Saving Type Fields

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Saving Type Fields

-Rick-(Posted 2009) [#1]
I've got a rather large database comprised of nested types that I want to save to a file. The structure looks like this :
type Universe
     field Galaxy_info[36]
end type

type Galaxy_info
     field system.system_info[500]
end type

type System_info
     field Planet.Planet_info[15]
end type

type planet_Info
     field (about 40 various fields)
end type

Using For/Next loops I can manage to save it all, but it takes a rather long time. I've never waited on the entire save, only going so far as about 2 min and getting to galaxy 15 before halting the code. I'm writing a program to manage game information and taking that long to save the file, especially if only some of it has been updated, just isn't going to work.

Is there some way that I can save it faster AND be able to access specific portions of it without having to resave the entire thing if some of the data changes?

Here is the current save code I'm using
Function SaveUniverseInfo()
        ;savefile$ = "Universe.dat"
	savefile = WriteFile(UniverseSave)
	WriteString savefile, SaveFileVersion
	For gal = 1 To TOTALGALAXIES ;36
		For sys = 1 To TOTALSYSTEMS ;499
			For pla = 1 To TOTALPLANETS ;15
				p.planet_info = PLANETget(gal,sys,pla)
				WriteString 	savefile, p\PlanetName
				WriteString	savefile, p\playername
				WriteInt		savefile, p\imageNum
				WriteInt		savefile, p\galaxy
				WriteInt		savefile, p\system
				WriteInt		savefile, p\planet
				WriteInt		savefile, p\slots
				WriteInt		savefile, p\slotsused
				WriteInt		savefile, p\ore
				WriteInt		savefile, p\cry
				WriteInt		savefile, p\hyd
				WriteInt		savefile, p\oremine
				WriteInt		savefile, p\crymine
				WriteInt		savefile, p\hydmine
				WriteInt		savefile, p\yard
				WriteInt		savefile, p\cap
				WriteInt		savefile, p\lab
				WriteInt		savefile, p\silo
				WriteInt		savefile, p\factory
				WriteInt		savefile, p\orehouse
				WriteInt		savefile, p\cryhouse
				WriteInt		savefile, p\hydhouse
				WriteInt		savefile, p\foundry
				WriteInt		savefile, p\laser
				WriteInt		savefile, p\armor
				WriteInt		savefile, p\weap
				WriteInt		savefile, p\shield
				WriteInt		savefile, p\part
				WriteInt		savefile, p\jet
				WriteInt		savefile, p\ai
				WriteInt		savefile, p\energy
				WriteInt		savefile, p\spy
				WriteInt		savefile, p\pulse
				WriteInt		savefile, p\plasma
				WriteInt		savefile, p\ftl
				WriteInt		savefile, p\exped
				WriteInt		savefile, p\warp
				WriteInt		savefile, p\arc
				WriteInt		savefile, p\atla
				WriteInt		savefile, p\sats
				WriteInt		savefile, p\herc
				WriteInt		savefile, p\arte
				WriteInt		savefile, p\apol
				WriteInt		savefile, p\char
				WriteInt		savefile, p\pose
				WriteInt		savefile, p\athe
				WriteInt		savefile, p\hade
				WriteInt		savefile, p\prom
				WriteInt		savefile, p\zeus
				WriteInt		savefile, p\ares
				WriteInt		savefile, p\dion
				WriteInt		savefile, p\herm
				WriteInt		savefile, p\gaia
	;CloseFile(savefile) <--- not sure if I need this?
End Function

It's been a few years since I coded in Blitz, but I keep thinking there was a way to save an entire type to a file - and I was thinking that you could also write to a specific spot so you could just alter specific changes rather than rewriting the entire save file.

Yasha(Posted 2009) [#2]
Unfortunately the only way to dump a type in one go is with Str(). That probably won't help you much here.

A file stream has a "pointer", that's incremented each time you read from or write to the stream. You can set it to a known location with SeekFile. If all your data structures are of a predictable size, this might help you update data - but you're saving strings as well, so you'll have to take their varying sizes into account.

The fastest way to get large amounts of data in and out of a file is with WriteBytes and ReadBytes (not to be confused with Read/WriteByte singular!). These copy data into or out of a bank. The fact you're only using one read/write operation makes things a whole lot faster - you can then get at the data in the bank with Peek and Poke as normal; it'll all be in the same locations in the bank as it was in the file.

And yes, you do need to CloseFile(), unless you want to chew through your memory in a hurry and corrupt your painstakingly-saved data.

