Help! Code makes game quit instead of restarting

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Help! Code makes game quit instead of restarting

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#1]
I have revamped the code to my flight game, however, when you shoot the enemy airplane, and knock him down, the game tells you that you shot the plane, but then instead of the program restarting from the beginning, it winds up quitting on you. How would I go about letting the game reloop itself until you manually quit the game? This is quite weird, here's the code for that:

; - This is the source code for the Enemy Plane's Artificial Intelligence for the game, "Avoid the Plane"
; Hence, this is the action that you have to avoid from the plane to crash into you.

Graphics 800,600

; Initialize the BackBuffer() and AutoMidHandle Default Settings
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
AutoMidHandle True

; Load the images for both your airplane, and the enemy airplane

; First, here are the types that are needed to make this program work properly

Type enemyplane
	Field x,y	; These are the coordinate variables for the enemy airplane
	Field xv,yv ; These define the velocity of the enemy plane
	Field image	; This defines the actual image of the airplane
End Type

; Now, here's the type for your airplane
Type playerplane
	Field x,y	; These are the coordinate variables for your airplane
	Field collision	; This defines the amount of collisions that you have suffered
	Field image	; This defines your plane's image
End Type

; Load the type for the bullets that the planes fire at each other
Type bullet
	Field x,y   ;The x and y coordinates
	Field image   ;The bullet image
End Type

; Below defines the constants used in this game

; These define the enemy's actions
Global enemy.enemyplane = New enemyplane
enemy\x = 400
enemy\y = 200
enemy\xv = Rand(-5,5)
enemy\yv = Rand(-5,5)
enemy\image = LoadImage("enemyplane.png")

; The following defines the creation of your airplane
Global player.playerplane = New playerplane
player\x = 400
player\y = 400
player\collision = 0
player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")

; The following loads the sounds for the plane engine, as well as a collision crash sound
Global enginesound = LoadSound("engine.wav")
Global collisionsound = LoadSound("crash.wav")
Global bulletsound = LoadSound("bullet.wav")
Global explosionsound = LoadSound("kaboom.wav")


; The following is the main loop for this program
While Not KeyDown(1)

; Make sure that the screen is clear

; Verify that all the text for this program is in the top-left corner
Text 0,0, "Press <LEFT> to Move Left, Press <RIGHT> to Move Right"
Text 0,12, "Press <ESC> to Quit Program:  "
Text 0,24, "Collisions:\>  " + player\collision

; Verify whether or not the enemy plane has hit the borders

; Now, test the keyboard for this program
SoundVolume enginesound, .25
LoopSound enginesound
propsound = PlaySound(enginesound)

If (ImagesOverlap(player\image,player\x,player\y,enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y))
	PlaySound collisionsound
	player\collision = player\collision + 1
	player\x = 400
	player\y = 400
	enemy\x = 400
	enemy\y = 200
	enemy\xv = Rand(-5,5)
	enemy\yv = Rand(-5,5)

If KeyDown(57)
	bullets.bullet = New bullet
	bullets\x = player\x
	bullets\y = player\y
	bullets\image = LoadImage ("bullet.png")
	PlaySound bulletsound

For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
	bullets\y = bullets\y - 5
	DrawImage bullets\image,bullets\x,bullets\y
	If ImagesOverlap(enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y,bullets\image,bullets\x,bullets\y)
		SoundVolume explosionsound,.30
		PlaySound explosionsound
		Text 260,300, "Looks like you shot down the enemy plane!"
		Delay 4000
;Delete each of the bullets (if there are any)
		For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
			Delete bullets

;Choose the player's x and y coords
		player\x = 400
		player\y = 400

;Assign the player's image
		player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")

;Choose the enemy's beginning x and y coords
		enemy\x = 400
		enemy\y = 200

;Give the enemy a velocity that is between -7 and 7
		enemy\xv = Rand (-5,5)
		enemy\yv = Rand (-5,5)
	If bullets\y < 0
		Delete bullets

;Assign the enemy's image
enemy\image = LoadImage("enemyplane.png")
MaskImage enemy\image, 255 ,255,255
; Once the player is above the enemy plane, move the enemy northwards towards the plane
If player\y > enemy\y
	enemy\y = enemy\y + ENEMYSPEED

; Once the player is to the left of the enemy plane, move the enemy to the west
If player\x < enemy\x
	enemy\x = enemy\x - ENEMYSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, -1

; Once the player is to the right of the enemy plane, move the enemy to the east
If player\x > enemy\x
	enemy\x = enemy\x + ENEMYSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, 1

; Once the player is below the enemy plane, move the enemy to the south
If player\y < enemy\y
	enemy\y = enemy\y - ENEMYSPEED

; Now, keep the enemy in motion, as his objective is to collide with your airspace
enemy\x = enemy\x + enemy\xv
enemy\y = enemy\y + enemy\yv

