
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Xors3D

Matty(Posted 2009) [#1]
I've been unable to get any of the samples to work with the following problems:

1. first "userlib not found" is stated despite having dll and decls in right spot (userlibs directory of blitz3d).
2. some of the commands do not change to 'blue' text and remain 'white' - it looks like the commands in the decls don't match those in the samples - some of them begin with "DLL_". After trying to change some of the decls it actually began to compile but then complained about functions not having sufficient variables.

What am I doing wrong?

Note that I've read the forums on the Xors3d site as well as the ones here, and I can see no information that I haven't already tried.

I have directx9.0c

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#2]
you using old Xors3D.bb file or decls i guess...Ill post correct one when I get back, just remind me to do so..i often forgot :)

Matty(Posted 2009) [#3]
Thanks Naughty Alien - if they are old then the Xors rubux website needs updating...

Looking forward to seeing them soon...thanks.

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#4]
i think it was messed up while compiling whole thing..its really just question of proper Xors3d.bb and decls file since few versions were uploaded..

Matty(Posted 2009) [#5]
Out of interest, does it also work with blitzplus?

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#6]
..hey Matty, here is link..just copy libs in to proper folders and it should run just fine, including all examples from Mshader library..

Matty(Posted 2009) [#7]
Thanks Naughty, I'll try when I finish work later today.

ZJP(Posted 2009) [#8]
"...1. first "userlib not found"..."

Do not forget "d3dx9_29.dll".


_33(Posted 2009) [#9]
What is happening with Xors3D ? We have no news and it is saddening me.

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#10]
..its very a live man...I guarantee...

wmaass(Posted 2009) [#11]
Alien, is Hidden Dawn put together with Blitz3D and Xors3D? Looks great.

DreamLoader(Posted 2009) [#12]
this engine looks dead

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#13]
..its not Xors3D used..current shots are rendered with B3D+Horde3D wrapper..unfortunatelly, unfinished since i dont have much time now..however, Xors3D is a live if I have to judge according to my discussion with developers trough emails..they working on it and I have seen some stuff they shared with me..

Matty(Posted 2009) [#14]
Still didn't manage to get it to work, no worry I'll stick with b3d.

MadJack(Posted 2009) [#15]
I certainly hope it's not dead - in the long line of B3d DX9 wannabees, this one looks the most fully featured so far.

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#16]
its not dead man..trust me..I just cant share more info about it, but its working just fine and its under development..

MadJack(Posted 2009) [#17]

Good to hear - if it pans out, I'll definitely consider Xors for use on TU2.

By the way, congrats on the Hidden Dawn preview in adventuregamers.com - looking great!

Naughty Alien(Posted 2009) [#18]
thank Mad Jack..by the way, you not considering LE for TU2? I think I saw you there on forums (if it was you, but nick is 'Mad Jack') ..

MadJack(Posted 2009) [#19]

I have bought a copy and it's a well thought out product - but I'm not entirely convinced that releasing a game using the engine (at least in its current state) wouldn't lead to a fair number of support headaches. It still seems a bit flaky under ATI cards for example.

I'll see where it's at by year's end...

ZJP(Posted 2009) [#20]
thank Mad Jack..by the way, you not considering LE for TU2? I think I saw you there on forums (if it was you, but nick is 'Mad Jack')

Question. What is LE? ;-)


MadJack(Posted 2009) [#21]

LE = Leadwerks Engine

(also, add
to the start/finish of copied text to have it appear in the quote format)

ZJP(Posted 2009) [#22]
Ha! Yes. Thx


MikhailV(Posted 2009) [#23]
Xors3D is a live! http://xors3d.com

El Gigante de Yeso(Posted 2009) [#24]
Is the collision system fully functional?

MikhailV(Posted 2009) [#25]
Please assign their own questions on Xors3D forum, so you quickly get the answer!

