and BRL.Blitz (as you can see), but then I got the same error.

The docs say that the Instr-function is part of the Basic-module.

Can anyone help me with this?
Which module(s) do I have to Import to be able to build this module?

skidracer(Posted 2005) [#2]
try Import BRL.Retro, will check the docs...

PowerPC603(Posted 2005) [#3]
Now the module compiles without any errors (in debug and release mode), but when I shutdown BMax, restart it and try to use the functions, then I get the error "Identifier 'GetParameterName' not found".

When I try to import my mod (using "Import sg.GetParameterNameNValue"), then I get the error "Can't find interface for module SG.GetParameterNameNValue".

I saw in the mods directory that all modules used lowercase characters only, so I tried it too for my mod and now it works, while using the "bmk makemods" command in the dos-prompt.

Is it required that all module names and directories must be lowercase?

pangyan(Posted 2005) [#4]
I had a lot of trouble compiling, until I switched to all lowercase too.

Augen(Posted 2005) [#5]
I know you said you fixed it, but this utility by jb tells you what mods need to be included. http://www.blitzmax.com/Community/posts.php?topic=47141