How tile anim strip image on a mesh?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/How tile anim strip image on a mesh?

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hello. I have this problem....
I.E. How can obtain a tiled strip image texture on a mesh (i want animate it after...).
I use a strip image for example to animate water i assign it to a plane but i can't
tile it. Please explain me if possible :-)

try this..... (media is a strip image of 256x64 pixels)
Graphics3D 800,600

Global scale# = 1
camera = CreateCamera()
cube = CreateCube()
texture = LoadAnimTexture("tp.jpg",49,64,64,0,3)
;texture = LoadTexture("tp.jpg")

EntityTexture cube,texture

MoveEntity camera,0,5,0
RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
While Not KeyDown(1)

If KeyHit(205) Then
scale = scale+ 0.01
ScaleTexture texture,scale,scale
If KeyHit(203) Then
scale = scale- 0.01
ScaleTexture texture,scale,scale

TurnEntity cube,0,1,1

Ok gfk! but i sayd that i want apply a imagestrip texture if you see 'my code' it use loadanimtexture not loadtexture. try this code and you will see what i say....
after i want say that i already try thi code because it is the first thing that i wrote (obviosly).
i have changed the code for use plane into cube because i can see what happen in manner mode. many thanks however

GfK(Posted 2006) [#2]
If you mean you've applied a texture to a plane but want the texture to be repeated, you can do so using ScaleTexture. As for what values to use, the best way is to experiment until you get the 'look' that you want.

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#3]
I mean this but scaletexture don't work. I try several value but nothing? ohw i ca do.however thanks GFK

GfK(Posted 2006) [#4]
This code works:
Graphics3D 800,600

Global scale# = 1
camera = CreateCamera()
plane = CreatePlane()
texture = LoadTexture("monk1.jpg")
EntityTexture plane,texture

MoveEntity camera,0,5,0
RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
While Not KeyDown(1)
	scale = scale + 0.01
	ScaleTexture texture,scale,scale
	TurnEntity plane,0,1,0

Naughty Alien(Posted 2006) [#5] some cases, 3DS and B3D files somehow dont allow you to use scaletexture, so after I apply UV map modifier and then collapse as a mesh, things use to be fine...this is of course my issue with 3dsMAX..

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#6]
Give me a solution!!!

big10p(Posted 2006) [#7]

GfK(Posted 2006) [#8]
Give me a solution!!!
I already did. You said you wanted to create a plane, apply a texture and make the texture tile/repeat. That's precisely what the code above does.

Now, I'm wondering why you've edited my code then amended your first post to include it. I'm clearly not barking up the wrong tree here...

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#9]
Please read carefully my question. I need a solution.

Naughty Alien(Posted 2006) [#10]
ok, in case you using plane in order to simulate water, before you export it, apply on it PLANAR UV map, and then export it..after that in Blitz use usual way to tile it (Scaletexture)..

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#11]
@ vivaigiochi

You've got a titling solution there so all you need is to include some timing routine to animate. Something like this in conjunction with what you have should work..

global MyTimer = millisecs()
global Frame = 0

while not keydown(1)

  ;do other stuff

  if ( millisecs() - MyTimer ) > 100  ;change this value
     frame = ( frame + 1 ) mod 4
     entitytexture cube, texture, frame
     MyTimer = millisecs()


This will change the texture 10 frames a second.


Matty(Posted 2006) [#12]
If you want to tile a texture then you need to scale it by an appropriate amount:

scaletexture texture,0.5,0.5 ;this will tile it such that the texture appears twice in both directions (u,v) on mesh.

scaletexture texture,0.25,0.25 ;this will tile is such that the texture appears 4 times in both directions (u,v) on mesh.

scaletexture texture,0.125,0.125 ;8 times

and so on..

If you want it to repeat 2 times then you would need to scale by 1.0/2.0 (ie 0.5), if you want it to repeat 4 times then 1.0/4.0 (ie 0.25)

If you want it to repeat 256 times, as an example, then you will need to scale it by 1.0/256.0

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#13]
Ok many thanks to all, but i have just tried all solution posted of you and the result is NOTHING!!
Please give me a solution! if possible send me an email with a model to try it.
I remember you if i use a standard image all solution proposed of you is ok! but if i use a strip image no!

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#14]
Show us the code you have so far and, if you can, upload your image strip so that we can use that to demonstrate.


vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#15]
Ok Steve G (and others) but i obtain same result with all image strip. I.E. I can upload it but if you use the code above with an image strip created of you (media is a strip image of 256x64 pixels) you can see the results.
However how can i upload this image to you? Thanks

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#16]
e-mail the image to me together with the code you're using and I will get it working for you.


vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#17]
Steve please may you write a correct email address?
thanks :-)

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#18]
Replace the AT with @. E-mail address is in my profile too. I won't be able to do anything until I get back from work ... in about 6-7 hours.


Reans(Posted 2014) [#19]
Graphics3D 680,480,16,2
Global scale# = 1
camera = CreateCamera()
cube = CreateCube()
texture = LoadAnimTexture("1mage1.png",148,128,64,0,6)

EntityTexture cube,texture

While Not KeyDown(1)

TurnEntity cube,0,1,1

Global MyTimer = MilliSecs()
Global Frame = 0

While Not KeyDown(1)

;do other stuff

If ( MilliSecs() - MyTimer ) > 100 ;change this value
frame = ( frame + 1 ) Mod 2
EntityTexture cube, texture, frame
MyTimer = MilliSecs()

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