Text() and ViewPort() bug?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Text() and ViewPort() bug?

Mr.Waterlily(Posted 2007) [#1]

I was playing a little with the Text() command and discovered something wierd.
If I create a boundary on the right side with Viewport, and use a loaded font(Arial), and the textstring includes non-english characters, the clipping doesn´t quite work properly.
Sometimes it can´t print non-complete letters.

Is this a known bug? Or did I just "get lucky"? ;)

Mr.Waterlily(Posted 2007) [#2]
Ok, I assume that noone understood what I´m taking about. ;)
So how about if I post some code for you to test.

Use the left and right arrows to see the "disappering letter" bug.
Graphics 350,180,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SetFont font
	If KeyHit(203) Then tx=tx-5	;left
	If KeyHit(205) Then tx=tx+5	;Right
	Viewport 44,36,205,40
	Color 0,0,200
	Rect 44,36,205,40,1
	Color 255,255,255
	Text tx,40,"Alittetextstringthatcontainssomeletterthatiså;äandöandalsosomeüandÅagainandafterthatsomstandardenlishcharacters"
	Text tx,52,"Alittetextstringthatcontainssomeletterthatisonlystandartenglishlettagainandafterthatsomstandardenlishcharacters"
	Viewport 0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()
Until KeyHit(1)
FreeFont font

Is there anything that can be done about this? And still be able to use the Text command?