
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Calculator?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hi all! I have decided to go back to school possibly in winter or spring. I'm designing a calculator that contains all the knowledge of algebra to calculus.

now im having a few problems. im having a tough time getting the buttons in the right positions.

the 2nd problem is i cant get the function to show the calculation of what button the user hit.

the last problem is idk how to make the textbox readonly.

Graphics3D 1024,768,0,2
Include "includes\"
LoadColourScheme( "misc\slate.cs" )
Initialise( )
Global exitcase
xvalueChar = (GraphicsWidth()/2)-width*(0.57)
yvalueChar = (GraphicsHeight()/2)-height*(0.57)
win002 = Window( xvalueChar, yvalueChar, width, height, "Calculator", "0", 0, 0, 0, 0 )
Dim buttons(10)
;width And height relative To viewport
bwidth = width / 10
bheight = height / 15
;offset x,y relative To viewport
bts_left = width / 10
bts_top = height / 15
;Create 10 buttons
For i = 1 To 10
x = x + 1
If x = 3 Then
y = y + 1
x = 0
End If
;calculate screen position
xx = x * bwidth + bts_left
yy = y * bheight + bts_top
;make caption
s$ = i
If i = 10 Then s$ = "0"
buttons(i) = Button( xx,yy, bwidth, bheight, s$, "0", 1, 0, 0)
Global butmultiply = Button( buttonmultiplyx,buttonmultiplyy, bwidth, bheight, "*", "0", 1, 0, 0 )
Global butdivide = Button( buttondividex,buttondividey, bwidth, bheight, "/", "0", 1, 0, 0 )

ans1 = TextBox((width-xvalueChar/2), 10, 92, 21, 0, 0, 18, 10, 0 )
SendMessage( ans, "WM_READONLY", 0, "" )
SendMessage( win002, "WM_SETLOCKED" )
;Windows must only be set as modal after
;the interface has been created.
SendMessage( win002, "WM_SETMODAL" )
exitcase = 0

While Not KeyHit(1)

	;Draw the GUI and update the mouse
	UpdateGUI(  )
	;Event Handling
	Select app\Event
			Select app\WindowEvent
			End Select
			Select app\MenuEvent
			End Select
			Select app\GadgetEvent
			Case chk001
			mysex = 1
			Case chk002
			mysex = 2
			Case chk003
			goodorbad = 1
			Case chk004
			goodorbad = 2
			Case sendbut
				ans1=SendMessage(ans1, "TM_GETTEXT")
				;check to see if name has been entered
			End Select
	End Select
	;Draw the mouse
	DrawMouse(  )
	;Reset all GUI events
	ResetEvents(  )


Function returnans()
If but0 <> 0 Then ans1 = 0
If but1 <> 0 Then ans1 = 1
If but2 <> 0 Then ans1 = 2
If but3 <> 0 Then ans1 = 3
If but4 <> 0 Then ans1 = 4
If but5 <> 0 Then ans1 = 5
If but6 <> 0 Then ans1 = 6
If but7 <> 0 Then ans1 = 7
If but8 <> 0 Then ans1 = 8
If but9 <> 0 Then ans1 = 9
ans1=SendMessage(ans1, "TM_GETTEXT")
Return ans1
End Function

Any help is GREATLY appreciated! :)


D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#2]
It might be possible with some proper formatting.. so we can read it. :P

Ginger Tea(Posted 2009) [#3]
well its using an include that im pretty sure i dont have ...

yegods a calculator taking up the whole screen, even if it does contain every button known to mathmatics
the basic calculator in windows is very tidy and compact (even in scientific form) and accepts number row and numpad inputs as well as the slower mouse

clicking the buttons? well aside for special functions etc i sure hope (as with windows calc) you allow numpad keys for data entry

GIB3D(Posted 2009) [#4]
Why not make a 3D Calculator using a cube, you could have 6 (5?) times more buttons and all you have to do to click them is use CameraPick.

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#5]
I'm really curious about the inclusion of calculus, I am guessing you'll need a library for these functions, but it would be neat if you could share how you're approaching it!