ZJP(Posted 2009) [#26]

A Fur Shader for Xor3d and Blitz3D
The .fx file. Save as "fur.fx"

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Fur.fx (c) ZJP for Xors3D
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++
float4x4 worldViewProj  : MATRIX_WORLDVIEWPROJ;

// Fur color
float4 furColor   = float4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); 

// Fur intensity  0.01f a 1.0f
float FurStrength = 0.5f; 

// Fur distance 0.01f to 1.0f 
float FurDistance = 0.012f ;

// First Blitz3D texture
texture FurTex : TEXTURE_0;

sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state 
    texture = <FurTex>;
    AddressU  = WRAP;        
    AddressV  = WRAP;
    AddressW  = WRAP;
// Noise texture
texture FurTex2 : TEXTURE_1;

sampler TextureSampler2 = sampler_state 
    texture = <FurTex2>; 
    AddressU  = WRAP;        
    AddressV  = WRAP;
    AddressW  = WRAP;
struct vertexInput {
    float3 position		: POSITION;
    float3 normal			: NORMAL;
    float4 color        	: COLOR;
    float4 texCoordDiffuse	: TEXCOORD0;

struct vertexOutput {
    float4 HPOS	: POSITION;    
    float4 color  : COLOR;
    float4 T0	: TEXCOORD0;
    float3 normal : TEXCOORD1;
vertexOutput VS_TransformAndTexture(vertexInput IN,uniform int shellnumber) 
    vertexOutput OUT;

	float3 P = IN.position.xyz + (IN.normal * (FurDistance * (float)shellnumber));
	OUT.T0 = IN.texCoordDiffuse;
	OUT.HPOS = mul(float4(P, 1.0f), worldViewProj);
	OUT.color = IN.color;
	OUT.normal = IN.normal;
	return OUT;

vertexOutput VS_TransformAndTextureSetup(vertexInput IN) 
    vertexOutput OUT;

	float3 P = IN.position.xyz;
	OUT.T0 = IN.texCoordDiffuse;
	OUT.HPOS = mul(float4(P, 1.0f), worldViewProj);
	OUT.color = IN.color;
	OUT.normal = IN.normal;
	return OUT;

float4 PS_First_INIT( vertexOutput IN): COLOR0
	float4 diffuseTexture  = tex2D( TextureSampler,  IN.T0 );
	return (float4(furColor.xyz, FurStrength) * diffuseTexture);
	//return 0.5;
float4 PS_Textured( vertexOutput IN): COLOR0
	float4 diffuseTexture  = tex2D( TextureSampler,  IN.T0 );
	float4 diffuseTexture2 = tex2D( TextureSampler2, IN.T0 );
	return (float4(furColor.xyz, FurStrength) * diffuseTexture*diffuseTexture2);
technique Fur
    pass Init
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTextureSetup();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_First_INIT();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;

	pass Mini
		// Parametre = distance de la couche de fur ;-)
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(0); 
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;
	// Répetition de la passe Mini avec variation de la distance. Principe du FUR. 
	pass P0
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(1);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;
	pass P1
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(2);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;
	pass P2
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(3);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;
	pass P3
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(4);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;

	pass P4
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(5);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;
	pass P5
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_TransformAndTexture(6);
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Textured();
		AlphaBlendEnable = true;


The Blitz3D code
;*                         *
;* Xors3D Engine. Fur.bb   *
;* FUR Shader Effect       *
;*                         *

; Include header file
Include "xors3d.bb"

; setup maximum supported AntiAlias Type
xSetAntiAliasType xGetMaxAntiAlias()

; set application window caption
xAppTitle "Simple sample"

; initialize graphics mode
xGraphics3D 800, 600, 32, False, True

; hide mouse pointer

; enable antialiasing
xAntiAlias True

; create camera
camera = xCreateCamera()

; position camera
xPositionEntity camera, 0, 0, -4

; create cube
cube = xCreateCube()

; loading logo from file
logoTexture = xLoadTexture("..\..\media\textures\logo.jpg")
; Noise texture for fur.FX

; Any noise texture here !!!
Noise = xLoadTexture("noise.png") ; Secondary texture for the FUR effect !!!!!!!

