Need help destroying gui entities..

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Need help destroying gui entities..

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hi all, as most of you know I have been working on a character creator.

There is but 2 probs I have found while combining my character creator with rpg.

I need character creator to be in a function. i need that function to return a value. and the problem is after return, even though pmodel = player1, it still says "entity does not exist". after returning the value of pmodel to player\model, i need to free all the stuff from the character creator itself.

now i cant seem for some reason to free anything and clearworld() after i return the value. i can only do 1 or the other


AppTitle "Beta RPG"

;Include ""

Dim playermesh(1)

Include "includes/"

Global sky1

Global showbox

Global mh

Global mayturn

Global playerchosen

Global characreate

Global newid

AppTitle "characreate"

Global welcome = SFX_Load("media\welcome.wav", "group1", False)

Global origx# = 0
Global origy# = 0
Global pos_x# = 5
Global pos_y# = 10

Global HWND=SystemProperty("ApphWnd")
Global HWND_TOP = 3

Global gfxw,gfxh,gfxd,gfxmode,maxblocks
maxblocks = 0

Const FPS=60
Global period=1000/FPS
Global time=MilliSecs()-period

Global pmodel

gui_mode = 1




AmbientLight 255,255,255

Sky = CreateSphere(100)
ScaleEntity Sky,500, 500, 500
EntityOrder sky, 9
FlipMesh Sky
EntityColor Sky,68,207,252

Type TFlare
    Field Ent%                ; Sprite Flare
    Field Ray%                ; Cone affichant les rayons
    Field RayR#                ; Roll du rayon
    Field Cam%                ; la Camera affectée par la lumiere
    Field Light%            ; la lumiere generant le flare
    Field Size%,Z#            ; dimension du sprite
    Field force#            ; alpha courant pour le flare
    Field ToForce#            ; alpha destination .
    Field texF%                ; texture du flare
    Field TexR%                ; texture de rayons
End Type

Global LVL
Global EXPR
Global HP
Global MAXHP
Global MP
Global MAXMP
Global ATK

Global alpha#

Global fade_001

Global fademode

fademode = 002

Global alight

Global light#

Global min_alp#

Global max_alp#

Global min_lig#

Global max_lig#

If fademode = 1
alpha# = 0.0
light# = 0.0
Else If fademode = 2
alpha# = 1.0
light# = 1.0
Else If fademode = 001
alpha# = 0.0
light# = 0.0
Else If fademode = 002
alpha# = 1.0
light# = 1.0

min_alp# = 0.0

min_lig# = 1.0

max_alp# = 1.0

max_lig# = 254.0

;n =0
;n2 = 0
;n1 = 0

Global T = CreatePlane()
EntityColor T, 68,207,0
EntityShininess T, 1
EntityAlpha T, .5
;Global T = LoadTerrain("Heightmaps/terrain256.bmp")
Ttex = LoadTexture("Colourmaps/c_terrain256.bmp")
Global Panel = LoadImage("Panel.png")
Global goldicon = LoadImage("coin.png")
Global goldtex = LoadTexture("coin.png")
Global poticon = LoadImage("ffxiipotion0wb4.jpg") ;potion
Global deathsound = LoadSound("wdeath.wav")
Global losesound = LoadSound("gameover.wav")
Global zapsound = LoadSound("zap.wav")
Global lvlupsound = LoadSound("peakwind.wav")
Global hitsound = LoadSound("wpain.wav")
Global goldsound = LoadSound("gold.wav")
Global theitem
ScaleTexture Ttex,256,256
EntityTexture T,Ttex
ScaleEntity T,32,100,32

RotateEntity light, 45.0, 0, 0

Global test

test = sky

Global test2

Global test3

Global obj1 = test

Global obj2 = test2

Global multiple

Global health1

Global magic1

multiple = 1

;Setup Camera

Global Camera = CreateCamera()
;CameraViewport Camera,0,0,width,height
CameraRange Camera,1,1000

    ; Texture "flou"
    FlareTex=    TEX_SunFlare    (256)

