Bass Bytes2Seconds?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Bass Bytes2Seconds? 2007) [#1]

I need some help with the BASS wrapper. I am using BASSex at the moment.

Basically, to get the playback seconds of a mp3, you need to put in the main loop the following:

Position = BASS_ChannelGetPosition (Stream)
Seconds = BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Stream,Position)

(where Stream is the Bass stream playing).

Everything is correct if I just use the first line, to get Bytes played, but as soon as I add ChannelBytes2Seconds everything goes crazy and the app crashes.

I've noticed that if I put the variable "Seconds" as float, the result I have is something like 2.82343e+011...

What am I doing wrong????


Gabriel(Posted 2007) [#2]
Seconds *should* be a float.

See the header files?

float BASSDEF(BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds)(DWORD handle, QWORD pos);

Also note that pos is a QWord ( QuadWord or in other words a 64 bit integer. ) I don't know if that is causing you problems or not, but it might. You might be feeding an incorrect position value because you're only passing a 32 bit int.

If that's it, you'll need to fake a 64bit value. I expect someone has written something to do this. 2007) [#3]
Hi Gabriel,

Thanks a lot for the answer.

I will have a look at that, as it might well be where the problem lies...

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#4]
Did you found the way to convert blitz integer into qword?

I'm currently working on BASS decls for 2.3 version of BASS lib. Some functions need qwords:

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#5]

I've found the way to solve this problem.
If you need to pass QWORD value just change DECLS like this:

BASS_ChannelSetPosition Handle%, Pos ;<--QWORD, so does not work, because blitz does not support 64bit inegers

write like this:
BASS_ChannelSetPosition Handle%, Pos, Pos2

And use this function like this:
BASS_ChannelSetPosition MusicChannel, 12345, 0

You will pass lo value of 64bit qword, hi value will be set to 0.
It will be enough for usual music tracks.

Functions like BASS_ChannelGetLength or BASS_ChannelGetPosition will recieve lo 32 bit, but it is enough for usual needs too.