; texture cube
xEntityTexture cube, logoTexture,0,0

xEntityTexture cube, Noise,0,1 ; Secondary texture for the FUR effect !!!!!!!

; shader loading

effect = xLoadFXFile("fur.fx")

; technique checking
If Not xValidateEffectTechnique(effect, "Fur")
RuntimeError "Technique isn’t supported"
; laying an effect on an entity
xSetEntityEffect cube, effect
; setting a technique
xSetEffectTechnique cube, "Fur"
; main program loop
light = xCreateLight()
xRotateEntity light, 45, 0, 0

While Not xKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

	; tunr cube
	xTurnEntity cube, 1, 1, 1
	; render scene
	; switch back buffer

t3K|Mac(Posted 2009) [#27]
Someone did a converter from b3d to xors3d. i cannot find the thread anymore... do you guys know who did this? i'd love to convert my sources... but not by hand.

Xors Team(Posted 2009) [#28]

t3K|Mac(Posted 2009) [#29]
damn, i swear i saw it at the blitzforum ;-)

thanks anyway!

Mike0101(Posted 2009) [#30]
In theory if I write an "X" in each command (loadmesh -> xloadmesh, ect) my
xors code will run?
I'm using Blizt + Fastlibs + ParticleCandy + Newton. (newton have to change for physix.)
Is anybody who uses xors3d after Blitz3d?
My source is more then 20.000 lines. Converting is too big work without experience.

Xors Team(Posted 2009) [#31]
In theory if I write an "X" in each command (loadmesh -> xloadmesh, ect) my
xors code will run?

Yes, but here some differences from Blitz (e.g. all counters like child, surfaces, vertices starts from 0 in Xors3d, and from 1 in Blitz3D, so if in Blitz you write something like "For v = 1 to CountVertices(surface)", in Xors you must use "For v = 0 to xCountVertices(surface) - 1").
Here you may found code converter by chi.
And FastExt and FastText will not work with Xors3d (if you have FastImage license you may get it's Xors3d version for free). ParticleCandy ported to Xors3d by Madjack, and Newton must work with Xors.

Mike0101(Posted 2009) [#32]
Thank you, good news! Yes, I have fastImage license, I'm using for 2D stuffs (hud, text).

Mike0101(Posted 2009) [#33]
I have squall.dll, xors3d.dll, xscript.dll, d3d9_27.dll, fastimagexors.dll (in bin folder and userlib folder too with .decls-s) and I get "userlib not found error" What can be the problem?

MadJack(Posted 2009) [#34]
Xors team

I have converted ParticleCandy to use Xors and it works, however I'm looking at switching over to Xor's native particle commands in the end.

There was a mention that the Xors particle system was being rewritten?

Xors Team(Posted 2009) [#35]
Xors3d needs d3d9_36.dll You may use this DX Redist - http://latest.xors3d.com/dxredist.exe
Particle System already rewritten and on testing now.

Mike0101(Posted 2010) [#36]
I would like to use this engine but doesn't work.
Here are two very simple codes the first in blitz and the second in Xors3D
Blitz works fine , Xors doesn't.
Where is the problem?

Graphics3D 800, 600, 32, 0
cam= CreateCamera() : MoveEntity cam,10,10,10
Player= LoadAnimMesh("model\player.b3d")
anim = LoadAnimSeq(Player,"data/animations/walk.b3d" )
Animate player,1,1,anim
PointEntity cam, player
While Not KeyHit (1)
UpdateWorld: RenderWorld



Include "Xors3D.bb"
xGraphics3D 800, 600, 32, 0, 1
cam= xCreateCamera() : xMoveEntity cam,10,10,10
Player= xLoadAnimMesh("model\player.b3d")
anim = xLoadAnimSeq(Player,"data/animations/walk.b3d" )
xAnimate player,1,1,anim,"Bip01"
xPointEntity cam, player
While Not xKeyHit (1)
xUpdateWorld : xRenderWorld



Xors Team(Posted 2010) [#37]
Try new revision - http://hot.xors3d.com
If the problem persists, you can send a model to our support mail - support@...