    ; la lumiere ( soleil )
    Local SunRx#    =    -50
    Local SunRy#    =    +30
    SunPiv    =    CreatePivot        (camera)
    ; lumiere directionnelle !
    lit        =    CreateLight        (1,SunPiv)
    sun        =    CreateSphere    (100.5,SunPiv) ;(8,SunPiv)
                ScaleEntity        (sun,4,4,4)
                EntityOrder        (sun,100)
                EntityColor        (sun,1024, 1024, 1024) ;(sun,255,240,220)
                MoveEntity        (sun,0,0,20)
		EntityBlend       (sun,3)
		;EntityAlpha       (sun, .5)
                EntityFX        (sun,12);1

    halo    =    CreateSprite    (sun)
                ScaleSprite        (halo,6,6)
                EntityAlpha        (halo,.2)
                EntityOrder        (halo,101)
                EntityFX        (halo,9)
                EntityTexture    (halo,FlareTex)
                EntityBlend        (halo,3)

                RotateEntity    (SunPiv,SunRx,SunRy,0,1)

    ; Flare => eblouissement
    fsize    =    256
    Flare    =    FLR_Create        (Camera,Sun,4,-100,FlareTex)

;Setup Player

Type Player
	Field model,hp,attack,maxhp,experience,nextlvl,lvl,maxattack,cooled,Current#,maxtime#
	Field mp,maxmp
End Type

player.Player = New Player
If player\lvl < 1 Then player\lvl = 1
player\lvl = LoadFile("LVL")
player\nextlvl = 100
player\experience = 0
player\model = pmodel
If player\model<>0 EntityColor player\model,255,105,0

If player\model<>0 MoveEntity player\model,50,0,50
player\hp = 15^5
player\maxhp = 15^5
player\mp = 15^5
player\maxmp = 15^5
player\attack = 1
player\maxattack = 2
player\cooled = True
player\maxtime# = 3
player\current# = 3.0

;semi-colon means comment out line.

;Global Name$ = "01"

;If Name$ = "" Then WB3D_Notify "ERROR","No name was chosen for username..",0 : End

LVL = player\lvl
NEXTLVL = player\nextlvl
EXPR = player\experience
HP = player\hp
MAXHP = player\maxhp
MP = player\mp
MAXMP = player\maxmp
ATK = player\attack
MAXATK = player\maxattack
COOLED = player\cooled
MAXTIME# = player\maxtime#
CURRENT# = player\current#

health1 = player\hp/player\maxhp
magic1 = player\mp/player\maxmp

;EntityFX sky, 1

;Global Sprite = CreateSprite()
;	ScaleSprite Sprite,2,1 ;.5,.25

;Global Sprite2 = CreateQuad(.5,.25,0)
;	ScaleMesh Sprite2,-4,4,4
;Global SpriteTexture = CreateNameTexture(1+16+32)
;	EntityTexture Sprite,SpriteTexture
;	EntityTexture Sprite2,SpriteTexture

;EntityParent Sprite,player\model
;PositionEntity Sprite,MeshWidth(player\model)/8,MeshHeight(player\model)/2+2,0

;EntityParent Sprite2,player\model
;PositionEntity Sprite2,-MeshWidth(player\model)/8,MeshHeight(player\model)/2+2,0

test2 = player\model

;Update Hostile
IDLE = 1
DEAD = 3
FLEE = 4

Type Hostile
	Field model,hp,attack,attackrange,state,target.player,ox,oz,fleepivot,cooled,Current#,maxtime#
End Type

Global RESETR = False
Global GOLD = 0
Dim inventory(9)
For A = 1 To 9
Inventory(A) = False
SeedRnd MilliSecs()


For X = 1 To 25


While Not KeyHit(1)

	Until elapsed

	;how many 'frames' have elapsed	
	;fractional remainder
	tween#=Float(elapsed Mod period)/Float(period)
	For k=1 To ticks
		If k=ticks Then CaptureWorld

    If MouseDown(1) Or MouseDown(2)
      For p.player = Each player
        TurnEntity p\model,0,-MouseXSpeed(),0
;        TurnEntity camera,+MouseYSpeed(),0,0
	If RESETR = True
		RESETR = False
		Goto reset

final=FadeScreen(min_alp#, max_alp#, min_lig#, max_lig#, fademode, land, test, test2, multiple)

