Blitz3D apps won't run

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Blitz3D apps won't run

rs22(Posted 2010) [#1]

I'm having trouble running anything made with Blitz3D, even from the latest version editor. The program tries to start, displaying the small black window, but then immediately exits.

I've tried using the compatibility options on an executable file, but this has no effect.

I'm running Windows 7 Professional and have a Mobile Intel GMA 4500MHD.

It's weird though, because Blitz3D applications used to work... :\

Thanks for any help.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2010) [#2]
They used to work on the same machine? And then they stopped working withuot any hardware changes? They worked on this graphicscard before, on Win7?

Because the drivers for the latest graphicscards on win7 tend to implement DirectX7 support (that is only emulated anymore) improperly. Try to update your GMAs drivers, maybe this is going to help. ALso try other DX7 Programs and see if they fail too. Try to reinstall Blitz3D. Run DXDIAG.exe and test 3D capabilities.

Try to run a Blitz Programm that does not use Graphics3D. Read the B3D Bugreports. (Post things like this in Bug Reports next time)

Other than that I haven't got a clue.

rs22(Posted 2010) [#3]
Yes, yes, and not sure. I don't remember if I've used Blitz3D since I upgraded to Windows 7.

I updated my drivers with no luck. DirectX7 BlitzMax apps work, and so do Blitz3D SDK apps. Weird. Nothing that comes from Blitz3D works, not even something that just creates a directory or file.

I didn't post this in Bug Reports as I thought it would be a problem with my system as opposed to an issue with Blitz3D itself.

Oh well. Strange, though...

Dreamora(Posted 2010) [#4]
go into the apps properties and ensure that the extended text services are disabled (also check if DEP is enabled for all cause if so you must add it to the exceptions. optimally set it to protect system services only)

rs22(Posted 2010) [#5]
DEP is set for system services only. Where do I find the options for Extended Text Services? I tried the executable properties, but I couldn't find anything there.

Thanks for your help.

Yasha(Posted 2010) [#6]
I don't remember if I've used Blitz3D since I upgraded to Windows 7

Did you reinstall Blitz3D or just copy the folders? If you only copied it, try downloading it again and reinstalling it. I know it sounds silly but I had a similar problem once and this fixed it...

rs22(Posted 2010) [#7]
It was a fresh install.