MMORPG Network Setup

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/MMORPG Network Setup

Luke111(Posted 2009) [#1]
So I have been recently thinking about creating an mmorpg with B3D and i have a network setup I think you guys would like. Modem goes into a hub, which connects to a wireless gigabyte connection router. The router connects to a unix firewall with a unix server bridged to it wirelessly. you could add some other stuff on it, or maybe add diagnostics and a kill switch in case hackers do get in(pretty much a lagswitch attached to the router into the hub). Just an idea.

Jasu(Posted 2009) [#2]
Hmm, don't wireless connections increase lag? Talking about a few millisecs, but still... And with MMORPG's, probably you should go with optical fibers anyway.

Not trying to kill your enthusiasm; planning network setup is fun. Getting it working and keeping it that way is less so.

Mahan(Posted 2009) [#3]
1.) Modems (ASL?) generally have a quite low up-stream speed. In an MMORPG of today (that is based on servers, and no P2P technique) upstream is insanely important.

Example: Consider 100 players standing in a room looking at a certain player. Suddenly the player starts to move in some direction. All the 100 players need to be given notification about this change ASAP. Also they need updates every now and then on new locations where the player is heading, for realistic updates. Now consider a room with 100 player which of whom 20 are in movement. All 100 players need pretty constant updates of all 20 moving player locations. See the upstream capacity need?

2.) "Kill Switch" in an small environment is merely pulling the plug. No need for unix to do that.

3.) Better (that #2 kill switch) lay some energy on making the network quite secure in the "normal case":

3a.) Configure a firewall on your *nix-boxen for DDOS mitigation.
3b.) Write the protocol fairly tamper resistant by encrypting the whole communication stream and additionally engineer a systematic safe-guard design to all your state-types that are streamed across the network. (i.e. always checksum, check length of random-length data. Have a mechanism that rejects overflows etc.)

4.) As Jasu said -> Skip the wireless. This is the one box you want to have an ethernet cable to the switch for. :-) Even if wireless is pretty good today, external disturbances can easily cause 500ms+ lag. Nothing you will see much while surfing, but an MMORPG server is on the other hand not you average Firefox :-)