	If MouseHit(1)
		DebugLog MouseX() + "," + MouseY()

	RenderWorld tween
;	Text 25, 10, "Health"
;	Text 25, 35, "Magic"
;	Color 0,0,0
;	Rect 495,32,150,15
;	Color 100,100,100
;	Rect 500,35,150,13
;	Color 0,0,0
;	Rect 24,24,102,7
;	Color 255,0,0
;	Rect 25,25,player\hp*(100.0/player\maxhp),5
;	Color 0,0,0
;	Rect 495,22,150,15
;	Color 100,100,100
;	Rect 500,35,150,13
;	Color 0,0,0
;	Rect 24,84,102,7
;	Color 0,255,0
;	Rect 25,45,player\mp*(100.0/player\maxmp),5
;	DrawImage Panel,ImageWidth(Panel)/8,ImageHeight(Panel)/8

;    mage=Createbar(10, 40, "Magic", 0, 255, 0, 127, 127, 127, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 10, 55, player\mp*(100.0/player\maxmp), 2, 10, 50, player\mp*(100.0/player\maxmp), 2, 10, 52, player\mp*(100.0/player\maxmp), 2)

;	Populate_Bar("HP")
;    Populate_Bar("MP")
	Text 807,418,GOLD
	Color 0,0,0
	Rect 0,100,150,500
	Color 255,0,0
	Text 5,100,"        Level " + player\lvl
	Text 5,120,"HP: " + player\hp + "/" + player\maxhp
	Text 5,140,"MP: " + player\mp + "/" + player\maxmp
	Text 5,160,"Dmg: " + player\attack + " - " + player\maxattack
	Text 5,180,"Exp: " + player\experience + "/" + player\nextlvl
	Text 5,200,"alpha="+alpha#	
	Text 5,220,"fademode="+fademode
	Text 5,240,"multiple="+multiple

LabelEntity(Camera, player\model, "AA")



Function load_gui()



temp = CreatePlane()

playermesh(0) = LoadAnimMesh("media/ninja.b3d")
playermesh(1) = LoadAnimMesh("markio/mariorun.x")

For x = 0 To 1
HideEntity playermesh(x)

Local defaultsky

Local player1 = LoadAnimMesh("media/ninja.b3d")

AmbientLight 255,255,255

Local cam = CreateCamera()
CameraRange cam, 1, 1000 : PositionEntity cam, 0, 1, 0
ScaleEntity player1, .5, .5, .5
RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
PositionEntity player1, 0, 0, 8
Animate player1, 2
Local im
Local background
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

im = LoadAnimImage("filmstrip2.png", 32, 32, 0, 2)
MidHandle im

background = LoadImage("bricktex.jpg")

imbg = LoadImage("filmbg.png")

mouseicon = LoadImage("sword.png")
ResizeImage mouseicon, 64, 64
HandleImage mouseicon, 0, 64

If gfxw = 1600
width = GraphicsWidth() Shr 2-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()/1.5
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
If gfxmode = 2 Then api_MoveWindow(HWND, 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), $000A)
Else If gfxw = 1280 And gfxh = 960
imwidth = 64
imheight = 64
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 1152
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 1024
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 720
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 400
width = GraphicsWidth()/2-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 32
imheight = 32
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 800
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
imwidth = 32
imheight = 32
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight

;If Not AnimSeq(player1) = 1

While Not KeyHit(1)

If sky1=1 Then PositionEntity sky1,EntityX(player1),EntityY(player1),EntityZ(player1)
If defaultsky=1 Then PositionEntity defaultsky, EntityX(player1),EntityY(player1),EntityZ(player1)

mx = MouseX()
my = MouseY()

old_mouse_x = cur_mouse_x ;this is the line where i define the old variable for mousex()
cur_mouse_x = MouseX()/2 ;this is the new mousex()
mouse_x_delta = cur_mouse_x-old_mouse_x ;this is the current mousex() ;this is what im going to use in the y value of "turnentity player1"
characreate = newchar ;this is the old characreate
newchar = 0 ;this is the new characreate
newfinal = newchar ;this is the value i will use to change characreate to 0 only if you are not mousing over a block.
oldselect = newselect
newselect = 0
newsfinal = newselect

mh = MouseHit(1)
omousedown = newmouse_down
newmouse_down = MouseDown(1)
fmousedown = newmouse_down

