Rotation around a point on a virtual sphere...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Rotation around a point on a virtual sphere...

OverDozing(Posted 2006) [#1]

I need help with this, I can’t get it to work correctly, if I disable 2 axes, then its working but I am really looking to have the 3 axes…
My goal is to rotate around a point on a virtual sphere; the cone should point at the cube or at least move symmetric with it.

Here the code:

Graphics3D 800,600, 16,2
Cam = CreateCamera() : PositionEntity Cam,0,0,-20 : ;RotateEntity Cam,50,0,0
Light = CreateLight() : PositionEntity Light,20,30,-20

CenterMesh = CreateCone()
CenterPitchAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed
CenterYawAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed
CenterRollAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed

AwayMesh = CreateCube()
PxR# = 0   ; Can be changed
PyR# = 5   ; Can be changed
PzR# = 0   ; Can be changed


	TurnEntity CenterMesh,CenterPitchAdd#, CenterYawAdd#, CenterRollAdd#
	;pitch# = EntityPitch#(CenterMesh)
	;Yaw# = EntityYaw#(CenterMesh)	
	;roll# = EntityRoll#(CenterMesh)
	pitch# = pitch# + CenterPitchAdd#
	Yaw# = Yaw# + CenterYawAdd#
	roll# = roll# + CenterRollAdd#
		;------------ CODE --------------
		Px# = PxR#
		Py# = PyR#*Cos(pitch#) - PzR#*Sin(pitch#) 
		Pz# = PyR#*Sin(pitch#) + PzR#*Cos(pitch#)
		Px# = Px#*Cos(roll#) - Py#*Sin(roll#) 
		Py# = Px#*Sin(roll#) + Py#*Cos(roll#) 
		Pz# = Pz#

		Px# = Px#*Cos(Yaw#) - Pz#*Sin(Yaw#)
		Py# = Py#
		Pz# = Px#*Sin(Yaw#) + Pz#*Cos(Yaw#)
		;------------ CODE --------------
	PositionEntity AwayMesh, Px#, Py#, Pz# ; <----- TEST

	Text 0,10,	Px#
	Text 0,20,	Py#
	Text 0,30,	Pz#
	Text 0,40,	"---------"
	Text 0,50,	pitch#
	Text 0,60,	Yaw#
	Text 0,70,	roll# 
Until KeyHit(1) 

Gillissie(Posted 2006) [#2]
Why not use PointEntity? Unless there is a reason against it, try this (note the RotateMesh command):

Graphics3D 800,600, 16,2
Cam = CreateCamera() : PositionEntity Cam,0,0,-20 : ;RotateEntity Cam,50,0,0
Light = CreateLight() : PositionEntity Light,20,30,-20

CenterMesh = CreateCone()
CenterPitchAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed
CenterYawAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed
CenterRollAdd# = 1   ; Can be changed

RotateMesh CenterMesh,90,0,0	; make the cone point forward, since that is the direction that PointEntity points from.

AwayMesh = CreateCube()
PxR# = 0   ; Can be changed
PyR# = 5   ; Can be changed
PzR# = 0   ; Can be changed


;	TurnEntity CenterMesh,CenterPitchAdd#, CenterYawAdd#, CenterRollAdd#
	;pitch# = EntityPitch#(CenterMesh)
	;Yaw# = EntityYaw#(CenterMesh)	
	;roll# = EntityRoll#(CenterMesh)
	pitch# = pitch# + CenterPitchAdd#
	Yaw# = Yaw# + CenterYawAdd#
	roll# = roll# + CenterRollAdd#
		;------------ CODE --------------
		Px# = PxR#
		Py# = PyR#*Cos(pitch#) - PzR#*Sin(pitch#) 
		Pz# = PyR#*Sin(pitch#) + PzR#*Cos(pitch#)
		Px# = Px#*Cos(roll#) - Py#*Sin(roll#) 
		Py# = Px#*Sin(roll#) + Py#*Cos(roll#) 
		Pz# = Pz#

		Px# = Px#*Cos(Yaw#) - Pz#*Sin(Yaw#)
		Py# = Py#
		Pz# = Px#*Sin(Yaw#) + Pz#*Cos(Yaw#)
		;------------ CODE --------------
	PositionEntity AwayMesh, Px#, Py#, Pz# ; <----- TEST
	PointEntity CenterMesh,AwayMesh	; simply point at the cube

	Text 0,10,	Px#
	Text 0,20,	Py#
	Text 0,30,	Pz#
	Text 0,40,	"---------"
	Text 0,50,	pitch#
	Text 0,60,	Yaw#
	Text 0,70,	roll# 
Until KeyHit(1) 


OverDozing(Posted 2006) [#3]
^^ naa, the cone is here as a test to be sure the cube is moving correctly...

Also, I want to avoid doing stuff like:
Awaymesh pos 0,0,0
Awaymesh rot pitch,yaw,roll
Awaymesh move 4

I need to have it as a code.

OverDozing(Posted 2006) [#4]
I also tried something like that:
x = x0 + r.(cos(theta) * sin(phi) * 1);
y = y0 + r.(sin(theta) * 1 * cos(psi));
z = z0 + r.(1 * cos(phi) * sin(psi));

.... with no success

Any help is more than welcome ! ^^

Moraldi(Posted 2006) [#5]
Is this what you want or am I wrong?

Graphics3D 800,600, 16,2
Cam = CreateCamera() : PositionEntity Cam,0,0,-20
Light = CreateLight() : PositionEntity Light,20,30,-20

CenterMesh = CreateCone()
CenterPitchAdd# = 1 ; Can be changed
CenterYawAdd# = 1 ; Can be changed
CenterRollAdd# = 1 ; Can be changed

AwayMesh = CreateCube(CenterMesh)

PxR# = 0 ; Can be changed
PyR# = 5 ; Can be changed
PzR# = 0 ; Can be changed

MoveEntity AwayMesh, PxR, PyR, PzR


Px# = EntityX(AwayMesh, True)
Py# = EntityY(AwayMesh, True)
Pz# = EntityZ(AwayMesh, True)

pitch% = EntityPitch(CenterMesh)
yaw% = EntityYaw(CenterMesh)
roll% = EntityRoll(CenterMesh)

TurnEntity CenterMesh, CenterPitchAdd#, CenterYawAdd#, CenterRollAdd#


Text 0, 0, "Px=" + Px
Text 0, 10, "Py=" + Py
Text 0, 20, "Pz=" + Pz

Text 0, 40, "pitch=" + pitch
Text 0, 50, "yaw =" + Yaw
Text 0, 60, "roll =" + roll


Until KeyHit(1)