Graphics In Time With Music ?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Graphics In Time With Music ?

Drex(Posted 2013) [#1]
I was just wondering if somebody here could give me some basic tips on how to do this ?

At the moment,depending on what resolution I am running in,the graphics either finish before or after the music has finished.

Just would like to some basics of how to achieve this,thanks :)

GaryV(Posted 2013) [#2]
Only you can answer this as only you know how long the music is you are wanting to use.

Henri(Posted 2013) [#3]
Sounds bit like you would need delta timing. If so, there are tutorials in this forum.


Midimaster(Posted 2013) [#4]
perhaps a simple "WaitTimer() would be already sufficient....

Grahpics ...

Global FPS:TTimer=CreateTimer(60)
    Flip 0
    WaitTimer FPS
Until KeyHit(Key_Escape)

Hardcoal(Posted 2013) [#5]
What Timers are used for in general?

Grisu(Posted 2013) [#6]
Some example source code / more explanation would help a lot.

Drex(Posted 2013) [#7]
Ok,what I am trying to do is,to draw a picture, X amount of pixels at a time until the picture is finished.

As soon as the above process begins,I have a sound sample being played aw well.

And I would like the graphics rendering to finish at the same time that the sound sample does.

In my case the sound sample lasts for about 20 seconds.

Grisu(Posted 2013) [#8]
@Hard: They are used to make sure that your code / events run at a certain speed on every system (low or high end machine).

@Drex: This might be enough...


Global Counter:Int
' Load sound sample 
Global Timer:TTimer=CreateTimer( 1 ) ' Create a Timer that ticks once per second
' Start to play sound

Print "Entering Main loop..."	
 Counter=TimerTicks( Timer ) 
 Print "Timer Ticks = "+Counter  
 Print "Draw "+Counter*5+"% of the image..."
 Print "-----"	
 WaitTimer( timer ) 'wait for the next tick
Until TimerTicks( timer ) = 21 ' 20 seconds are over


Kryzon(Posted 2013) [#9]
With what Grisu indicated above, the draw command would work like this inside that loop:[bbcode]
'On the declaration block of your program...
Local logo:TImage = LoadImage(...)
Local x:Float = ...
Local y:Float = ...
Local iWidth:Int = ImageWidth(logo)
Local iHeight:Int = ImageHeight(logo)

'Inside the loop...
DrawImageRect(logo, x, y, iWidth * (Counter*5.0/100.0), iHeight) 'Image should progressively fill the screen horizontally from left to right.
[/bbcode]PS: I think the loop should end at tick '20' though, not '21'.
PPS: If you need smoother control (i.e. not quantized to seconds, but down to milliseconds if your sound lasts a fractional time, say, 19.853), you can use a Millisecs() counter. Search the forums for example usage.

Drex(Posted 2013) [#10]
Thanks guys for your examples.

I at least now,know where to start.

I just needed pointing in the right direction :)

AdamStrange(Posted 2013) [#11]
you can also use the following:


where time is a delay in milliseconds (1000 per second)