; Then, draw the images of both the enemy's plane and yours
DrawImage enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y
DrawImage player\image,player\x,player\y


; Slow the program down
Delay 50

; This now ends the main loop of this part of the program

; Here is the function for the Enemy Plane's Collisions

Function TestEnemyCollisions()

;If enemy hits a wall, reverse his velocity
If enemy\x < 0
	enemy\xv = -enemy\xv
If enemy\x > 800
	enemy\xv = - enemy\xv
If enemy\y < 0 
	enemy\yv = -enemy\yv
If enemy\y > 600
	enemy\yv = -enemy\yv

End Function 

; On the same token, here is the function for you to move left to right to avoid the enemy

Function TestKeys()

If KeyDown(200)
	player\y = player\y - PLAYERSPEED

If KeyDown(208)
	player\y = player\y + PLAYERSPEED

If KeyDown(203)
	player\x = player\x - PLAYERSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, -1

If KeyDown(205)
	player\x = player\x + PLAYERSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, 1

End Function

Something tells me that the Return command seems to be the culprit, but I could be wrong. I thought the Return was supposed to return to the beginning of the main program loop. What gives?

jhocking(Posted 2006) [#2]
I don't exactly remember off the top of my head, and I'm not at home so I can't check this, but I think you want Break, not Return.

EDIT: Nope, no Break. At any rate, Return is for leaving functions, not just leaving a For loop. Try splitting off that entire bullets loop into a separate function.

Incidentally, I would recommend that anyway to improve modularity and readability. Personally, my main loop just calls a couple functions, with no other code inside. Everything else cascades out from those functions (ie. additional functions called from those functions.)

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#3]
Okay, thank you, that works. Now, with the Enemy Plane's AI, I made it so he can collide into your airplane, but I didn't make that he can fire rounds at you, would this be done with the complete opposite code of your bullets? Of course, the enemy would fire at random, not exactly when you fire. How would this be done?

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#4]
Now I updated the code. I also tried to make some code for the enemy to fire at you, however, it tells me in the function that you must define enemybullets as a type, which I did, but it didn't tell me that in the function for EnemyBullets(). I thought I did this right, here's the updated code, see if I did the enemybullet code right. It tells me that the enemybullets variable must be a type, but I did that, not too sure where the code should be corrected:

; - This is the source code for the Enemy Plane's Artificial Intelligence for the game, "Avoid the Plane"
; Hence, this is the action that you have to avoid from the plane to crash into you.

Graphics 800,600

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

; Initialize the BackBuffer() and AutoMidHandle Default Settings
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
AutoMidHandle True

; Load the images for both your airplane, and the enemy airplane

; First, here are the types that are needed to make this program work properly

Type enemyplane
	Field x,y	; These are the coordinate variables for the enemy airplane
	Field xv,yv ; These define the velocity of the enemy plane
	Field image	; This defines the actual image of the airplane
End Type

; Now, here's the type for your airplane
Type playerplane
	Field x,y	; These are the coordinate variables for your airplane
	Field collision	; This defines the amount of collisions that you have suffered
	Field image	; This defines your plane's image
	Field hits	; Number of hits on the enemy plane
End Type

; Load the type for the bullets that the planes fire at each other
Type bullet
	Field x,y   ;The x and y coordinates
	Field image   ;The bullet image
End Type

Type enemybullet
	Field x,y	; These are the x and y coordinates for the enemy's bullet
	Field image ; This is the enemy's bullet image
End Type

; Below defines the constants used in this game

; These define the enemy's actions
Global enemy.enemyplane = New enemyplane
enemy\x = 400
enemy\y = 200
enemy\xv = Rand(-5,5)
enemy\yv = Rand(-5,5)
enemy\image = LoadImage("enemyplane.png")

; The following defines the creation of your airplane
Global player.playerplane = New playerplane
player\x = 400
player\y = 400
player\collision = 0
player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")

; The following loads the sounds for the plane engine, as well as a collision crash sound
Global enginesound = LoadSound("engine.wav")
Global collisionsound = LoadSound("crash.wav")
Global bulletsound = LoadSound("bullet.wav")
Global explosionsound = LoadSound("kaboom.wav")

; The following is the main loop for this program
While Not KeyDown(1)

; Make sure that the screen is clear

; Verify that all the text for this program is in the top-left corner
Text 0,0, "Press <LEFT> to Move Left, Press <RIGHT> to Move Right"
Text 0,12, "Press <UP> to Move Up, Press <DOWN> to Move Down  "
Text 0,24, "Press <SPACE BAR> to shoot bullets, Press <ESC> to Quit:  "
Text 0,48, "Collisions:\>  " + player\collision
Text 0,60, "Hits:\> " + player\hits

; Verify whether or not the enemy plane has hit the borders

; Now, test the keyboard for this program
SoundVolume enginesound, .25
LoopSound enginesound
propsound = PlaySound(enginesound)


