Pete Carter - YAL

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Pete Carter - YAL

Nexus6(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hi Pete, haven't seen much activity from you lately, how are you getting on with your modified YAL, any luck there or have you abandoned the idea of allowing the user to create levels from prefabs and then lightmap them at runtime with YAL.

Vertigo(Posted 2007) [#2]
I have a completed version of this using types. Note though that addmesh() when used in this function can produce strange issues with collision detection. If you want I can clean it up and email it to you rather busy at the moment though.

Nexus6(Posted 2007) [#3]
Thanks VErt|g0, that would be great. If its too big a job to clean up then just send it as it is (as long as it works).


Vertigo(Posted 2007) [#4]
Ok to sum it up you'll need to set an array for the objects and textures and use copyentity aswell as paintbrush for the prefab parts. This basically takes a Light type and creates lm lights in yal. Good luck, the system this is pulled out of is rather cluttered and im too busy to make it a lib... the general concept is here, and im sure you can figure out how to make your own system. You need yal of course.

Types etc...

Type obj

	Field entity
	Field part%
	Field zone
	Field texture%
	Field selected

	Field group$

	Field x#,y#;,z#
	Field rx#,ry#,rz#

End Type

Type lm_obj

	Field entity
	Field part%
	Field zone
	Field texture%
	Field selected

	Field group$

	Field x#,y#;,z#
	Field rx#,ry#,rz#

End Type

Type light

	Field entity
	Field entity_o
	Field ent_range
	Field ent_brightness
	Field X#,Y#,Z#
	Field R%,G%,B%
	Field zone%
	Field range%
	Field brightness%
	Field selected

End Type

Type section

	Field number%
	Field name$
	Field visible$
	Field mesh

End Type

Dim brush_texture(Total_textures%)
Dim texture(Total_textures%)
Dim block(Total_block_parts%)

The following are used for occlusion etc.
For secload=1 To 100
	sec.section=New section
	sec\number% = secload
	sec\name$ = ""
	sec\visible$ = Str$(secload)
	sec\mesh = CreateCube()
	EntityAlpha sec\mesh,0.0

	HideEntity sec\mesh


;Create collision mesh based on parts then hide them, only displaying the lightmapped final mesh.

For o.obj = Each obj

	EntityType O\entity,type_ground
	EntityAlpha O\entity,0
;	FreeEntity O\entity
;	Delete o


Here is the function... good luck.
Function light_map(section%)

	first_selection = False

	For O.obj=Each obj
		If O\zone% = section% Then
			LM.lm_obj=New lm_obj
			LM\entity = CopyMesh (block(O\part%))

			LM\X# = O\X#
			LM\Y# = O\Y#
			LM\Z# = O\Z#
			LM\RX# = O\RX#
			LM\RY# = O\RY#
			LM\RZ# = O\RZ#

			LM\texture% = O\texture%
			EntityFX LM\entity,1
			PaintMesh LM\entity,brush_texture( LM\texture% )
			RotateMesh LM\entity, LM\RX#, LM\RY#, LM\RZ#
			PositionMesh LM\entity, LM\X#, LM\Y#, LM\Z#
			EntityPickMode LM\entity,2

			If first_selection = False Then 
				PositionEntity temp_piv,EntityX(O\entity),EntityY(O\entity),EntityZ(O\entity)
				first_selection = True
			End If

			last_x# = O\X#
			last_y# = O\y#
			last_z# = O\z#

		End If

	If first_selection=False Then Return

	For S.section = Each section 
		If S\number% = section% Then 
			FreeEntity S\mesh
			S\mesh = CreateMesh()
			NameEntity( S\mesh, S\number% )

			For N.lm_obj = Each lm_obj
					AddMesh N\entity,S\mesh
			ThisObscurer.LMObscurer = New LMObscurer
			ThisObscurer\Entity = S\mesh
			BeginLightMap(Ambient_r%, Ambient_g%, Ambient_b%)
			For L.light= Each light
				If L\zone% = section%
					CreateLMLight( L\X#, L\Y#, L\Z#, L\R%,L\G%,L\B%, L\range%, False, L\brightness%)
				End If
			tex = LightMapMesh(S\mesh, 2.0, 256, 0, "Lightmapping " + EntityName(S\mesh))
			lm_folder$ = "maps\" + map_name$ + "\"
			If tex
				SaveLightMap(S\mesh, tex, lm_folder$ + EntityName(S\mesh) + ".bmp", lm_folder$ + EntityName(S\mesh) + ".luv")
				ApplyLightMap(S\mesh, tex)
			For R.lm_obj=Each lm_obj
				FreeEntity R\entity
				Delete R

			For M.LMLight= Each LMLight
				Delete M

		End If

End Function 

Pete Carter(Posted 2007) [#5]
hi, Have left it for now working on the game controls at the moment and the car movement. I thinking now i will make a level editor as a extra program and have the game load from saved files, this way i can add in this function later.