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#3]
If i were you i would write a set of functions to serialise and deserialise the contents into a tagged structure. That way you can change the format at any time without corrupting the files. (that is the big disadvantage of binary files)
Also, dont worry about it being human readable, it is EASY to apply switchable encryption to both the serialiser and deserialiser when it comes to release time.

ie example data file:
   Name = Milky Way
   Stars = BloodyLoads
   (all data for this object)
      Name = blahblah   
      Size = blahblah
      Alleigence = baddies
      (all data for this object)
           Poplation =whatever
           (all data for this object)
           Poplation =whatever
           (all data for this object)
      Name = another system
      Size = blahblah
      Alleigence = baddies
      (all data for this object)
           Poplation =whatever
           (all data for this object)
           Poplation =whatever
           (all data for this object)
   Name = Andromeda


OR, even better use XML (although it is a little bit more involved than writing your own, however the advantages are exponential.


You will find this little gem very useful (you can use it to split lines, symbols and values really easily when parsing:

;USV - universally separated values - This is a handy little tool i wrote,  great for scipts for returning
;values from a String separated by any character you like. Defaults to a comma but can be anything
;eg "-" "_" "=" "|" etc...
;use: value=USV$("10,20,30" ,2  [separator$=","] ) would return 20


Function Misc_USV$(in$,which%=1,sep$=",")
	Local n% = 1
	Local offset% = 0
	Local nextoffset% = 1
	Local ValueRet$ =""
	While offset<Len(in$)
		nextoffset = Instr(in$,sep$,offset+1)
		If nextoffset = 0
			nextoffset = Len(in$)+1
			which = n
		End If
		valueret$ = Mid$(in$,offset+1,nextoffset-offset-1)
		If which = n	
			Return valueret	
		End If
		offset = nextoffset
	Return n-1
End Function

If you are interested, take a look at my EPR loader for Ted, it does something similar. (check out the "instances" and "custom" properties sections)

Jiffy(Posted 2009) [#4]
You need some groupings and flags.
like (is civilized), (has constructs), (uses energy) or some such to allow you to skip saving batches of data. Group whole systems into a hierarchy as well, so a cluster of stars has the highest cmplexity max of the highest planet. Then you won't be reading & writing so many 0's.

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#5]
You can add as many flags as you want to the structure above, if data is not needed(ie, isPopulated=false), then you dont need to include data lines like population, government or exports/imports etc.

-Rick-(Posted 2009) [#6]
Thanks for all that info guys. I'll study it and see if I can figure it out enough to implement and try.

Question for D4NM4N, are those codes for Blitz2d/3d? I don't recognize the usage of code like

I'm afraid that I don't follow Yasha well. Not familiar with Banks at all and not too sure with the usage of peek and poke (tho I did use those commands way back (like 30 years ago!) when I programmed in Atari Basic)

Still, lots to consider. Thanks again!

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#7]
They are -your- codes. They can be whatever you want them to be.

For example, this is from a reader i made a while ago:

Here is an example of reading one of the chunk of data in above function:

Notice this one above is only 1 level deep.

However, there is nothing to stop you recursing as many "sub chunks" as you like eg:
Function Readchunk_SKY(file)
        sky.SkyType = New SkyType
		key$=Replace(key$," ","")
		DebugLog chname$+":  "+Key+"   =    "+value

		Select key$
			Case "TED_Sky_Up" ;read value	                        
			Case "TED_Sky_Dp" ;read value	                        	                        
			Case "TED_Sky_Le" ;read value	                        	                        
			Case "TED_Sky_Ri" ;read value	                        	                        
			Case "[BIRD]"	
                                bird.BirdType = New BirdType
		                        key$=Replace(key$," ","")
		                        DebugLog chname$+":  "+Key+"   =    "+value

		                        Select key$
        			                Case "BirdType" ;read value	                        	
        			                Case "BirdColor" ;read value	                        
                                        if eof(file) debuglog("Error: Missing terminator on bird chunk!"
                               Until Instr(linein$,"[/SKY]")
                if eof(file) debuglog("Error: Missing terminator on sky chunk!"
	Until Instr(linein$,"[/SKY]")
end function

A better way than what i have done is use While not EOF(file) rather than repeat i guess, but it worked for me because i did not want the app to "survive" anyway if there was an error in the read.

To create the file you just do the above in reverse with writelines and for-loops. Or just use a text editor! (Simple! :)

xtremegamr(Posted 2009) [#8]
You also might want to try something like this:

Function SaveUniverseInfo()
        ;savedir$ = "Universe.dat"
	CreateDir( UniverseSave )
	;save the file version
	savefile=writefile(UniverseSave+ "\filever.txt")
		WriteString savefile, SaveFileVersion
	;save the information
	For gal = 1 To TOTALGALAXIES ;36
		For sys = 1 To TOTALSYSTEMS ;499
			For pla = 1 To TOTALPLANETS ;15
				p.planet_info = PLANETget(gal,sys,pla)
				SavePlanet(p, UniverseSave+ "\" +gal+ "-" +sys+ "-" +pla+ ".txt")
End Function

Function SavePlanet(p.planet_info, filename$)




End Function

This saves all of the planets in a folder, with each planet having it's individual file. So a planet in galaxy 6, system 5, and planet 1 would be saved in the file "6-5-1.txt"

The advantage to this approach is that you can edit a planet easily without loading the entire universe. The downside is that you have a bunch of little files to keep track of.

