Windows 8 : Get Touch Screen fast response Mode ?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Windows 8 : Get Touch Screen fast response Mode ?

Osoko(Posted 2014) [#1]
I was using this Decls for TouchScreen Under Windows 7

.lib "User32.dll"

; Touchscreen

Api_GetTouchInputInfo% (hTouchInput%,cInputs%,pInputs*,cbSize) : "GetTouchInputInfo"
Api_RegisterTouchWindow(Hwnd%,TWFFlag%) : "RegisterTouchWindow"
Api_UnRegisterTouchWindow(Hwnd%) : "UnregisterTouchWindow"
Api_SetGestureConfig(Hwnd%,dwReserved%,GestureConfigID%,GestureType*,SizeOfTypeCreated%): "SetGestureConfig"
APi_WindowProc(Hwnd%,Umsg%,wParam%,lParam%) : "WindowProc"
Api_GetContactIndex(dwID%) : "GetContactIndex"
Api_FindWindow% (lpClassName$, lpWindowName$) : "FindWindowA"

i was using

api_RegisterTouchWindow(hWnd,TWF_WANTPALM) for ultra fast response on touch : this disable gesture recognization procedure.

With hWnd = api_FindWindow("Blitz Runtime Class", MyAppsTitle$)
ANd TWF_WANTPALM = $00000002

Win8 use now a WM_POINTER !

If someone has any indication how to use it correctly for fast response. I prefer to desactivate gesture dectection for fast response that was the purpose of TWF_WANTPALM parameter and work's perfectly in Win 7 : Instant response to the touch.