If player1 <> 0
	If fmousedown And mayturn = 0
		If mx > ImageWidth(background)
     TurnEntity player1, 0, mouse_x_delta, 0
Else If mx < ImageWidth(background) Or mx > GraphicsWidth()-1
     RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0


If Not mayturn Then fmousedown = 0
If (which <> 0) And mayturn = 1 Then mayturn = 0

	If mx < 0 Then mx = 0
	If my < 0 Then my = 0
	If mx > GraphicsWidth() Then mx = GraphicsWidth()
	If my > GraphicsHeight() Then my = GraphicsHeight()

If KeyDown(29) <> KeyDown(57) Or KeyDown(57) <> KeyDown(29)

If KeyDown(29)
	MoveEntity cam, 0, .1, 0
Else If KeyDown(57)
MoveEntity cam, 0, -.1, 0


MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, (KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208) Or KeyDown(17) - KeyDown(31))*1
TurnEntity cam, 0, (KeyDown(203) - KeyDown(205) Or KeyDown(30) - KeyDown(32))*1, 0


DrawImage background, origx#+pos_x#, origy#+pos_y#

If mh
	For x = 0 To 1
		For y = 0 To maxblocks
			imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
			imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_x#)
			If ImageRectOverlap(im, imx,imy,mx,my,1,1)
				which = y * 2 + x
				selected = which
				If which <> oldwhich Then
				HideEntity player1
				ShowEntity playermesh(which)
				player1 = playermesh(which)
				   If which = 0 PositionEntity player1,0,0,8
				   If which = 1 PositionEntity player1,0,0,8
				   If which = 0 Animate player1,1
				   If which = 1 Animate player1,1
					If which = 0 Then ScaleEntity player1, .5,.5,.5 : RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
					If which = 1 Then  ScaleEntity player1, .15,.15,.15 : RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
					oldwhich = which
				Else If which = oldwhich
					showbox = 1

For x = 0 To 1
    For y = 0 To maxblocks
     imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
     imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_y#)
        DrawImage im, imx, imy, which
		DrawImage imbg, imx-ImageWidth(imbg)/2, imy-ImageHeight(imbg)/2

For x = 0 To 1
    For y = 0 To maxblocks
     imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
     imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_y#)
  If (which = selected) Or ImageRectOverlap(im, imx,imy, mx,my,1,1)
         characreate = 1
         Color 150,150,150
           Rect imx-ImageWidth(im)/2, imy-ImageHeight(im)/2, ImageWidth(im), ImageHeight(im), 0
           Rect imx-ImageWidth(im)/2+1, imy-ImageHeight(im)/2+1, ImageWidth(im), ImageHeight(im), 0

If selected And which = 0
Color 0,0,0
Text imx-StringWidth("Ninja")/2-1, imy-StringHeight("Ninja")/2-1, "Ninja"
Color 102,102,255
Text imx-StringWidth("Ninja")/2, imy-StringHeight("Ninja")/2, "Ninja"
Else If selected And which = 1
Color 0,0,0
Text imx-StringWidth("Markio")/2-1, imy-StringHeight("Markio")/2-1, "Markio"
Color 68,207,255
Text imx-StringWidth("Markio")/2, imy-StringHeight("Markio")/2, "Markio"

If KeyDown(44) = 0
DrawImage mouseicon, mx, my

Color 0,0,0

Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2, "x"+EntityX(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+20, "y"+EntityY(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+30, "z"+EntityZ(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+50, "zp"+EntityZ(player1)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+60, "mx"+mx


pmodel = player1

MessageBox(SystemProperty("ApphWnd"), pmodel, player1, 0)

Return pmodel

;FreeEntity player1
;FreeEntity temp
;FreeEntity sky1
;FreeEntity defaultsky
;FreeEntity sky1
;FreeEntity cam
;FreeImage background
;FreeImage mouseicon
;FreeImage im

