Object does not exist!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Object does not exist!

Yue(Posted 2013) [#1]
Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but in my mind all logic is correct.

Type Cars
Field Id%
End Type
Local Car1.Cars = New Cars
For Car1.Cars = Each Cars
Car1.Cars\Id% = 2000
Print (Car1.Cars\Id%) ; Here!!Object does not exist

Last edited 2013

Last edited 2013

Last edited 2013

Floyd(Posted 2013) [#2]
A loop variable is incremented at the end of the loop. If it is still in range then the body of the loop is executed again.
For n = 1 To 5
	Print n
Print n

The same thing happens in your example. Car1 is "incremented" until it runs off the end of the list. Then the loop is exited with Car1 = Null.

Axel Wheeler(Posted 2013) [#3]
In other words, the loop ended because Car1 no longer pointed to a Cars instance. That's how those loops know to end. Car1 went off the end of the list, so to speak.

The solution is to point Car1 to the Cars instance you want it to point to. If you want it to be the last Cars instance then just:

Car1.Cars=last Cars
Print (Car1.Cars\ID%

should do it (I think).

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#4]
; Hi Yue, you might have been trying to do something like this:


Axel Wheeler(Posted 2013) [#5]
In other words, you cannot just get the 'nth' instance of a type, the way you can with an array. This is because the system doesn't keep track of that info, because it doesn't know how many there will be. Flexibility in scale means it's harder to get to a specific one by number.

The solutions are either to use an array as Virtland suggests above (if you know how many there will be), or write a function that iterates through each time you need to find one based on the number.

Below I've thrown together an example where the GetCars(n) function will return the car the way an array would (based on 0, not 1). If there is no Cars instance at that 'index' (because there aren't enough of them), it returns null, which you should handle in your code (see the example).

Local myCar.Cars,i

;Set up the Cars

For i=0 To 9
	myCar.Cars=New Cars

;Iterate through them, going one too far

For i=0 To 10
	If myCar<>Null
		Print "Car #"+i+", ID="+myCar\Id
		Print "There is no Car #"+i


Type Cars
	Field Id%
End Type

Function GetCar.Cars(n)
	Local myCar.Cars
	Local index=0
	For myCar=Each Cars
	If n>index-1 Or n<0
		Return myCar.Cars ; Which is intentionally null
		myCar.Cars=First Cars
		While index<>n
			myCar.Cars=After myCar
	Return myCar.Cars
End Function

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#6]
;I found Axel Wheeler's code inspiring.

; Here's another way to do it without storing cars in arrays:
; I tried to make it as compact as possible
; using Handle and Object commands.
; for reference look here to learn about Handle & Object.###( ):
; http://blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=53348
; http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=75556

; Note that with the Handle command, that the Handle is immediately created
;even if your code does not store the Handle anywhere,
; as in the following unusual code examples:

Print" Handle of first car = "+ Handle(First car)
cp.car = After Object.car(Handle(First car)) ; cp now points to 2nd car
h% = Handle(After Object.car(Handle(First car))) ;h is now handle of 2nd car

temp = handle(new car) ;; creates a new car instance and its handle too.

; (When not used with the Print command the Handle(..) result must
; be sent to some variable.)

Yue(Posted 2013) [#7]

I always think that I will never stop learning and never conquer the demon of ignorance that led to inside.