Media Management

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Media Management

xmlspy(Posted 2008) [#1]
The following will go on the code archives once we have a few testers. Feedback is appreciated. Basically it allows you to store media in memory for faster use. I can see this being used in case where a resource is used repeatedly.

How to:
include "media"

Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from disk
Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from memory
Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from memory

You can have a function that will load a level each time called, within you can call all the media manager functions.

Level 1
test1 = Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from disk
test2 = Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from memory
test 3 = Media_Mesh_Get("myotherfile.b3d") ; loads from disk

Free Level1
frees test1, test2, test3

Media_Mesh_Get("myfile.b3d") ; loads from memory
Media_FreeUnused() ;will free file ""myotherfile.b3d", but keeps "myfile.b3d"

If you have few resources then you don't need to use Media_Reset and Media_FreeUnused() that way you can almost instantly load levels.

Use Media_Clear() if your levels are huge, that way it clears memory usage by freeing everything that is in the media manager.

I suggest you time your load time using this functions compared to using manual loadmesh and loadanimmesh commands.
ml = millisecs()
load level
debuglog "Load time: " + str(millisecs() - ml)