If KeyDown(57)
	bullets.bullet = New bullet
	bullets\x = player\x
	bullets\y = player\y
	bullets\image = LoadImage ("bullet.png")
	PlaySound bulletsound


;Assign the enemy's image
enemy\image = LoadImage("enemyplane.png")
MaskImage enemy\image, 255 ,255,255
; Once the player is above the enemy plane, move the enemy northwards towards the plane
If player\y > enemy\y
	enemy\y = enemy\y + ENEMYSPEED

; Once the player is to the left of the enemy plane, move the enemy to the west
If player\x < enemy\x
	enemy\x = enemy\x - ENEMYSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, 1

; Once the player is to the right of the enemy plane, move the enemy to the east
If player\x > enemy\x
	enemy\x = enemy\x + ENEMYSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, -1

; Once the player is below the enemy plane, move the enemy to the south
If player\y < enemy\y
	enemy\y = enemy\y - ENEMYSPEED
; Shoot bullets at the player's plane
	enemybullets.enemybullet = New enemybullet
	enemybullets\x = enemy\x
	enemybullets\y = enemy\y
	enemybullets\image = LoadImage("enemybullet.png")
	PlaySound bulletsound

; Now, keep the enemy in motion, as his objective is to collide with your airspace
enemy\x = enemy\x + enemy\xv
enemy\y = enemy\y + enemy\yv

; Once the enemy reaches the edges of the screen, move him into viewable range
If enemy\x <= 0
	enemy\x = 0
ElseIf enemy\x >= 800
	enemy\x = 800

If enemy\y <= 0
	enemy\y = 0
ElseIf enemy\y >= 600
	enemy\y = 600

; Then, draw the images of both the enemy's plane and yours
DrawImage enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y
DrawImage player\image,player\x,player\y


; Slow the program down
Delay 50

; This now ends the main loop of this part of the program

; Here is the function for the Enemy Plane's Collisions

Function TestEnemyCollisions()

;If enemy hits a wall, reverse his velocity
If enemy\x < 0
	enemy\xv = -enemy\xv
If enemy\x > 800
	enemy\xv = - enemy\xv
If enemy\y < 0 
	enemy\yv = -enemy\yv
If enemy\y > 600
	enemy\yv = -enemy\yv

End Function 

; On the same token, here is the function for you to move left to right to avoid the enemy

Function TestKeys()

If KeyDown(200)
	player\y = player\y - PLAYERSPEED

If KeyDown(208)
	player\y = player\y + PLAYERSPEED

If KeyDown(203)
	player\x = player\x - PLAYERSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, -1

If KeyDown(205)
	player\x = player\x + PLAYERSPEED
	ChannelPan propsound, 1

End Function

Function UpDateBullets()
For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
	bullets\y = bullets\y - 5
	DrawImage bullets\image,bullets\x,bullets\y
	If ImagesOverlap(enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y,bullets\image,bullets\x,bullets\y)
		SoundVolume explosionsound,.30
		PlaySound explosionsound
		Text 400,300, "Enemy down!"
		player\hits = player\hits + 1
		Delay 4000
;Delete each of the bullets (if there are any)
		For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
			Delete bullets

;Choose the player's x and y coords
		player\x = 400
		player\y = 400

;Assign the player's image
		player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")

;Choose the enemy's beginning x and y coords
		enemy\x = 400
		enemy\y = 200

;Give the enemy a velocity that is between -7 and 7
		enemy\xv = Rand (-5,5)
		enemy\yv = Rand (-5,5)
	If bullets\y < 0
		Delete bullets
End Function

Function CollisionCrash()
If (ImagesOverlap(player\image,player\x,player\y,enemy\image,enemy\x,enemy\y))
	SoundVolume collisionsound, .35
	PlaySound collisionsound
	Text 300,300, "Oops, you crashed into the enemy!"
	Delay 4000
; Remove any bullets that may be out there
	For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
		Delete bullets
	player\collision = player\collision + 1
	player\x = 400
	player\y = 400
	enemy\x = 400
	enemy\y = 200
	enemy\xv = Rand(-5,5)
	enemy\yv = Rand(-5,5)
	player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")
End Function

Function EnemyBullets()
If (ImagesOverlap(player\image,player\x,player\y,enemybullets\image,enemybullets\x,enemybullets\y))
	SoundVolume explosionsound, .35
	PlaySound explosionsound
	Text 400,300, "You've been hit!"
	Delay 4000
; Remove any of the bullets
	For bullets.bullet = Each bullet
		Delete bullets
	For enemybullet.enemybullets = Each enemybullets
	player\misses = player\misses + 1
	player\x = 400
	player\y = 400
	enemy\x = 400
	enemy\y = 200
	enemy\xv = Rand(-5,5)
	enemy\yv = Rand(-5,5)
	player\image = LoadImage("playerplane.png")
	enemy\image = LoadImage("enemyplane.png")
End Function

octothorpe(Posted 2006) [#5]
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