End Function

ANY help is GREATLY appreciated, ANY criticism is GREATLY ignored! :)



_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#2]
I had some difficulty finding my way around your code, at what point does the error appear?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#3]
Well. its not an ACTUAL error. What it does is the entities from the character creator are somehow still loaded. the PROBLEM is in function "load_gui()", i need it to return a value 1ST THEN destroy the gui. the problem is, i cant do that as u cant put freeentity or freeimage or ANYTHING under a return..

which is also making player\model non-existant, because there IS no character it loaded. thats what it thinks at least.

the part im having trouble with:

function load_gui()


Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#4]
if u want, i can tab the data i gave to you.


_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#5]
Well, you have this:

Global pmodel

gui_mode = 1


but in the load_gui function,

player1 = playermesh(which)
which (Provided 'which' is valid, I assume you are using to select the model for Player1.

However, a bit further down you are using 'which' again, still within the loop but for an image frame:
     imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
     imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_y#)
        DrawImage im, imx, imy, which

So, t's possible, when looping back again, 'which' is greater than the selection available for playermesh() values and that's the problem, when finally:

pmodel = player1
(Just before the MessageBox)

'player1' despite being given a value, is not a correct mesh handle.

I would suggest checking the values of "which" at the point where
player1 = playermesh(which)

or using different variable labels.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#6]
yes. which is both player id, and icon id.

i did that for easy use

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#7]
HOWEVER. player\model returns a value in the 8 digits, like this:


kinda makes me wonder..


Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#8]
Ok. I have a screenshot for u


also, i changed dim playermesh(1)

to: dim playermesh(99999999)

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#9]
I'm really confused about a lot of the aspects in your code.

It may be best if you work on re-structuring it going through each section and making sure they work individually, otherwise, it gives me a headache trying to follow it through.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#10]
ok. well player\model = pmodel

global maxids = 16 ;how many maximum ids are stored

global maxblocks = 0 ;2 blocks for every block so 0 would = 0 AND 1 = 1 AND 2, and so on up to 8 blocks (which would definitely be 16 blocks)

dim playermesh(maxid) ;maxids of playermesh again, this would definitely = 16 as theres only 16 icons

which = y*2+x ;id of selected character and is = to 0..maxblocks

player1 = loadmodel(which)

loadmodel(which) loads the model depending on its id using player1 = playermesh(which)

and pmodel is returned as pmodel=player1

in the function "loadmodel(which)"

that should explain it ^^

Flemmonk(Posted 2009) [#11]
Please go to the help section of your Blitz3D, in there is a "Basic Tutorials" section, read and complete that.

After you have completed then check under the Help section again for "Language Reference" in there is a section on the left called "Variables" under there you will find the answer to your question.

Sorry I could not be of much more help, but this will surely help you more in the long run.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#12]
ok. this doesnt help.

it tells me what i already know

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#13]
global maxids = 16 ;how many maximum ids are stored

global maxblocks = 0 ;2 blocks for every block so 0 would = 0 AND 1 = 1 AND 2, and so on up to 8 blocks (which would definitely be 16 blocks)

dim playermesh(maxid) ;maxids of playermesh again, this would definitely = 16 as theres only 16 icons

which = y*2+x ;id of selected character and is = to 0..maxblocks

player1 = loadmodel(which)

loadmodel(which) loads the model depending on its id using player1 = playermesh(which)

if "y" can go up to maxblocks


Then "which" is going to increase to at least 32, maybe to 33
Despite how many icons/blocks you have, you have only two meshes, two units of data in the playermesh() array.

Did you check the value of "which" just before the point I suggested?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#14]
yes. the value of which is equal to the number of the icon. just like i said.

i did: messagebox(hwnd, which, which, 0)

and it returned the id of the block of the player that i chose when i click on it anyway.

i dont get why pmodel is still returning either nothing or a value too high for my array

i did everything right

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#15]
again. i tried everything.

but it didnt work..

Flemmonk(Posted 2009) [#16]
Did you read the help section?

Local player1 = LoadAnimMesh("media/ninja.b3d")

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#17]
what about that line?

its fine..

