Call to Base constructor

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Call to Base constructor

Jim Teeuwen(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hey ppl.

A little Q.
When I have my class inherit from another class and instantiate an instance of it, will the baseclass constructor be called automaticly? And if so, before or after the subclass constructor?

If not, can I force a call to it with Super.New() ?

Type Base
	Method New()
		Print( "Base class Constructor called" )
	End Method
End Type

Type Sub Extends Base
	Method New()
		Print( "Sub class Constructor called" )
	End Method
End Type

s:Sub	= New Sub

I'd expect the output to be either of the following.

Possibility A - BAse constructor is ignored.
Sub class Constructor called

Possibility B - Base constructor is called first
Base class Constructor called
Sub class Constructor called

Possibility C - Sub constructor is called first
Sub class Constructor called
Base class Constructor called

In the case of Possibility A, can I do the following to force a call to the Base constructor?
	Method New()
		Print( "Sub class Constructor called" )
	End Method

Jim Teeuwen(Posted 2004) [#2]
Morduun was kind enough to compile and run it for me.

Turns out Possibility B is the one!
Thats good to know. I wont have to worry about not properly instantiated classes.