Bump Mapping demo & source

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Bump Mapping demo & source

Tom(Posted 2006) [#1]

This is definately more of an emboss effect.

The DX7 SDK demo seems to planar project a texture for the environment (but then again you can't move around in that bump-earth demo', here I'm using a cubemap. Not sure on how to get just a specular effect with this (less or no reflection)

From now on I'll try not to remove or change stuff in the DLL.

puki(Posted 2006) [#2]
Woof, woof

Phalastos(Posted 2006) [#3]
works fine now tom

ATI 9100 64 MB / Win98se

Paolo(Posted 2006) [#4]
Thanks again Tom :)

but, just to know it,
what's the minimun card for this?
I get both RuntimeErrors for a GForce2-32mb, altough
Blitz3D normals maps and cubemapping are working, so I think
this is a different type of bumpmapping which might be not supported, isn't it?

... and just in case, your other demo (the mirror demo) is working perfectly ...


Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#5]
unfortunalty Geforce2 cards didnt support EMBM , any radeon class will.
for Nvidia a geforce3 or better.


Mustang(Posted 2006) [#6]
Cool, thanks!

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#7]
To get a smooth not reflective specular bumpmap, you need to use a smooth light gradient, I think the earthbump demo uses a Sphere map.

I looked at the setup in the kyro2 Embm demo


Thanks Tom :)


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#8]
hey cool:)
thx a lot!
i will try to make an open source water engine by now!

can you convert this to a bumpmap please:

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#9]
You can just use a normal Map Devils child, I dont know why but they seem to work quite well and artifact less than a greyscale heightmap.

@ Tom , Can you try this.
Use a sphere map for the Env map and see how it looks.
Then dissable texture stage 0 and run it again?

does its projection change,,(seem to on here)

Do we have to tell b3d to Clamp the spheremap now?


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#10]
i want to convert this water animated texture into a bump map, but i don't know how to do it. photoshop cs doesnt seem to do this.

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#11]
only problem might be in converting a animated Texture to a bump or normal map is that it might get a border on the tile edges.
Ill give it a try tho :)


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#12]
is no problem...
please send it to devils.child@....
thx :)

puki(Posted 2006) [#13]
I found it most exciting.

Still, I have a new task for you:

On your site you have your free models (which I found a long time ago) - Ork, Wizard, Elf and Skeleton. I suggest you make more of these and sell them.

Next week is fine by me - I don't mind if you prioritise this over the DX stuff - frankly, it would suit my needs.

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#14]
sent, hopefully there wont be any seams in it


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#15]
thank you, i'll begin now with the water effect :)

Tom(Posted 2006) [#16]
Do we have to tell b3d to Clamp the spheremap now?

Yeh this is the problem as I see it, it's not that you need to clamp it, it's that we need to offset the cameras projection matrix to the texture is projected from the lights view, right?

I have some code I'm using for shadow maps in which I do just this, I'll try and see if it works well here.

Otherwise, you'd need to render a cubemap every time you moved a light (I think?)

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#17]
this is what i got yet(within one hour):

as soon as it is ready it will be free and open source

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#18]
Looks pretty good Devils Child,
If you remove the 256 flag when loading the Textures Blitz will try to mipmap the bump texture...it cause some artifacts but performance increases and theres less pixel swim.

Yeah the EMBM demo's ive seen that have a moving light use projected textures.
Stbmicro/powerVR seems to have removed all the Dx7 sdk demo's from thier site.
That had some good embm stuff.

also Is it possible to do projected Cubemaps in Dx7? (like in unreal 2k3)


Tom(Posted 2006) [#19]
Looking good Devil, is that using the animated bumpmap from above?

Zmatrix: You can project a texture using my DLL and a little code trickery, I'll post a demo of that shortly. The only problem I can see is that there's no culling of the projected textures (they project right through the mesh)

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#20]
yes, thx!
it is the using the bump map of the water texture above^^

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#21]
Hows it coming along Devil?

I would have thought there would be more interest in Embm, atleast for water and metal effects.

Tom , what if I used your RTT functions did 3 render passes? ambient textured/ bumpmap textures, lighting with no textures.
and then used the textures on a quad/ like the fullscreen effets demo.
The third texture should work as a lightmap for the bumpmaps.

Ill try it later, the problem I forsee is the bump offset will remain constant, distant object may apear as 2 one of them ghosted.

but in theory it should be a way to use 8 vertex lights with Embm


Dock(Posted 2006) [#22]
"no hardware support"
I'm using Intel Extreme on board video on my laptop.
I suppose it could be disabled for PCs like this though.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#23]
Nice !! i hope that the water don't bug with object alpha
like trees etc :)

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#24]

i have got problems with my uploading, so you have to replace these images with any others... or zmatrix could maybee upload the water animated bump textures??

Zmatrix(Posted 2006) [#25]
I dont have anywhere to host it, but if someone does/or needs it, I can email it to them :)


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#26]
ok, problems with upload solved, here it is:

http://xware.chat-blitz.de/scripts/upload/ENBM Water.zip

i am not going to make it flexible, may i implemet this into the devilshadowsystem...

Barliesque(Posted 2006) [#27]
Try this instead...


markcw(Posted 2006) [#28]
i get "No Hardware support for Luminance Bump Mapping!" on my ati radeon ve/win98se/dx8.1

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#29]
try to disable the "runtimeerror" command at this line.
if it works, its ok, otherwise install windows XP.

Chroma(Posted 2006) [#30]
Disregard...I got it working. It was conflicting with the dx7sshad.decls I got from a demo awhile back.

Chroma(Posted 2006) [#31]
Tom, the mirror effect looks great!

But...how about just plain old bump mapping. I'm having some problems getting it to work.

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#32]
i had the same problem. my cubemap has been offsetted by the power of ENBM. the solution to this problem is, to play with the values to the command setenbminfo()..
use negative values.
if you still don't know check out my shadow system where you willl find the command

miez(Posted 2006) [#33]
Maybe this is a dumb question (but I'll ask it anyway) - this bumpmapping effect affects all "layer 1" textures, right? Is there any way to limit the effect to just one or more entities? I'm using multi-texture entities and I'd like to use the effect on some, but not on some others. Any help would be appreciated.

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#34]
so am i.
i would also like to push the ENBM texture to the last layer(7). this would make it even more flexible...

Happy Sammy(Posted 2007) [#35]
Hi all,

Where could we download the zip file?

Thanks in advance.