Enganchar camara en FastExt

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Enganchar camara en FastExt

Yue(Posted 2010) [#1]
Hi, I have a problem hooking the camera to an entity that casts a shadow on Fastext, I thought I had solved but the problem continues, showing a transparent blue box near that body that casts a shadow.

Any ideas.

Yue(Posted 2010) [#2]
Hello, please use Fastext aid, the problem is when I use a camera hooked entityparent the Jeep, the shadow does not go as it should be.

=( help me please!!!

Rob(Posted 2010) [#3]
It's possible its getting confused with parenting and local vs global coordinates.

Yue(Posted 2010) [#4]
'm in serious trouble with this, the problem happens when I hook the camera to the Jeep, but if I do not work properly. = (

Thanks for Answer.

Yue(Posted 2010) [#5]
Hi, I made a small program that shows the shadow of a cube.

Graphics3D 800,600,32,False 

Include "Includes3\FastExt.bb"
Include "Includes3\ShadowsSimple.bb"


CreateShadow 0
Global Textura = ShadowTexture()

Camara = CreateCamera()

Plano = CreatePlane()

Cubo = CreateCube()

EntityColor Cubo,255,0,0
PositionEntity Cubo,0,2,0
ScaleMesh Cubo,.5,.5,.5

PositionEntity Camara,0,1,-5

Sol = CreateLight()
RotateEntity Sol,90,0,0

Fuente = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity Fuente,.2,.2,.2
EntityColor Fuente,255,255,0
PositionEntity Fuente,0,5,0

EntityTexture Plano, Textura

ShadowLight (Fuente,3,90)
RotateEntity Fuente,90,0,0

CreateShadowCaster Cubo,0,1

;EntityParent Camara,Cubo  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =( Help Me Please!!!

While Not KeyDown(1)
	TurnEntity Cubo,0,.5,0
	Updateshadows Camara,1.0

Everything is fine, but the real problem is when I hook the camera to the hub, everything goes to hell.

Last edited 2010

Rob(Posted 2010) [#6]
I told you the problem so fix it. Don't parent it, dude.

Rob(Posted 2010) [#7]
Try this way:

1. Parent a pivot called fakecamera to the car the same as you would the normal camera.

2. Then in your main loop:

PositionEntity camera, EntityX(fakecamera,1), EntityY(fakecamera,1), EntityZ(fakecamera,1)

RotateEntity camera, EntityPitch(fakecamera,1), EntityYaw(fakecamera,1), EntityRoll(fakecamera,1)

This will leave the camera free and not a child of any mesh so you will avoid this bug. Thats the best way of dealing with stuff you're not getting quick answers for.

MikhailV(Posted 2010) [#8]
@Yue: I have understood where a problem. Camera shouldn't have the parent who is caster or receiver! Or on another... Casters and receivers shouldn't be camera or have childrens, which are camera!

Use the decision from Rob, but the fakecamera entity shouldn't be real camera (it is very undesirable) - let it will be pivot!

Last edited 2010

Yue(Posted 2010) [#9]
Hi, I appreciate the help will try what I say, I regret the inconvenience of communication that my English is bad and I avail myself of a translator.

A greeting.

Yue(Posted 2010) [#10]
Ok, everything works perfectly appreciate the help and patience paid. =)

I am a new/