Good Idea?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Good Idea?

coffeedotbean(Posted 2004) [#1]
Would you guys recommend writing new function for the new BMax commands. For example I did this to replace the DrawText command and to do away with the need to setalpha,rotation manualy. A similar function could be used for DrawImage, would do this byte me in the ass later on?

Graphics 640,480,16,60

Global txtAlpha#,txtScaleX#=1,txtScaleY#=1,txtRotation#

Repeat ; Cls

	If txtRotation#>360 Then txtRotation#=0

	If txtAlpha#>1.0 Then txtAlpha#=0 
	If txtScaleX#>10 Then txtScaleX#=0 
	If txtScaleY#>10 Then txtScaleY#=0 
	SetColor 0,155,0 ; DrawRect 10,100,200,200
	SetColor 255,255,255
	Text("text with no effects",10,10)
	Text("text with rotation",100,100,5,1,txtRotation#)
	Text("text with rotation and alpha",100,200,5,txtAlpha,txtRotation#)
	Text("text with Scale",300,300,5,1,0,txtScaleX#,txtScaleY#)
Flip ; Until KeyHit(key_escape)

Function Text(txt$,X,Y,Handle=1,Alpha#=1,Rotation#=0.0,ScaleX#=1.0,ScaleY#=1.0)
	Local Width=TextWidth(txt$)					' Get Width
	Local Height=TextHeight(txt$)					' Get Height
	If Handle=1 Then SetHandle 0,0				' Top Left
	If Handle=2 Then SetHandle Width,0			' Top Right
	If Handle=3 Then SetHandle Height,0			' Bottom Left
	If Handle=4 Then SetHandle Width,Height		' Bottom Right
	If Handle=5 Then SetHandle Width/2,Height/2	' Centered
	If Alpha#<1.0 Then SetBlend ALPHABLEND		' Set AlphaBlend
	SetAlpha Alpha#								' Set Alpha Value
	SetScale ScaleX#,ScaleY#						' Set Scale Value
	SetRotation Rotation#							' Set Rotation Value
		DrawText txt$,X,Y							' Display the text
	SetRotation 0.0								' Reset Rotation Value
	SetScale 1.0,1.0								' Reset Scale Value
	SetAlpha 1.0									' Reset Alpha Value
End Function

Dreamora(Posted 2004) [#2]
function is for sure not correct!
What if scale, alpha, rotation are not 0 or 1 before the text started?

tonyg(Posted 2004) [#3]
I think it's a good idea as there might be multiple alpha,rotate,scale commands within the draw code.
For 'block' mode you can use the original commands.

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2004) [#4]
There might be some OpenGL commands to read the current settings of the rotation and scaling and such, so you can restore it after. Alternatively you could use the OpenGL stack, push the existing state onto the stack, do your rotation/scaling thing, then pop back off the original settings.