Title Bar Icon...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Title Bar Icon...

JA2(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is there a way to replace the title bar icon of windowed games in Blitz3D?

caff_(Posted 2008) [#2]
Yes, use Resource Hacker to replace the icon in your compiled .exe:


Note: you have to do this every time you create a new version of the executable.

JA2(Posted 2008) [#3]
I have changed the .exe icon already. The icon I am refering to is the small rectangle on a windowed game in the uper left hand corner just before the apptitle ;)

Naughty Alien(Posted 2008) [#4]
here is example program and DECLS file

Example progy:
; Set window icon funcs v1.2 by Kefir, mail:pinkefir@...

Const ICON_SMALL = 0
Const ICON_BIG = 1
Const WM_SETICON = 128


Global PrevProgramIcon = 0
Global PrevAltTabIcon = 0

;Internal use function
Function SetWindowIcon(WindowHandle, IconHandle, IconType)
api_SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SETICON, IconType, IconHandle)
End Function

;Set the window's system menu icon
Function SetProgramIcon(WindowHandle, FileName$, IconW=16, IconH=16)
If PrevProgramIcon>0 Then api_DestroyIcon(PrevProgramIcon)
PrevSysMenuIcon = api_LoadImage(0, FileName$, 1, IconW, IconH, LR_LOADFROMFILE)
SetWindowIcon(WindowHandle, PrevSysMenuIcon, ICON_SMALL)
End Function

;Set the icon what used in the window that occurs when you press Alt+TAB
Function SetAltTabIcon(WindowHandle, FileName$, IconW=32, IconH=32)
If PrevAltTabIcon>0 Then api_DestroyIcon(PrevAltTabIcon)
PrevAltTabIcon = api_LoadImage(0, FileName$, 1, IconW, IconH, LR_LOADFROMFILE)
SetWindowIcon(WindowHandle, PrevAltTabIcon, ICON_BIG)
End Function

;Set icons extracted from .exe or .dll, IconIndex - index of icon in resource file
Function SetProgramIconEx(WindowHandle, ImageName$, IconIndex=0, IconW=16, IconH=16)
If PrevProgramIcon>0 Then api_DestroyIcon(PrevProgramIcon)
PrevSysMenuIcon = api_LoadImage(api_GetModuleHandle(0), ImageName, 1, IconW, IconH, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR)
SetWindowIcon(WindowHandle, PrevSysMenuIcon, ICON_SMALL)
End Function

Function SetAltTabIconEx(WindowHandle, ImageName$, IconIndex=0, IconW=32, IconH=32)
If PrevAltTabIcon>0 Then api_DestroyIcon(PrevAltTabIcon)
PrevAltTabIcon = api_LoadImage(api_GetModuleHandle(0), ImageName, 1, IconW, IconH, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR)
SetWindowIcon(WindowHandle, PrevAltTabIcon, ICON_BIG)
End Function


;Get application window handle
WindowHandle = api_GetActiveWindow()

;Set application title
AppTitle "Test icon program"

Print "Number of icons in executable: " + api_ExtractIcon(WindowHandle, "SetProgramIcon.exe", -1)

;Setting the icon
SetProgramIcon(WindowHandle, "icon.ico"); NOTE: image must be an .ico file
SetAltTabIcon(WindowHandle, "icon.ico")

Print "Press any key to change current icon..."

SetProgramIcon(WindowHandle, "icon2.ico")
SetAltTabIcon(WindowHandle, "icon2.ico")

Print "Press any key to exit..."

DECLS file:
.lib "kernel32.dll"
api_GetModuleHandle% (lpModuleName%) : "GetModuleHandleA"

.lib "user32.dll"
api_GetActiveWindow% () : "GetActiveWindow"
api_LoadImage% (hInst%, lpsz$, un1%, n1%, n2%, un2%) : "LoadImageA"
api_DestroyIcon% (hIcon%) : "DestroyIcon"
api_SendMessage% (hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "SendMessageA"

'njoyy :)

JA2(Posted 2008) [#5]
Great!! Thanks Naughty Alien!! :)