I was reallly bored so,,,,

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/I was reallly bored so,,,,

RRK1020(Posted 2005) [#1]
I made this in like a minute... enjoi

; Typeout text
; Created by: Ryan Kelly

txt$ = Input$("text: ")

For t = 1 To Len(txt$)
Write Mid$(txt$,t,1)
Delay Rand(600)

OJay(Posted 2005) [#2]
awesome job, dude. want a beer?

VP(Posted 2005) [#3]
I will make no mention at all of the AOL'ness of this.

Damn, I just did.

Rob Farley(Posted 2005) [#4]
OK... Here's my two minute texty thing

Graphics 640,480
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

txt$ = "SwoopoMatic Text! Who's going to use this in their game!?"

Type ttext
	Field x#
	Field y#
	Field tx
	Field ty
	Field xs#
	Field ys#
	Field t$
End Type

For n=1 To Len(txt)
	tt.ttext = New ttext
	tt\x = Rand(0,640)
	tt\y = Rand(0,480)
	tt\tx = 320-(Len(txt)*5) + ((n-1)*10)
	tt\ty = 240
	tt\t = Mid(txt,n,1)
	tt\xs = ((tt\x - tt\tx)/200)
	tt\ys = ((tt\y - tt\ty)/200)

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

	For tt.ttext = Each ttext
		If tt\x < tt\tx Then tt\xs = tt\xs + .1
		If tt\x > tt\tx Then tt\xs = tt\xs - .1
		If tt\y < tt\ty Then tt\ys = tt\ys + .1
		If tt\y > tt\ty Then tt\ys = tt\ys - .1
		tt\xs = tt\xs * .99
		tt\ys = tt\ys * .99
		tt\x = tt\x + tt\xs
		tt\y = tt\y + tt\ys
		If Floor(tt\x) = Floor(tt\tx) Then tt\ys = tt\xs *.5
		If Floor(tt\y) = Floor(tt\ty) Then tt\xs = tt\ys *.5
		Text tt\x,tt\y,tt\t,True,True
Until KeyHit(1)

Andy(Posted 2005) [#5]
>OK... Here's my two minute texty thing

Haha, classy stuff!

This surely deserves a place in the archives?


KuRiX(Posted 2005) [#6]
And the winner is...rob!

RRK1020(Posted 2005) [#7]
lol. I LOOse! (yes!)

no... beer would be illegal...

RRK1020(Posted 2005) [#8]
well i only had a minute... lol

Andy(Posted 2005) [#9]
>lol. I LOOse! (yes!)

On the other hand, losing to Rob Farley is like losing a game of chess to Garry Kasparov.


Boiled Sweets(Posted 2005) [#10]
Rob probably coded Deep Blue....


Sir Gak(Posted 2005) [#11]
Rob, I liked it!