AShadow Lib : Refractive Water Question

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/AShadow Lib : Refractive Water Question

OverDozing(Posted 2007) [#1]

Is it possible to remove some meshes/sprites from showing on the water's refraction ?

_33(Posted 2007) [#2]
Only if you can code the D3D clipping to do that. Or maybe I didn't understand your question. I use AShadow with reflective/refractive/fog water.

OverDozing(Posted 2007) [#3]
ok, i have another problem, my GUI in game is build with sprites, if I turn on Glow or blur or DOF, the effects will also work on the GUI.... I really need to find a solution to exclude certain things from being process by the shaders, but how ? :/
Any help is welcome!

_33(Posted 2007) [#4]
Those are PostProcess effects (Glow, blur, DOF). If you do your POst Process, and THEN your GUI, you shouldn't have any problems. I use FastImage, which, I think, shouldn't have issues with AShadow.

Also, if you can set your own RenderStates, then you could probably remove the effects yourself with the proper settings.

Here. I won't show you how this works. But, you'll be able to understand what Ashadow does with these RenderState codes.

This is my that I use in conjunction with my own version of, that uses these constants. I changed all the numbers with these so I can figure out what is going on in this complex set of tools. I suggest you do the same.


Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#5]
after PostProcess render, simply use RenderEntity(MySprite) and it will not be affected by bloom, DOF or any other postproces VFX

Pinete(Posted 2007) [#6]
yeah, but the problem of doing that appears when you are working with other libraries as spritecandy or similars... You cannot do 'renderentity(entity)' because that part is done by the own function of the lib...

I've worked with FastImage and it works fine.
I start to work with fastfimage for this issue...


Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#7]
..yup..thats truth if you are not using parent as a render entity...if you create pivot and make it parent for whole gui elements, and then using Rendernetity(CreatedParentPivot) then its will do work just fine...I tried that with Alpha GUI and its working just fine...I didnt try SpriteCandy but it should be same I for FastImage, I find that its not working well on ATI cards(all sprites shown at the same time, regardless are they hidden or shown)..

OverDozing(Posted 2007) [#8]
Thanks everyone!

But I don't think I am understanding, I spent 2 hours reading the but I just can't get anywhere.
Here a simple code, trying to use 'renderentity()' but, looks like i am missing something?

Include "AShadowBBinclude/"

Graphics3D  800,600,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()


CreateGlow cam, 180, 135 ,.4,.8

CreateBlur cam,.0

CreateDOF ( cam, 4, 15, 1, 3, 0.35)

Pivottest = CreatePivot()
Spritetest = CreateSprite(Pivottest) ; ACreateSprite(Pivottest)
PositionEntity Pivottest,0,0,10

Pivottest2 = CreatePivot()
Spritetest2 = CreateSprite(Pivottest2)
EntityColor Spritetest2,255,0,0
PositionEntity Pivottest2,-1,0,15

Pivottest3 = CreatePivot()
Spritetest3 = CreateSprite(Pivottest3)
EntityColor Spritetest3,0,255,0
PositionEntity Pivottest3,-2,0,17

While Not KeyHit(1)
	If KeyHit(29)  Ref_Glow_ON=1-Ref_Glow_ON
	If KeyHit(33) Ref_DOF = 1 - Ref_DOF
	PostProcess_Render cam
	RenderEntity( Pivottest, cam)
	Text 5,105,"Press ''Ctrl'' for Glow-effect: "+Ref_Glow_ON
	Text 5,125,"Press ''F'' for DOF: "+Ref_DOF

Function mouselook(ent)


	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2	
	If campitch#<-85 Then campitch#=-85
	If campitch#>85 Then campitch#=85

	RotateEntity ent,campitch#,EntityYaw(ent)-mxspd#,EntityRoll(ent)
End Function
Function KeyControl(ent,mov#=1)
	If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity ent,0,0,mov
	If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity ent,0,0,-mov
	If KeyDown(205) MoveEntity ent,mov,0,0
	If KeyDown(203) MoveEntity ent,-mov,0,0
	If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity ent,0,0,mov
	If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity ent,0,0,-mov
	If KeyDown(32) MoveEntity ent,mov,0,0
	If KeyDown(30) MoveEntity ent,-mov,0,0
	If MouseDown(1) MoveEntity ent,0,0,mov
	If MouseDown(2) MoveEntity ent,0,0,-mov
End Function

OverDozing(Posted 2007) [#9]
Up Up ^^ please help ^^

Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#10]
..I'll email you working example with media when I get back home..

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#11]
Sprite Candy uses a single surface system so simply do renderentity with that one used for the UI
shouldn't be too hard to find it in the sources :)

Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#12]
Graphics3d 1024,768,32,1

;loadstuff blah blah

;load one sprite and same rule apply to parent
Global logo=CreateSprite(camera)
EntityTexture logo,lo
MoveEntity Logo,7,-5.5,8
PositionEntity logo,0,0,4,False
EntityOrder Logo,-1

;main loop
While Not KeyDown(1)

;your game loop stuff here blah blah


;Ashadow stuff here
AUpdateWater (camera)

UpdateRefract camera

PostProcess_Render camera

;and now postprocessing stuff you want to be rendered over everything

RenderEntity (Logo,camera,0,0)

Flip False


Thats it..this settings working just fine if you put
parent of all HUD/GUI elements in to RenderEntity..
Settings you see here regarding Logo is for given resolution since I use to put it manually on proper position, so, suit yourself for some other screen size...I hope it helps..this working just fine here and none of my sprites or HUD is affected by Ashadow postprocessing /refracting if came over water, DOF, Bloom, etc/

OverDozing(Posted 2007) [#13]
thank you, but still it isn't working here ???

Please can you test that code on your computer, if you push L CTRL or F it will add some effects and it shouldn't right?

what the hell !!!!!!!!! :)

Include "AShadowBBinclude/"

Graphics3D 1024,768,32,2

;loadstuff blah blah


CreateGlow Camera, 180, 135 ,.4,.8

CreateBlur Camera,.0

CreateDOF ( Camera, 4, 15, 1, 3, 0.35)

;load one sprite and same rule apply to parent
Global logo=CreateSprite(Camera)
;EntityTexture logo,lo
MoveEntity Logo,7,-5.5,8
PositionEntity logo,0,0,4,False
EntityOrder Logo,-1

;main loop
While Not KeyDown(1)

;your game loop stuff here blah blah
	If KeyHit(29)  Ref_Glow_ON=1-Ref_Glow_ON 	;L CTRL
	If KeyHit(33) Ref_DOF = 1 - Ref_DOF				;F

;Ashadow stuff here
AUpdateWater (Camera)

UpdateRefract Camera

PostProcess_Render Camera

;and now postprocessing stuff you want to be rendered over everything

RenderEntity (Logo,Camera,0,0)

Text 10,10,Ref_Glow_ON
Text 10,20,Ref_DOF

Flip False


Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#14]
I'm in the ofice right now..I'll post it when i came back together with media I used and one compiled version..