Flemmonk(Posted 2009) [#18]
You need to learn about variable scope and how Blitz3D works. The error message details that the Entity no longer exists, this means that it has either lost scope or has been destroyed.

I would suggest you sit down and re-write your code, use tabs, try to make it smaller and do some more debugging to find out where the entity looses scope or gets destroyed.

I can tell you now it is within the first part of your program.

Here is some much easier to read code that pretty much sums up your problem:

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#19]
OMG! Flemmonk! i realize what i did wrong.

i wrote to setgfx3d()s.

and in the wrong spot! :D


Now I have but 1 problem.

After returning pmodel from the function, i need to clear the entire world of the editor.

yet still keep pmodel = to player1.

what do i do in here?

look at the bottom of the function.


Function load_gui()

temp = CreatePlane()

playermesh(0) = LoadAnimMesh("media/ninja.b3d")
playermesh(1) = LoadAnimMesh("markio/mariorun.x")

For x = 0 To 1
HideEntity playermesh(x)

Local defaultsky

Local player1 = LoadAnimMesh("media/ninja.b3d")

AmbientLight 255,255,255

Local cam = CreateCamera()
CameraRange cam, 1, 1000 : PositionEntity cam, 0, 1, 0
ScaleEntity player1, .5, .5, .5
RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
PositionEntity player1, 0, 0, 8
Animate player1, 2
Local im
Local background
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

im = LoadAnimImage("filmstrip2.png", 32, 32, 0, 2)
MidHandle im

background = LoadImage("bricktex.jpg")

imbg = LoadImage("filmbg.png")

mouseicon = LoadImage("sword.png")
ResizeImage mouseicon, 64, 64
HandleImage mouseicon, 0, 64

If gfxw = 1600
width = GraphicsWidth() Shr 2-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()/1.5
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
If gfxmode = 2 Then api_MoveWindow(HWND, 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), $000A)
Else If gfxw = 1280 And gfxh = 960
imwidth = 64
imheight = 64
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 1152
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 1024
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 720
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 400
width = GraphicsWidth()/2-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 32
imheight = 32
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
Else If gfxw = 800
width = GraphicsWidth()/4-ImageWidth(background)/8
height = GraphicsHeight()
imwidth = 44
imheight = 44
ResizeImage background, width, height
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight
imwidth = 32
imheight = 32
ResizeImage im, imwidth, imheight

;If Not AnimSeq(player1) = 1

While Not KeyHit(1)

If sky1=1 Then PositionEntity sky1,EntityX(player1),EntityY(player1),EntityZ(player1)
If defaultsky=1 Then PositionEntity defaultsky, EntityX(player1),EntityY(player1),EntityZ(player1)

mx = MouseX()
my = MouseY()

old_mouse_x = cur_mouse_x ;this is the line where i define the old variable for mousex()
cur_mouse_x = MouseX()/2 ;this is the new mousex()
mouse_x_delta = cur_mouse_x-old_mouse_x ;this is the current mousex() ;this is what im going to use in the y value of "turnentity player1"
characreate = newchar ;this is the old characreate
newchar = 0 ;this is the new characreate
newfinal = newchar ;this is the value i will use to change characreate to 0 only if you are not mousing over a block.
oldselect = newselect
newselect = 0
newsfinal = newselect

mh = MouseHit(1)
omousedown = newmouse_down
newmouse_down = MouseDown(1)
fmousedown = newmouse_down

If player1 <> 0
	If fmousedown And mayturn = 0
		If mx > ImageWidth(background)
     TurnEntity player1, 0, mouse_x_delta, 0
Else If mx < ImageWidth(background) Or mx > GraphicsWidth()-1
     RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0


If Not mayturn Then fmousedown = 0
If (which <> 0) And mayturn = 1 Then mayturn = 0

	If mx < 0 Then mx = 0
	If my < 0 Then my = 0
	If mx > GraphicsWidth() Then mx = GraphicsWidth()
	If my > GraphicsHeight() Then my = GraphicsHeight()

If KeyDown(29) <> KeyDown(57) Or KeyDown(57) <> KeyDown(29)

