Screensaver probs

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Screensaver probs

Fuller(Posted 2006) [#1]
The screensaver I made is doing strange things:

1. Every once in awhile it's just a black screen
2. It reverts to the default screensaver sometime
3. It says "Memory Access Violation" sometimes
4. And other times it works fine.

Here's the code. Note it's messy and using that clouds system that I forgot the name of.

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; |                                                                                          |  
; | Tutorial: How to create a Blitz Screensaver by Grisu                               v1.00 |
; |                                                                                          |  
; | File: ""                                                                  |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; |                                                                                          |  
; | This code serves as (empty) base for your Screensaver.                                   |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; | 1. Simply insert your own program code into "Configure()" or "Start()".                  |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; | 2. Compile and rename the executable to "*.scr".                                         |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; | 3. Copy your Screensaver (& Datafiles) to the Windows Rootfolder.                        |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; |                                                                                          |  
; | Known Issues when making Blitz Screensavers:                                             |
; |                                                                                          |  
; | - It's impossible to show a preview of your Screensaver inside the Windows Display Box.  |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; | - When starting your Screensaver a small GFX Window might be visible at first.           |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Include "" 

Type ri
Field s
Field a#
Field sp#
End Type 

Type bu
Field s
End Type 

AppTitle "Birds"    ; The Name of your Screensaver
Global m#,rip,sdd,tt#=255.0,ttt,al#=1,at#=0,up,uu,bob
Const cloudcount = 440 
Dim cloudtex(8)
Dim cloudpuff(cloudcount)

ChangeDir SystemProperty$("appdir") ; IMPORTANT
                                    ; Needed to run your Screensaver under Windows!!!.
                                    ; It changes the runtime Dir to where the Screensaver is located.
                                    ; Disable it while testing, because "appdir" of Blitz is "\bin".
                                    ; else your program might just crash!!! :)

; Checking Parameters that Windows uses for handling Screensavers 

If CommandLine$() <> "" Then                                ; If Parameter is present then 
  If Upper(Left$(CommandLine$(),2)) = "/C" Then Configure() ;  check if Screensaver Configuration shall be executed
  If Upper(Left$(CommandLine$(),2)) = "/S" Then Start()     ;  or Screensaver itself should be started  
EndIf ; <> ""

End   ; End program... bye bye 

Function Configure()
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; |                                                                                          |  
; | Insert Code for your Configuration Screen.                                               |  
; | If needed, execute an external application. Written in VB, Delphi or whatever.           |
; |                                                                                          |  
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; Display of Confguration Options such as: Resolution, Detail Level etc.
Print "No Configuration Settings"
Until GetKey()<>0 Or GetMouse()<>0

End Function                       ; of Configure()

Function Start()
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; |                                                                                          |  
; | Insert Code for your Screensaver program                                                 |  
; |                                                                                          |  
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    ; Set GFX-Mode and load Data... (placed before main loop!)
	FlushKeys()                   ; clean keyboardbuffer
	FlushMouse()                  ; clean mousebuffer  
	MoveMouse 0,0                 ; move mouse to 0,0 for later check
Graphics3D 800,600,32,1
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

MoveEntity cam,2,2,-5 
CameraFogMode cam,1
CameraFogRange cam,100,1000

MoveEntity l,0,3,5

d1=LoadAnimMesh("duck.b3d") ;anim 0
MoveEntity d1,0,0,3
RotateEntity d1,0,180,0

d2=LoadAnimMesh("duck.b3d") ;anim 0
MoveEntity d2,1,0,1
RotateEntity d2,0,180,0

d3=LoadAnimMesh("duck.b3d") ;anim 0
MoveEntity d3,-1,0,1
RotateEntity d3,0,180,0

EntityTexture d1,d_tex
EntityTexture d2,d_tex
EntityTexture d3,d_tex

EntityAlpha plane,.6
EntityColor plane,0,10,200
EntityShininess plane,1 

EntityTexture plane,pt

PositionEntity ht,0,-20,0
ScaleEntity ht,500,500,500

PositionEntity bo,-3,0.1,100
HideEntity bo

EntityTexture bo,btex

SpriteViewMode rip,2
EntityAlpha rip,.9
TurnEntity rip,90,0,0
ScaleSprite rip,.7,.7
HideEntity rip

MoveEntity dome,0,10,0
EntityColor dome,100,100,100
If sks=1 Then m=SkyBox("sky",".bmp") 
If sks=0 Then m=SkyBox("sky",".jpg")
If sks=2 Then m=SkyBox("sun",".jpg")

Local tmp#

cloudtex(1)=LoadTexture ("cloud1.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(2)=LoadTexture ("cloud2.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(3)=LoadTexture ("cloud3.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(4)=LoadTexture ("cloud4.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(5)=LoadTexture ("cloud5.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(6)=LoadTexture ("cloud6.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(7)=LoadTexture ("cloud7.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha
cloudtex(8)=LoadTexture ("cloud8.png",1+2) ; color plus alpha