Hotshot2005(Posted 2010) [#38]
what the different between iXors3d and Xors3d?
Are both the same or different?

Xors Team(Posted 2010) [#39]
Xors3d - http://xors3d.com/xors3d
iXors3d - http://xors3d.com/ixors3d

Naughty Alien(Posted 2010) [#40]
iXors3d looks interesting..

ZJP(Posted 2010) [#41]
It appears that you have time after all.
Start a new engine while still things to do on the old? LOL. I am still awaiting the opportunity to use the PhysX hardware(three years after). The ONLY reason i buy the Physx license. JV-ODE was perfect for me (Happy customer). You neglected your customers.
Of course, developing for iPhone is more profitable. :( :( :(

Thanks to you (and few). I now an ABSOLUTE rule : NEVER use for a professional application or a sérious application a tool developed by a "one member team".

Xors Team(Posted 2010) [#42]
Hello, first of all.

You claim you are waiting for hardware support for three years. It means that XorsTeam and Xors3d and anything else with a prefix 'Xors' haven't yet existed. You've purchased PhysX Wrapper for Blitz3d, developed by Render.
Render was working in our team till December '09. Then he suddenly left our team. He is the author and owner of PhysX Wrapper for Blitz3d (and its version for Xors3d called [Phi]sics) and he should support his product. So how could we account for something we didn't create? rubux.support@... or render@... - here is how you can connect him.

By the way. We didn't deny those users who have bought [Phi]sics in one bundle with Xors3d. XorsTeam is now developing a new physics system for Xors3d which will be integrated more tightly. All present users of Xors3d will receive a new version with physics support for free.
So, please, don't say that we neglect our customers.

<upd> If you have version 1.13, find in the decls pxSetHardwareSimulation.

ZJP(Posted 2010) [#43]
Render was working in our team till December '09...

Oh Sorry. I missed the post that informs customers. As the link to contact him. The archives of January may have disappeared. It's humor of course.

It means that XorsTeam and Xors3d and anything else with a prefix 'Xors' haven't yet existed. You've purchased PhysX Wrapper for Blitz3d, developed by Render.

I am pleased to learn that the team Xors3D contains no member of Rubux and Xors3D has no liability to Rubux's customers

If you have version 1.13, find in the decls pxSetHardwareSimulation.

This does not work. You should better read the post found on YOUR website. :(

Tired of spending money on libs (or tools) developed in a garage. Drap and Drop Physx to Trash. End of story and next...


PS :
Someone has news about Andreyman or Itmbin (Another "one team member physic coder")?

Mike0101(Posted 2010) [#44]
I'm using Newton by Itmbin but his support is weak enough.

GIB3D(Posted 2010) [#45]
It's getting really annoying paying for products that get abandoned a few days/weeks later after I buy them, or are rarely updated. PhysX Wrapper, Milkshape3D...

PhysX Wrapper is even more disappointing seeing as I'll have no way to get it back (downloading it) if I lose the installer.

Mike0101(Posted 2010) [#46]
[OFF] JV ODE and Fastlib are well supported libs right now.

GIB3D(Posted 2010) [#47]
Since the PhysX Wrapper can't be downloaded/bought doesn't that mean I don't have to follow the Licensing anymore?

Hotshot2005(Posted 2010) [#48]
Xors3D? £70? Abit pricey isnt it?

Rroff(Posted 2010) [#49]
Milkshape3D is getting on a bit now - it was well supported and developed for many years - shame that it now seems to be dying off and Milkshape3D 2 appears to be a non-starter.

Dreamora(Posted 2010) [#50]
gib3d: the wrapper still exists, its now just called differently.

and you are bound to the license under which you got your current version

GIB3D(Posted 2010) [#51]
If I'm bound by the license and it tells me I must buy another license after I sell a game and make a certain amount of money from it, how am I supposed to pay for something that isn't even being sold anymore?

Mike0101(Posted 2010) [#52]
Ho can I use together the shadow and the dof? In dof sample when dof.fx is enabled the code does'nt call the xrenderworld() function.