If KeyDown(29)
	MoveEntity cam, 0, .1, 0
Else If KeyDown(57)
MoveEntity cam, 0, -.1, 0


MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, (KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208) Or KeyDown(17) - KeyDown(31))*1
TurnEntity cam, 0, (KeyDown(203) - KeyDown(205) Or KeyDown(30) - KeyDown(32))*1, 0


DrawImage background, origx#+pos_x#, origy#+pos_y#

If mh
	For x = 0 To 1
		For y = 0 To maxblocks
			imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
			imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_x#)
			If ImageRectOverlap(im, imx,imy,mx,my,1,1)
				which = y * 2 + x
				selected = which
				If which <> oldwhich Then
				HideEntity player1
				ShowEntity playermesh(which)
				player1 = playermesh(which)
				   If which = 0 PositionEntity player1,0,0,8
				   If which = 1 PositionEntity player1,0,0,8
				   If which = 0 Animate player1,1
				   If which = 1 Animate player1,1
					If which = 0 Then ScaleEntity player1, .5,.5,.5 : RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
					If which = 1 Then  ScaleEntity player1, .15,.15,.15 : RotateEntity player1, 0, -180, 0
					oldwhich = which
				Else If which = oldwhich
					showbox = 1

For x = 0 To 1
    For y = 0 To maxblocks
     imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
     imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_y#)
        DrawImage im, imx, imy, which
		DrawImage imbg, imx-ImageWidth(imbg)/2, imy-ImageHeight(imbg)/2

For x = 0 To 1
    For y = 0 To maxblocks
     imx = (0.2 * width) + (0.57 * width * x) + (origx#) + (pos_x#)
     imy = (0.2 * height) + (0.1 * height * y) + (origy#) + (pos_y#)
  If (which = selected) Or ImageRectOverlap(im, imx,imy, mx,my,1,1)
         characreate = 1
         Color 150,150,150
           Rect imx-ImageWidth(im)/2, imy-ImageHeight(im)/2, ImageWidth(im), ImageHeight(im), 0
           Rect imx-ImageWidth(im)/2+1, imy-ImageHeight(im)/2+1, ImageWidth(im), ImageHeight(im), 0

If selected And which = 0
Color 0,0,0
Text imx-StringWidth("Ninja")/2-1, imy-StringHeight("Ninja")/2-1, "Ninja"
Color 102,102,255
Text imx-StringWidth("Ninja")/2, imy-StringHeight("Ninja")/2, "Ninja"
Else If selected And which = 1
Color 0,0,0
Text imx-StringWidth("Markio")/2-1, imy-StringHeight("Markio")/2-1, "Markio"
Color 68,207,255
Text imx-StringWidth("Markio")/2, imy-StringHeight("Markio")/2, "Markio"

If KeyDown(44) = 0
DrawImage mouseicon, mx, my

Color 0,0,0

Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2, "x"+EntityX(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+20, "y"+EntityY(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+30, "z"+EntityZ(cam)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+50, "zp"+EntityZ(player1)
Text GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2+60, "mx"+mx


pmodel = player1

MessageBox(SystemProperty("ApphWnd"), pmodel, player1, 0)

FreeEntity player1
FreeEntity temp
FreeEntity sky1
FreeEntity defaultsky
FreeEntity sky1
FreeEntity cam
FreeImage background
FreeImage mouseicon
FreeImage im

Return pmodel

End Function


Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#20]
i hope this helps.

if not. i can rewrite it

with tabs



Warner(Posted 2009) [#21]
Are all those variables Global? Else you can't address them from inside functions. Alternatively, you could use the Gosub command instead of using functions. That way you don't need to make anything Global.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#22]
well, i prefer globals, cuz gosub is a bit slow. i dont even like using gosub for .reset but idk how to change reset into a function :3

and yea. they are.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2009) [#23]




Warner(Posted 2009) [#24]
Gosub slow? Ever tried that? I allways thought that internally, on a machinecode level, Gosub and Function are the same thing. You might find that Gosub is even slightly faster, since it has no parameters.

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#25]
Gosub wouldn't be adding to the stack with params, and I doubt the label would have any internal use, so yeah it should be faster, though Functions are "neater" for reading in my opinion.