;; turn this loop on To make the clouds use additive mixing
;For loop = 1 To 8
;TextureBlend cloudtex(loop),3

cloudmaster = CreatePivot()

For loop = 1 To cloudcount
	cloudpuff(loop) = CreateSprite(cloudmaster)
	PositionEntity cloudpuff(loop),Rnd(-55,55),Rnd(7.0,25.0),Rnd(-10.0,55.0)
	tmp = Rnd(4.0,8.0)
	ScaleSprite cloudpuff(loop),tmp,tmp
	EntityTexture cloudpuff(loop),cloudtex(Rnd(1,8))
	EntityAlpha cloudpuff(loop),.1 ; make the puffs a bit more transparent. helps hipe some of the "popping"
	EntityFX cloudpuff(loop),1 ;fullbright
MoveEntity cloudmaster,3,0,20
MoveEntity m,0,10,0

	Repeat                        ; Main loop for your Screensaver Code 

TurnEntity cloudmaster,0,.02,0

If Not Animating(d1) Then Animate d1,1,.5,0,20
If Not Animating(d2) Then Animate d2,1,.6,0,20
If Not Animating(d3) Then Animate d3,1,.7,0,20

;Update Particles
If sdd=25 Then 
r.ri=New ri
PositionEntity r\s,EntityX(d1),EntityY(d1),EntityZ(d1)-.5 
ScaleSprite r\s,rn#,rn#
r.ri=New ri
PositionEntity r\s,EntityX(d2),EntityY(d2),EntityZ(d2)-.5 
ScaleSprite r\s,rn#,rn#
r.ri=New ri
PositionEntity r\s,EntityX(d3),EntityY(d3),EntityZ(d3)-.5 
ScaleSprite r\s,rn#,rn#
For r.ri=Each ri
MoveEntity r\s,0,r\sp#,0
EntityAlpha r\s,r\a#
If r\a#=<0 Then HideEntity(r\s):Delete r 

RotateEntity m,0,x#,0

If ttt=0 Then tt#=tt#-.01
If ttt=1 Then tt#=tt#+.01
EntityColor m,tt#,tt#,tt#
If tt#<0 Then ttt=1
If tt#>255 Then ttt=0
If tt#<100 And tt#>99 Then at=1
If tt#>101 And tt#<102 Then at=2
If at=2 Then
If al#<1 Then al#=al#+.002
If al#>1 Then al#=1
EntityAlpha m,al#
If al#=1 Then at=0
If at=1 Then
If al#>0 Then al#=al#-.002
If al#<0 Then al#=0
EntityAlpha m,al#

If up=0 Then 
MoveEntity d1,0,-.01,0
MoveEntity d2,0,-.01,0
MoveEntity d3,0,-.01,0
If uu=10 Then uu=0:up=1
Else up=1  
MoveEntity d1,0,.01,0
MoveEntity d2,0,.01,0
MoveEntity d3,0,.01,0
If uu=10 Then uu=0:up=0

If bob=300
b.bu=New bu
If move=1 Then MoveEntity b\s,6,0,0
If move=2 Then MoveEntity b\s,10,0,0

For b.bu=Each bu
MoveEntity b\s,0,0,-.2
If EntityZ(b\s)<-10 Then HideEntity b\s:Delete b 

		Delay 1                       ; secure that the CPU usage is not 100% all time!	 	
	Until GetMouse() <> 0 Or MouseX() <> 0 Or MouseY() <> 0 Or GetKey() <> 0 ; check if user makes a move :)

End Function                      ; of Start() 

I turned debug OFF and compiled it to a .scr file, put everything in the windows root folder. It works fine if I hit preview on the screensaver window.

Has anyone had this problem
And is there some faster running screensaver code (my FPS is like 5 in the begining and slowly increases to 20)

b32(Posted 2006) [#2]
Maybe you should check if another instance of the screensaver is running. I tried making one in Delphi for Win98, so I don't know if this is still the case, but win98 started a new instance of the screensaver program every minute (when the delay was set to 1). If this is the problem, use api_FindWindow in user32.dll:
If findwindow returns a non-zero value, the screensaver is allready running and the program should exit.
And maybe use Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 1 instead.

bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#3]
first at all: an include file is missing, and the media is missing, too. so we cant help you at all.

you dont have to put it into the windows root folder, but in "c\windows\system32\".
i don't know what "compiling to scr" means, but i compile it and rename "exe" into "scr" and that works.

Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#4]
Dare i say it, I think I have written more commercial screen savers in Blitz3D than anyone else (apart from Joe Retro perhaps).

Anyhow zip up the entire project including models and includes to me and I'll look at it for you.

IPete2(Posted 2006) [#5]

it does the heart good to see this kinda offer - top dude. This is what this community should be all about :)


Fuller(Posted 2006) [#6]
Here's the data files sorry it took so long:

b32(Posted 2006) [#7]
It still misses 3 files: the duck texture, the water sprite and ripple.bmp

Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#8]
Anyhow zip up the entire project including models and includes to me and I'll look at it for you.