AI Library (why not a community project ?)

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/AI Library (why not a community project ?)

Filax(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi :)

I'm working on a IA library, i have start this project
but maybe we can work together ? I think there is many
library for blitz but nothing for AI ?

Launch the example 10

Danny(Posted 2006) [#2]
Hi Filax,

That's a very nice working example!
I guess it could be tricky 'as a community project' since when you get to this level of coding, most people have their own little system for handling entities, characters, etc.
And since every 'game' has a different set of features, I guess it should be 'open' enough for people to make their personal adjustments to handle things slightly different. If that makes any sense :)

I understand this is a (very nice) start! But for the main 'AI_UpdateMonster()' function I should recommend using an FSM (finit state machine) since a monster's functions will only grow when you keep adding functionality to the ai engine. And a series of If..Then statements will get you in trouble later on - and grow to complex uncomprehensible monsters themselves :) I don't know how familiar you are with FSM's but they are DEAD EASY and alow for simple to relatively complex decision making (depending on what you need/use it for)..


Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#3]
Agree with Danny. Nice example but to make a generic AI system would require a great deal of forethought to enable others to integrate it into their own games. Without the use of a FSM, adding further states / transitions would become too hacky.


Filax(Posted 2006) [#4]
I agree too ! but this monster's can be used for example
some animals on a landscape etc. You are right the
monster decisions must be a finish state machine :)

improve this library is just an idea :)

It's sure, made a generic IA is really difficult, but many
IA have identical stuff like :

Monster moving under a level, and monster go to a waypoint.

But now the ball is in your camp :)

LAB[au](Posted 2006) [#5]
I was interested myself to port something like to blitz3d. But altough the architecture of the system is made for being reused in many situations, I didn't find a good way of matching all this architecture to blitz code ...

LAB[au](Posted 2006) [#6]
I remember as well that scott shaver did a sprite behaviors mod for blitzmax, quite similar to the opensteer project.

markcw(Posted 2006) [#7]
> I think there is many library for blitz but nothing for AI ?

there is this one by 3D/mrpye. never tried it so i don't know if it is any good.

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#8]
For a general purpose API system, might I suggest to use F.E.A.R. Framework as a base (no not the shooter that stole the name but actually the open source AI framework project)? Its been created by the masterheads of AI (and/or with their influence) and has at least a "somewhere standardized" interface.

Happy Sammy(Posted 2007) [#9]
Hi all,

Is this still in progress?

Thanks in advance

Mustang(Posted 2007) [#10]
Making generic AI lib is nearly impossible - just doing path finding is NOT AI. Coding generic intelligence is much harder and depends what kind of game logic and creature behavior you want.

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#11]
I reccommend an open source, software simulation of data's positronic neural net! :P
Ill start us off:

Seriously tho, Its a good idea, is it even possible? I mean, chess and an FPS are radically different.
I know virtually nothing about AI but have binned so many project ideas simply because the AI implementation was well beyond my limits.