LightMapping Techniques

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/LightMapping Techniques

Nack(Posted 2007) [#1]
I been experimenting with Lightmaps, just started out, so if any expert out there, feel free to drop some advice or two ;)

My engine is made up by block tiles

If i want to make in-built function that light map this, should i add all those tiles into one giant mesh or lightmap it as separate tiles? Which way would be faster or better?


Vertigo(Posted 2007) [#2]
Here is what ive done in the past. For all static objects in the level... dynamic entities I use entity color.

I have all of my building blocks as OBJ type with position rotation etc. Then I have a type called SECTION. The section is a final mesh built and light mapped. I create a temp copy of each object called a LMOBJ for light mapped objects. Position them into place, add them to a newly created mesh, and then unweld and light map it with YAL(yet another light mapper found in the code archives. If you play with YAL you'll notice the functions being called here. Its kinda a rough way to do things, but it works for me. So for the editor I just have a toggle that Show_final_meshes if true then hide the building blocks and vice versa.

Include "source\"

Function light_map(section%)

first_selection = False

	For O.obj=Each obj
		If O\zone% = section% Then
			LM.lm_obj=New lm_obj
			LM\entity = CopyMesh (block(O\part%))

			LM\X# = O\X#
			LM\Y# = O\Y#
			LM\Z# = O\Z#
			LM\RX# = O\RX#
			LM\RY# = O\RY#
			LM\RZ# = O\RZ#

			LM\texture% = O\texture%
			EntityFX LM\entity,1
			PaintMesh LM\entity,brush_texture( LM\texture% )
			RotateMesh LM\entity, LM\RX#, LM\RY#, LM\RZ#
			PositionMesh LM\entity, LM\X#, LM\Y#, LM\Z#
			EntityPickMode LM\entity,2

		If first_selection = False Then 
			PositionEntity temp_piv,EntityX(O\entity),EntityY(O\entity),EntityZ(O\entity)
			first_selection = True
		End If

			last_x# = O\X#
			last_y# = O\y#
			last_z# = O\z#

		End If

	If first_selection=False Then Return

	For S.section = Each section 
		If S\number% = section% Then 
			FreeEntity S\mesh
			S\mesh = CreateMesh()
			NameEntity( S\mesh, S\number% )

			For N.lm_obj = Each lm_obj
					AddMesh N\entity,S\mesh
			ThisObscurer.LMObscurer = New LMObscurer
			ThisObscurer\Entity = S\mesh
			BeginLightMap(Ambient_r%, Ambient_g%, Ambient_b%)
			For L.light= Each light
				If L\zone% = section%
					CreateLMLight( L\X#, L\Y#, L\Z#, L\R%,L\G%,L\B%, L\range%, False, L\brightness%)
				End If
			tex = LightMapMesh(S\mesh, 2.0, 256, 0, "Lightmapping " + EntityName(S\mesh))
			lm_folder$ = "maps\" + map_name$ + "\"
			If tex
				SaveLightMap(S\mesh, tex, lm_folder$ + EntityName(S\mesh) + ".bmp", lm_folder$ + EntityName(S\mesh) + ".luv")
				ApplyLightMap(S\mesh, tex)
			For R.lm_obj=Each lm_obj
				FreeEntity R\entity
				Delete R

			For M.LMLight= Each LMLight
				Delete M

			If Show_final_meshes = -1 Then HideEntity S\mesh
		End If

End Function