How incbin function is working?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/How incbin function is working?

Takis76(Posted 2015) [#1]

I would like to ask how incbin function is working?

I would like to put one directory which contains the gui skin of the game in the compiled .exe file.

Any idea?

Thank you :)

Xerra(Posted 2015) [#2]
Something like this should help you get started...

' Incbin resource file for Infection release builds to include resources.
' Last edit: 4/2/2015

' ** Graphics **
Incbin "gfx/bug.png"
Incbin "gfx/spark.png"
Incbin "gfx/title.png"
Incbin "gfx/syringe.png"
Incbin "gfx/particle.png"

BugImage = LoadImage("Incbin::gfx/bug.png")
SparkImage = LoadImage("Incbin::gfx/spark.png")
LogoImage = LoadImage("Incbin::gfx/title.png")
PlayerImage = LoadImage("Incbin::gfx/syringe.png")
ParticleImage = LoadImage ("Incbin::gfx/particle.png")

' ** Music **
Incbin "music/original title.ogg"
Music = LoadSound("Incbin::music/original title.ogg", True)

' ** Fonts **
Incbin "fonts/BAUHS93.ttf"
MainFont:TImageFont = LoadImageFont("Incbin::fonts/BAUHS93.ttf", 18)
SmallFont:TImageFont = LoadImageFont("Incbin::fonts/BAUHS93.ttf", 12)
Incbin "fonts/Autumn__.ttf"
HighScoreFont:TImageFont = LoadImageFont("Incbin::fonts/Autumn__.ttf", 24)

' ** Sound **
Incbin "sfx/rain.ogg"
Rain:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/rain.ogg", True)
Incbin "sfx/pop.wav"
PopSound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/pop.wav", False)
Incbin "sfx/LevelComplete.wav"
LevelCompleteSound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/LevelComplete.wav", False)
Incbin "sfx/GameOver.wav"
GameOverSound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/GameOver.wav", False)
Incbin "sfx/Maximum.wav"
MaximumSound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/Maximum.wav", False)
Incbin "sfx/Blip.wav"
KeySound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/Blip.wav", False)
Incbin "sfx/Error.wav"
ErrorSound:TSound = LoadSound("Incbin::sfx/Error.wav", False)

Takis76(Posted 2015) [#3]
So if I need to include one folder which contains a lots of subfolders. Can I use just simple:
Incbin "folder"

Do I need to include all files in the folder separately one by one?

The example above is nice but this example add in the include binary each file manually.

Brucey(Posted 2015) [#4]
Do I need to include all files in the folder separately one by one?


Takis76(Posted 2015) [#5]
I tried to include whole ifsogui skin

IncBin "Gui_Skin/fonts/arial.ttf"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/arrow.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/button.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/buttonover.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/checkboxoff.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/checkboxon.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/combobox.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/combobutton.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/combodrop.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/dimensions.txt"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/imagebutton.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/label.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/listbox.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/mclistbox.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/mclistboxbutton.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/mltextbox.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/mltextbox___.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/panel.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/progressbar.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/progressbarstretch.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/progressbartile.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/scrollback.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/scrollbar.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/scrollbutton.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/slider.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/Slider_Handle.bmp"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/sliderback.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/slidertick.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/spinner.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/tabber.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/textbox.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/window.bmp"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/window.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/windowcaption.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/dimensions.txt"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/ibar.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/mousedown.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/mouseover.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/mouseresize.png"
IncBin "Gui_Skin/Graphics/cursors/normal.png"


I tried to load the theme and the program crashes.
The directory exist in the same folder when the exe file compiles.
It supposed not needed after compile.

Xerra(Posted 2015) [#6]
You're trying to incbin the entire directory. After you include each resource seperately you will still need to load the assets in with a seperate line into their own image pointer. If that makes sense.

Nurgle(Posted 2015) [#7]
Example by Marcus Trisdale of how to incbin a zip file with skins included.

You will need

Takis76(Posted 2015) [#8]
I liked your example very very much.
I will use it for my game.

The only problem is , when you use password in the zip shows EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error

Thank you very much.