Black startup window thingy

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Black startup window thingy

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hey i was wonder if theres a way to get rid of that ugly start up flicker thingy that B3d makes when you start the app...

i saw this:

but its 2 years old, and most likely works with the wrong version of Blitz... anyone have any ideas to get rid of this?

Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#2]
..flicker thingy ? Can you be more specific, I have no experiance like that with B3D (flickering)

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#3]
you know, when you start a Blitz3D application, it starts with this wierd black window, then it flickers off and starts the program.. please don't tell me its just me..

Buggy(Posted 2007) [#4]
No, I get it too.

I don't know if you can get rid of it, but I think that the sooner you set the graphics mode, the sooner it'll disappear. If you have it compute lots of things before you call the Graphics or Graphics3D command, I'm pretty sure it'll take longer.

But I'd also love to get rid of it. I think it's just that Blitz needs to be an actual application to run all of the commands you use... and applications have windows. Still, it'd be nice if Blitz3D could just start in the Graphics mode that the programmer specifies.

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#5]
i think the problem is that Blitz has a standard graphics mode to set: if you don't call Graphics/Graphics3D you'll see what i mean, so it starts with this standard graphics mode then it goes on to the real one, i wonder if theres a way to get rid of the standard graphics call..

Kev(Posted 2007) [#6]
Yahfree, use this on your created .exe to remove the black startup screen. this was posted sometime back by Filax.

; WB3D_CreateWindow example
;	By Kevin Poole.

; were using external winapi styles
Include "../../../"

; setup gfx mode.
Graphics3D 640,480,16,2

; install winblitz3d.
Global RuntimeWindow_hWnd = WB3D_InitializeGUI(SystemProperty("AppHwnd"),10,10,500,500)
WB3D_SetQuitMessage "WinBlitz3D 3D/GUI","Sure To Quit" 
WB3D_HideGadget RuntimeWindow_hWnd

; create winapi window, setting its title, and position on screen. use default style creation.
MyWindow = WB3D_CreateWindow("WB3D_CreateWindow Example",200,100,275,275,0,WS_VISIBLE Or WS_SYSMENU Or WS_CAPTION)

; cleanup any old creation events, its better to do this before we enter the main
; event loop, when some gadgets are created they generate events.

LoadExe = WB3D_CreateButton("Open blitz exe to hack",10,10,250,25,MyWindow,0)
WB3D_DefaultGadgetFont LoadExe

Listbox = WB3D_CreateListBox(10,40,250,190,MyWindow,0)

; setup out quit flag, and loop until the flag is set.
QUIT = 0

While Not QUIT = 1
	; generate an internal blitz event

	; get an event of the event queue.
	event = WB3D_WaitEvent()
	Select event
			selected = WB3D_EventSource()
			Select selected

			Case LoadExe
				Filename$ = WB3D_OpenFileRequest("Open file","",example_file_ext$,WB3D_GetGadgetText(example_init_filename))
				WB3D_ClearGadgetItems Listbox
				If Filename$<> "" Then

					WB3D_AddGadgetItem Listbox,"Opening executable file",0,0

					If fil

						For i=0 To siz
							If Frst
								If scnd
									If byt=$8B
										If byt<>$CA frst=False
								ElseIf byt=$10
									If byt<>$CA Frst=False
						ElseIf byt=$CA


					WB3D_AddGadgetItem Listbox,"Patching executable file",0,0
					SeekFile fil,pos
					WriteByte fil,$00

					WB3D_AddGadgetItem Listbox,"Process completed",0,0
					CloseFile fil

					WB3D_AddGadgetItem Listbox,"Close file",0,0
			End Select
			; wb_eventdata holds the key code that was pressed.
			keypressed = WB3D_EventData()
			Select keypressed
					; set the flag to leave the loop.
					QUIT = 1
			End Select
			; wb3d_eventsource hold the handle to the window that close button was selected
			window = WB3D_EventSource()
			Select window
				Case MyWindow
					; set the flag to leave the loop.
					QUIT = 1
			End Select
	End Select

; use notify using external winapi constants. 


Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#7]
Woah!, this needs to go in the code archives!!

looks very "Real" now. you'd never know it was created with b3d..

Edit: It worked on one of my blitz files, didnt work on the other one, it made the other one "Invisible" it was playing, in my processes ect, i had to end it that way ... any ideas?

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#8]
Any other ideas kev? it seems to not work on some .exes but works on others, any other methods?

chi(Posted 2007) [#9]
You want to disable the annoying startupwindow?

I fixed Bot Builderīs code and it now works even with runtime_beta2.dll
check it out:

(fixed it a while ago and lost?!? the source... thats why itīs only the .exe, sorry)

cheers, chi

John Blackledge(Posted 2007) [#10]
Yes, this works nicely, but unfortunately when my full screen app closes down I have a totally black desktop and startbar.
Could be just my graphics card of course.

Knotz(Posted 2007) [#11]
Go with the flow...

We first place our company logo in the startup window after that we start/initialize the application

Function Main()

	; splash

		Graphics 400,300,16,2
		SetBuffer BackBuffer()

		splash = LoadImage_("data/images/intro_splash.jpg")
		DrawBlock splash,0,0 : Flip : FreeImage splash
		Delay 3000

	; general

		SeedRnd (MilliSecs()) 

Works very well, even looks semi-pro

chi(Posted 2007) [#12]
hmm, must be your graphiccard... works nice here !