Bass and Avi movie

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Bass and Avi movie

ZJP(Posted 2007) [#1]

I want to build (draw) a spectrum analyser over an avi movie. Any solution to have a sort of "What you Hear is What you Get" with Abrexxes's Bass23?

ex :
Init Bass in "What you Hear is What you Get" mode
OpenMovie (Blitz3d command)
DrawMovie (Blitz3d command)
GET Avi stream audio infos
Draw the spectrum or anything
Until end of Movie
Close process


Abrexxes(Posted 2007) [#2]
"GET Avi stream audio infos"

Thats the problem. The only way to get the output data is to record the BASS_INPUT_TYPE_WAVE device. But thats really dirty and not in realtime because the Channel_Get_Data will work over the recording buffer. So you can not "grab" only your informations on the fly.

ZJP(Posted 2007) [#3]


Abrexxes(Posted 2007) [#4]
I have locked around.

What you can do is open the avi file and read out the audio stream into a bank, or a bigger one into a new temp file. After you play your video with Blitz and use the new stream in the same time for audio and Channel_Get_Data.

But AVI ist just a container, if there is an obscur divx audio format bass will be not able to play them (Blitz also not). It is possible but you must "open" the avi containers .

If you have simple PCM in your file here is some code from me to write a wav file with blitz. For a simple one dont use the SMPL Part. this was only to loop samples perfect in b3d for Sfx effects without any lib. ;)

; You dont need this global, but you can use it to see the data size of your wav file for max value
Global s_datalenght%

Graphics 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

;LoadLoopSound("test.wav",0,0) ; no loop
LoadLoopSound("test.wav",1,s_datalenght) ; maximum loop
;LoadLoopSound("test.wav",800,8000) ; what you want but not more then datalenght

musik = LoadSound ("s_temp.wav")
DeleteFile "s_temp.wav"

While Not KeyHit (1)
If KeyHit (57) Then
PlaySound (musik)
Text 10,10,"Press space to play"
Text 10,20, "Datasize = "+s_datalenght

Function LoadLoopSound(s_file$,s_start%,s_end%)

;**** Read Source Wav File *****
s_source = ReadFile (s_file)

; read RIFF header (1179011410) to see if it is a wav file
s_check = ReadInt (s_source)
      If s_check = 1179011410 Then ; RIFF found
            s_check = ReadInt (s_source)
            s_sourcesize = (s_check + 8) ; size of sourcefile
            s_check = ReadInt (s_source) ; read "wave"
If Not s_check = 1163280727 Then Return 0 ; no wave..go away with that :)
; search and read   FMT chunk for sample infos      
s_position = 12
s_goal = 0
      SeekFile s_source, s_position
            s_check = ReadInt (s_source)
                  If s_check = 544501094 Then ; FMT found
                        s_goal = 1 ; now lets read and store all the infos
                              s_fmtsize = ReadInt (s_source) ;<fmt length>  size of this chunk, normal = 16 byte from here
                              s_format = ReadShort (s_source)   ;<format tag>    sample format, normal = 1 (hex) for PCM
                              s_channels = Readshort (s_source) ;<channels>  1 = mono, 2 = stereo
                              s_rate = ReadInt (s_source) ;<sample rate>    (hz)
                              s_bytes = ReadInt (s_source) ;<bytes/second>    Sample-Rate * Block-Align
                              s_block = Readshort (s_source) ;<block align>    Channels * bits/sample / 8
                              s_bit = Readshort (s_source) ;<bits/sample>    8, 16 or 24
            s_position = s_position +1 ;FMT not found, next step
If s_goal = 1 Then Exit   ; ok    
Until Eof (s_source) = 1
If s_goal = 0 Then Return 0 ; no FMT found, Error

; search and read DATA chunk
s_position =12
s_goal = 0
      SeekFile s_source, s_position
            s_check = ReadInt (s_source)
            If s_check = 1635017060 Then ; DATA found
                  s_goal = 1
                  s_datalenght = ReadInt (s_source) ;<length> of data block
                  sbank_cache = CreateBank (s_datalenght) ; now we store the sample data
                        For i = 0 To (s_datalenght-1)
                              s_value = ReadByte (s_source)
                              PokeByte sbank_cache,i,s_value
      s_position = s_position +1 ; DATA not found, next step
If s_goal = 1 Then Exit ; ok
Until Eof (s_source) = 1
If s_goal = 0 Then Return 0 ; no DATA found, Error

CloseFile s_source ; we have what we need, all other chunks we can ignore

;**** Write temp Wav File *****

s_temp = WriteFile ("s_temp.wav") ; create a temp

;write RIFF header
WriteInt s_temp, 1179011410 ; RIFF
WriteInt s_temp, s_sourcesize-8 ;size of header
WriteInt s_temp, 1163280727 ; WAVE

;write FMT chunk
WriteInt s_temp, 544501094 ; FMT
WriteInt s_temp, s_fmtsize ;<fmt length>
WriteShort s_temp, s_format ;<format tag>
WriteShort s_temp, s_channels ;<channels>
WriteInt s_temp, s_rate ;<sample rate>
WriteInt s_temp, s_bytes ;<bytes/second>
WriteShort s_temp, s_block ;<block align>
WriteShort s_temp, s_bit ;<bits/sample>
;write SMPL chunk
WriteInt s_temp, 1819307379 ;SMPL
WriteInt s_temp, 60 ;36 + 1 sample loop section (24)
WriteInt s_temp, 0 ; Manufacturer , we dont need    
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ; ProductID , we dont need
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;Sample Period    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;MIDI Unity Note    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;MIDI Pitch Fraction    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;SMPTE Format    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;SMPTE Offset    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0 ;Num Sample Loops    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0   ;Sampler Data    ,not supported by blitzbasic

