Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/NEED QUICK HELP

Oiduts Studios(Posted 2009) [#1]
Please help me i have a test and this is a great way to study, this code does not work please tell me why.

Graphics 800,600,32,3


Function qs1() : answer$="allocate" : Print "To set apart" : q1$=Input$("") : If q1$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG" : selq() :End Function
Function qs2() : answer$="ardent" : Print "very enthusiastic,impassioned" : q2$=Input$("") : If q2$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs3() : answer$="assiduous" : Print "persistent,attentive,diligent" : q3$=Input$("") : If q3$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs4() : answer$="brash" : Print "prone To act in a hasty manner" : q4$=Input$("") : If q1$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs5() : answer$="capricious" : Print "subject To whims Or passing fancies" : q5$=Input$("") : If q5$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs6() : answer$="chastise" : Print "To inflict physical punishment" : q6$=Input$("") : If q6$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs7() : answer$="copious" : Print "abudent:plentiful" : q7$=Input$("") : If q7$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs8() : answer$="deviate" : Print "To turn aside:To stray from a norm" : q8$=Input$("") : If q8$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs9() : answer$="emaciated" : Print "unnaturally thin" : q9$=Input$("") : If q9$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs10() : answer$="exult" : Print "To rejoice greatly" : q10$=Input$("") : If q10$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs11() : answer$="gnarled" : Print "knotted,twisted,lumpy" : q11$=Input$("") : If q11$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs12() : answer$="indemnity" : Print "a payment For damage Or loss" : q12$=Input$("") : If q12$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs13() : answer$="inkling" : Print "a hint: a vague notion" : q13$=Input$("") : If q13$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs14() : answer$="limpid" : Print "clear, transparent: readily understood" : q14$=Input$("") : If q14$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs15() : answer$="omnipotent" : Print "almighty, having unlimited power Or authority": q15$=Input$("") : If q15$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs16() : answer$="palatable" : Print "agreeable To taste Or one's sensibilities" : q16$=Input$("") : If q16$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs17() : answer$="poignant" : Print "deeply affecting" : q17$=Input$("") : If q17$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs18() : answer$="rancor" : Print "bitter resentment Or ill-will" : q18$=Input$("") : If q18$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs19() : answer$="sophomoric" : Print "immature And overconfident" : q19$=Input$("") : If q19$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function
Function qs20() : answer$="spontaneous" : Print "arising naturally, Not planned" : q20$=Input$("") : If q20$=answer$ Then Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG":selq():End Function

Function selq()
For x=1 To 20

If rndq=1 Then qs1()
If rndq=2 Then qs2()
If rndq=3 Then qs3()
If rndq=4 Then qs4()
If rndq=5 Then qs5()
If rndq=6 Then qs6()
If rndq=7 Then qs7()
If rndq=8 Then qs8()
If rndq=9 Then qs9()
If rndq=10 Then qs10()
If rndq=11 Then qs11()
If rndq=12 Then qs12()
If rndq=13 Then qs13()
If rndq=14 Then qs14()
If rndq=15 Then qs15()
If rndq=16 Then qs16()
If rndq=17 Then qs17()
If rndq=18 Then qs18()
If rndq=19 Then qs19()
If rndq=20 Then qs20()

End Function

GIB3D(Posted 2009) [#2]
Gave me the error
'End Function' without 'Function'

I wouldn't try to create functions like that anyways...

This is what this would look like the right way, but it just looks like you need an EndIf
Function qs1()
	Print "To set apart"
	If q1$=answer$ Then
		Print "Right" Else Print "WRONG"
End Function

Oiduts Studios(Posted 2009) [#3]
Thanks a lot green fire! I need help!

Oiduts Studios(Posted 2009) [#4]
its still giving me the same error

Oiduts Studios(Posted 2009) [#5]
Never mine i fixed it

Stevie G(Posted 2009) [#6]
Using so many functions it really bad practice. This can be really simplified.

Graphics 800,600,32,3

While Not KeyHit(1)

Function AskQuestion()

	q = Rand(1,20)
	Restore Questions
	For l = 1 To q
		Read Answer$, Question$
	Print Question$
	Guess$ = Input$("")
	If Guess$ = Answer$
		Print "Right"
		Print "Wrong"
End Function		

Data "allocate","To set apart"
Data "ardent" , "very enthusiastic,impassioned" 
Data "assiduous" , "persistent,attentive,diligent" 
Data "brash" , "prone To act in a hasty manner"
Data "capricious" , "subject To whims Or passing fancies"
Data "chastise" , "To inflict physical punishment" 
Data "copious" , "abudent:plentiful" 
Data "deviate" , "To turn aside:To stray from a norm" 
Data "emaciated" , "unnaturally thin" 
Data "exult" , "To rejoice greatly" 
Data "gnarled" , "knotted,twisted,lumpy" 
Data "indemnity" , "a payment For damage Or loss" 
Data "inkling" , "a hint: a vague notion" 
Data "limpid" , "clear, transparent: readily understood" 
Data "omnipotent" , "almighty, having unlimited power Or authority"
Data "palatable" , "agreeable To taste Or one's sensibilities"
Data "poignant" , "deeply affecting"
Data "rancor" , "bitter resentment Or ill-will"
Data "sophomoric" , "immature And overconfident"
Data "spontaneous" , "arising naturally, Not planned"


Oiduts Studios(Posted 2009) [#7]
wow thanks! i was just trying to make it shorter but not like that, this really taught me a lot!