Radial Gradient?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Radial Gradient?

JA2(Posted 2008) [#1]
I'm trying to make a radial gradient to use as a texture for my game character shadow. I want to be able to pass a number to a function to make the gradient using the number of given colours. For example CreateGradient (5) would make a gradient with 5 steps, CreateGradient (100) would make a gradient with 100 etc

Only needs to be black and white. And the gradient needs to always fill the whole 256 x 256 texture with 2d drawing commands only. Something like this:

Could somebody please help me out?


andy_mc(Posted 2008) [#2]
have a loop that draws ovals, start with a big white one, then for each smaller one, drop the color value by 1, draw all these to an image buffer then save the result as a bmp file. That should sort ya. If I wasn't at work I'd code it and poast the code. But I think browsing the forums from work is cheeky enough as it is :-P

JA2(Posted 2008) [#3]
Function Ovals (Shades)

Local Col,Pos#,Wid,A

For A = 0 To 255
	Col	= 255-A
	Pos	= A*0.5
	Wid	= 255-A
	Color Col,Col,Col
	Oval Pos,Pos,Wid,Wid,True

End Function

How could I adjust this function to use the shades parameter? I want the darkest shade to always be black, and the lightest to always be white. I need the function to work out the shades in between...

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#4]
Look for bezier curves algo :o) That gives you a function to go between numbers smoothly. And can easily be used for the RGB numbers.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#5]
This thread shows a 4 point curve to interpolate the RBG numbers:


Maybe this would help? (Sorry that link is for a 4 point curve)


Ross C(Posted 2008) [#6]
Question. How would your function know what colours to use?

JA2(Posted 2008) [#7]
Thanks :) I'll have a look at the bezier curves...

My function ^ should only need a number of shades, I want only black to white so no need for colours. The number of shades should be the number of steps from black to white.

I know it seems like such a simple thing to do but I just can't work it out :(

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#8]
Oh well, if it's only black to white that should be easy enough for the steps. Limme see...

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#9]
This should work for ya :o)
What usually happens now is someone comes along with 2 lines of code that do the same thing ;o)

Graphics 800,600
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global start_R = 0
Global start_G = 0
Global start_B = 0

Global end_R = 255
Global end_G = 255
Global end_B = 255

Global steps = 64
Global size# = 512 ; texture size

For loop = 0 To (size/2)

	stage_percent# = 1.0/steps ; get the number between 0 and 1, that step will be set against1
	percent# = loop/(size/2) ; get the percentage of the loop completed (0 to 1 basically)
	temp = Int(percent / stage_percent) ; count number of steps done so far.
	temp1# = temp ; make the temp variable into a float number
	temp1# = temp1/steps ; round number between 0 and 1 so to work out color information
	temp_r# = (end_R - start_R) * temp1
	temp_g# = (end_G - start_G) * temp1
	temp_b# = (end_B - start_B) * temp1
	Color temp_r,temp_g,temp_b

	Oval loop,loop,size-(loop*2),size-(loop*2)


Ross C(Posted 2008) [#10]
Oh and btw, the flip is only so you can see the progress. Actually for my benefit so i could see if it was working properly :o)

If you need it to write alpha information, gimme a shout.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2008) [#11]
Doesn't have to be bezier curves neccessarily IMHO. Simply say something like:

Graphics 640,480,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;usage: blob x,y,w,h,levels of grey

blob 0,0,256,256,16

While KeyDown(1)=0
 Color 255,255,255
 Rect 0,0,100,20,1
 Color 0,0,0
 Text 0,0,Hex$(ReadPixel(MouseX(),MouseY() And $ffffff))

Function blob(x,y,w,h,shades)
 Color 255,255,255
 Rect x,y,w,h,1



 While bri<256
  If ra<0 Then ra=0
  If ra>255 Then ra=255

  If bri2<0 Then bri2=0
  If bri2>255 Then bri2=255
  Color bri2,bri2,bri2
  Oval x+(((w/2))-(ra/2)*x_factor),   y+(((h/2))-(ra/2)*y_factor),  ra*x_factor, ra*y_factor,1
  ra_0=ra_0+ mystep
End Function

Oops - Ross was faster.

JA2(Posted 2008) [#12]
Wow, thanks a lot guys :)

I spent the last couple of days trying to do this. Should've stayed in school :s


Rob Farley(Posted 2008) [#13]
In this thread http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=77155#863163

I created a little function that returns a radial texture like that.

Function CreateStar(Size)
	; Create texture
	I = CreateImage(Size,Size)
	T = CreateTexture(Size,Size)
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(i)
	S = Size / 2
	For x=-S To S
	For y=-S To S
		r# = ((x*x)+(y*y))
		If r < s Then
			c# = 255.0 - ((255.0 / s) * r)
			argb=(c Or (c Shl 8) Or (c Shl 16) Or ($ff000000))
			WritePixelFast x + s,y + s,argb,ImageBuffer(i)
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(i)
	CopyRect 0,0,size,size,0,0,ImageBuffer(i),TextureBuffer(t)
	FreeImage i
	Return t
End Function
So you'd just do something like
ShadowTex = CreateStar(256)
And then you've got your texture.

If you want to add the banded look simply add a snap size to the c# variable in the code.
c# = Floor(c/bands) * bands
Obviously pass the bands variable into the function.

Job done. And I would suspect, although this it unproven, but it'll be approximately a shed load faster than using ovals.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#14]

Ovals for erm... prime minister

For what it's worth, not much considering Rob's code is better (added some scene code to show the final result and added in alpha based on the darkness of the pixels):

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2008) [#15]
I've just updated my code, so now it really draws the ovals from rgb 0 to FFFFFF. It's ugly code, but hey, it works :P

JA2(Posted 2008) [#16]
Thank you for all the help :D

How would I go about making a swirl/spiral effect, instead of a circle?

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2008) [#17]
use some sin/cos offsets from the center.