-Rick-(Posted 2009) [#9]
Thanks for the replies everyone! Sorry I couldn't respond sooner. Holiday travels.

I think the biggest problem I'm having is the volume of information I need to save. 36 x 499 x 15 = 269,460 separate planet records. And that's just for now. If the game increases in size then more galaxies will be added. The program I'm writing is just to keep track of game information - who you probed, what's on planets you know about, etc - and that information changes daily.

Rewriting and loading the full data file is just too much. Too much time and too much memory for that. Most of that information is just going to be zero's anyway because the scope of the environment is just too big for any 1 player to scan it all. Perhaps xtremegamer's example is the way to go. For the most part the information is going to be gained over time and build up and being able to pull up individual file information will make it fast. Over time that could create a lot of text files, but they will all be pretty small in size, again, making reading and writing fast.

I think for the moment I'm going to go that route so I can get going on the rest of the data sifting and stuff I want to get done. The hold up was saving information and I see now that trying to save and load the entire universe is foolish - especially if a player is only going to ever access less than 1% of it.

Thank you so much for all your help and direction! And happy holidays!

Warner(Posted 2009) [#10]
If you want to update only portions of a file, it is easiest to ensure every piece of information has a fixed length. Integers and Floats are allways 4 bytes, but Strings can vary their length.

Once you know which value you want to update, and you know it's location in the file, you can use the OpenFile to open an existing file, SeekFile to look up the portion you want to update, and then WriteInt/WriteFloat/WriteByte etc to write the data.
OpenFile does not create a new file. You need WriteFile to do that. But that shouldn't be a problem, since you can use FileType to determine if the file exists, and then either use WriteFile or OpenFile.

First step however, would be unifying the size of each element. For instance, allways use 64 character-strings.

-Rick-(Posted 2009) [#11]
I'd considered doing this with a png file. That way I could just create an image and save it and it would be the default universe, then each pixel I could save 3 values with, 1 stored in red, one in blue, and one in green. I'd know how many pixels represented each value, setting aside a max amount for strings, and I could just read and write to the pixels. with the color values ranging from 0 to 255 I could easily store values or asc values in there. Galaxy 1, system1, planet 1 would start at pixel 1 and use up enough pixels for each of the type values. then Planet 2 would start where that ended - each planet taking up a pre-specified chunk of the image's pixels.

If I had a word "dot" then the first pixel colors would reflect the asci values of that word. Set red to asc("d"), blue to asc("o"), and green to asc("t"). If I allowed for a maximum string length of 21 letters then I would reserve 7 pixels.

With numbers it would be about the same. Values that would be larger than 254 could be broken down. 1 pixel could hold a value of 999,999 with each color holding the num 99 - 99(red)99(blue)99(green).

I'm sure there are better ways to do it, but in the sense of getting on with the programming it would be a method that I would inherently understand rather than spending the time to learn how to poke and peek or learn banks.

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#12]
I still think that unless there is going to be a LOT of data (im talking LOADS, more than you mention above) then text based files are far more dynamic, safer, easy to debug and version proof. Once encrypted they offer as good protection as straight binary writes. (The only real advantage to mixed type 'binary' files (created with writebyte, writeint, writestring etc) is io speed and size, but i doubt that applies here).

-Rick-(Posted 2009) [#13]
I've run into a real weird problem now. The program runs fine, I'm saving the info in individual files, able to pull them up, and use them. Working on displaying the info and then suddenly I get a memory access violation error.

It happens when I add in the next text line. The syntax is good and the error occurs on an image not existing that is right there in memory. If I take out that text line then it all works fine.

My best guess is that somewhere I didn't close a save file or something, although on my initial examination I don't see that. Going to have to go through with a fine tooth comb I guess.

Sigh. I hate wasting time on things like this.

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#14]

It usually means you are writing or reading a wrong data type or are overrunning your items dataarea or hitting EOF.
This is what I meant about bin files being non-dynamic. The data must be read in the exact same typeorder it was written. (a big problem if you may be adding or removing data items and changing your mind throughout development. It also means you need to write data for every field even if it is not needed (eg has value zero, empty or false))

Sigh. I hate wasting time on things like this.
Then use a tagged structure like i said :D
If you give me the type specs i can help you get started on a writer/reader.
It will save you hours of headscratching and you can even edit/tweak your universes in wordpad while the files are unencrypted.