WriteInt s_temp, 0 ;Cue Point ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0 ;Type    ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, s_start ;   Start loop
WriteInt s_temp, s_end ;End loop
WriteInt s_temp, 0 ;Fraction ,not supported by blitzbasic
WriteInt s_temp, 0 ;Play Count ,not supported by blitzbasic

;write DATA chunk & data
WriteInt s_temp, 1635017060 ; DATA
WriteInt s_temp, s_datalenght ;<length>
WriteBytes (sbank_cache,s_temp,0,s_datalenght) ;sample data from bank
FreeBank sbank_cache ; we no need this longer

CloseFile s_temp

End Function 

ZJP(Posted 2007) [#5]
Thanks Again. Works on it. Another solution (maybe) with
"winmm.dll". A sort of "get sound level" API.


Abrexxes(Posted 2007) [#6]
Hmmmm.... i dont now what you want to do. If you can use wmv files, the wma plugin of bass is able to play the audiostream of wmv files....

ZJP(Posted 2007) [#7]
"Hmmmm.... i dont now what you want to do"

A sort of "BASS_ChannelGetLevel_AVI" in real time.


ZJP(Posted 2007) [#8]
Found a solution.

BLZPeekInt is in the ISL lib
Graphics 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()

Const WAVE_INVALIDFORMAT = $000 ;invalid forma
Const WAVE_FORMAT_1M08   = $001 ;11.025 kHz,Mono,   8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_1S08   = $002 ;11.025 kHz,Stereo, 8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_1M16   = $004 ;11.025 kHz,Mono,  16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_1S16   = $008 ;11.025 kHz,Stereo,16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_2M08   = $010 ;22.05  kHz,Mono,   8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_2S08   = $020 ;22.05  kHz,Stereo, 8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_2M16   = $040 ;22.05  kHz,Mono,  16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_2S16   = $080 ;22.05  kHz,Stereo,16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_4M08   = $100 ;44.1   kHz,Mono,   8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_4S08   = $200 ;44.1   kHz,Stereo, 8-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_4M16   = $400 ;44.1   kHz,Mono,  16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_4S16   = $800 ;44.1   kHz,Stereo,16-bit
Const WAVE_FORMAT_PCM    = $001
Const WHDR_DONE          = $001
Const WHDR_PREPARED      = $002
Const WHDR_BEGINLOOP     = $004
Const WHDR_ENDLOOP       = $008
Const WHDR_INQUEUE       = $010

WaveFmt = CreateBank(18)
PokeShort WaveFmt,00,WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ; FormatTag
PokeShort WaveFmt,02,1               ; Channels
PokeInt   WaveFmt,04,11025           ; SamplesPerSec
PokeInt   WaveFmt,08,11025           ; AvgBytesPerSec | BlockAlign * SamplesPerSec
PokeShort WaveFmt,12,1               ; BlockAlign | (Channels * BitsPerSample) / 8 
PokeShort WaveFmt,14,8               ; BitsPerSample
PokeShort WaveFmt,16,0               ; ExtraDataSize

WaveCaps = CreateBank(48)
Dim Device(waveInGetNumDevs())
For I = 0 To waveInGetNumDevs() - 1
	If PeekInt(WaveCaps,40) And WAVE_FORMAT_1M08 Then
		For C = 8 To 39
			Char = PeekByte(WaveCaps,C)
			If Char = 0 Then Exit
			ProductName$ = ProductName$ + Chr$(Char)
		Print "(" + Str$(Dev) + ") " + ProductName$
		ProductName$ = ""
		Dev = Dev + 1
		Device(Dev) = I

If Dev = 0 Then
	Print "Can't find a sounddevice!"
	WaitKey : End

	DevUsed = Input("Select a device(0-" + Str$(Dev - 1) + "): ")
Until DevUsed => 0 And DevUsed <= Dev - 1
DevUsed = Device(DevUsed)

DevHandle = CreateBank(4)
If PeekInt(DevHandle,0) = 0 Then
	Print "Can't open wavedevice!"
	WaitKey : End

WavData = CreateBank(1024)

WaveHead = CreateBank(32)
PokeInt WaveHead,00,BLZPeekInt(WavData+4) ; lpData
PokeInt WaveHead,04,1024              ; dwBufferLength

;SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyDown(1)
	DrawMovie film,50,50
	For I = 0 To 1023
		Line I,PeekByte(WavData,I),I,0
CloseMovie film


;.lib "winmm.dll" 
;waveInGetDevCaps%(uDeviceID,WaveInCapsPointer*,WaveInCapsStructSize) : "waveInGetDevCapsA"
;waveInOpen%(WaveDeviceInputHandle*,WhichDevice,WaveFormatExPointer*,CallBack,CallBackInstance,Flags) : "waveInOpen"
;waveInGetNumDevs%() : "waveInGetNumDevs"
;waveInClose%(WaveDeviceInputHandle) : "waveInClose"
;waveInStart%(WaveDeviceInputHandle) : "waveInStart"
;waveInReset%(WaveDeviceInputHandle) : "waveInReset"
;waveInStop%(WaveDeviceInputHandle) : "waveInStop"
;waveInAddBuffer%(InputDeviceHandle,WaveHdrPointer*,WaveHdrStructSize) : "waveInAddBuffer"
;waveInPrepareHeader%(InputDeviceHandle,WaveHdrPointer*,WaveHdrStructSize) : "waveInPrepareHeader"
;waveInUnprepareHeader%(InputDeviceHandle,WaveHdrPointer*,WaveHdrStructSize) : "waveInUnprepareHeader"