Fastlibs FreeTexture bug?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Fastlibs FreeTexture bug?

FlagDKT(Posted 2009) [#1]
Include "include\"
Graphics3D 800,600,0,2


tex=LoadTexture ("mytexture.png",1+2)

EntityTexture cub0,tex

For SurfI=1 To (CountSurfaces( cub0 ))
	s=GetSurface( cub0, SurfI )
	t0=GetBrushTexture( b, 0 )
	t1=GetBrushTexture( b, 1 )
	If t0>0 Then FreeTexture t0
	If t1>0 Then FreeTexture t1
	If b>0 Then FreeBrush b

FreeTexture tex

I get a Memory Access Violation!
What's wrong?

MikhailV(Posted 2009) [#2]
Try it without FastExt in debug mode :)

FlagDKT(Posted 2009) [#3]
It works without FastLibs ..!
Please try it :)

MikhailV(Posted 2009) [#4]
:) Ok. I will soon solve this problem.

MikhailV(Posted 2010) [#5]
@FlagDKT: I was right, the problem contains in your code :)

I have added DebugLog function to your code that it was possible to see error. Error it is visible on TextureBuffer function (without FastExt library!), try it in Debug mode:

	;;; Include "include\"
	Graphics3D 800,600,0,2
	;;; InitExt
	tex=LoadTexture ("mytexture.png",1+2)
	EntityTexture cub0,tex
	For SurfI=1 To (CountSurfaces( cub0 ))
		s=GetSurface( cub0, SurfI )
		DebugLog "surface "+i+": "+s
		DebugLog "brush "+b
		t0=GetBrushTexture( b, 0 )
		t1=GetBrushTexture( b, 1 )
		If t0<>0 Then
			DebugLog "t0 "+t0
			t0b = TextureBuffer(t0)
			DebugLog "t0 buffer "+t0b
			FreeTexture t0
		If t1<>0 Then
			DebugLog "t1 "+t1
			t1b = TextureBuffer(t1)
			DebugLog "t1 buffer "+t1b
			FreeTexture t1
		If b<>0 Then FreeBrush b
	DebugLog "tex "+tex
	texb = TextureBuffer (tex)
	DebugLog "tex buffer " + texb
	FreeTexture tex


p.s. FastExt library uses TextureBuffer in modified FreeTexture function. It is necessary for usage of new flags of texture.

FlagDKT(Posted 2010) [#6]
then it is a blitz bug, not my simple code :)

Dreamora(Posted 2010) [#7]
are you on the current b3d version or some stoneage thing?

MikhailV(Posted 2010) [#8]
@Dreamora: b3d 1.103

marksibly(Posted 2010) [#9]

Ok, it's a problem with texture-less brushes - smallest example I can come up with is:

Graphics3D 800,600,0,2

brush=CreateBrush( 1,1,0 )
Print "brush="+brush

tex=GetBrushTexture( brush,0 )
Print "tex="+tex

buf=TextureBuffer( tex )
Print "buf="+buf

GetBrushTexture should probably be returning '0' here, where-as it's actually returning a built-in default 0 frame texture, which is ultimately causing TextureBuffer to die.

Note that EntityTexture doesn't actually change any surface brushes, it only changes the 'master' entity brush which is blended with each surface brush.

Will have a fix up soon.

marksibly(Posted 2010) [#10]

Ok, on seconds thoughts I'm a little worried this fix may break stuff.

Currently, GetBrushTexture will always (I think) return something - it just may be a 'blank' texture.

Changing this behaviour may cause currently working apps to crash.

Perhaps just fixing TextureBuffer() so it returns 0 instead of crashing (which I'm doing anyway!) is the safest way to go?

MikhailV(Posted 2010) [#11]
@marksibly: I think it will be correct (TextureBuffer return zero without crashing) also will not add new problems.

Mark, may be you will add native support of render-textures (with and w/o z-buffer)? It will be very cool and great, and solve all problems with FreeTexture function (for additional libraries)...

FlagDKT(Posted 2010) [#12]
I really need to free up textures in a loop, could you please do the same with freetexture, so it will not give an error when no texture is found?
And I think that the same could be done with other free commands?

marksibly(Posted 2010) [#13]

> I really need to free up textures in a loop, could you please do the same with freetexture,

Do what the same?

FreeTexture is nothing like TextureBuffer.

FlagDKT(Posted 2010) [#14]
Ah ok, nevermind :)

MikhailV(Posted 2010) [#15]
@FlagDKT: I will solve this problem in FastExt library within a week... (If Mark does not release a new update for B3D :)

FlagDKT(Posted 2010) [#16]
thx :)
Mark will you release a new update?

marksibly(Posted 2010) [#17]

Ok, I've posted 1.104 with the TextureBuffer fix ONLY.

Let me know if this is enough or not!

FlagDKT(Posted 2010) [#18]
It's enough for me.
thank you