About my First project

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/About my First project

seferey(Posted 2005) [#1]
;Name of application
AppTitle "My First Terrain And First animated Character"

Print "Press F12 to exit"
Print "After the wheels start moving"
Print "Press Spacebar to move the car."

Delay 2000

;Initialise Graphics mode
Graphics3D 800,600,16,1

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Const FPS=500

Const GRAVITY#=-0.01

;Camera has to be set, so the scene is visible

;CameraFogMode camera,1
;CameraFogColor camera,1,150,150
PositionEntity camera,30,0,1,True
;Light The Scene, so that it doesn't look flat

RotateEntity Light,90,0,0

;Create the "Terrain" Entity...
PositionEntity terrain,40,17,0
RotateEntity terrain,0,0,0 
TranslateEntity terrain,30,-20,-.1 
;...and texture it
EntityTexture terrain,Grass

;Create a skybox using createsphere command

ScaleMesh sky,800,800,800 
EntityTexture sky,sky_tex
EntityFX sky,1
FlipMesh sky


;Create the "Box" entity and animate it
ScaleEntity box,.1,.1,.1
PositionEntity box,0,-.9000,5
TranslateEntity box,30,-.70,-.70
EntityShininess box,1
SetAnimKey box,15,True,True,True
Animate box,1,2,0,100

;Set Collision types fot the "collisions" command 1-player, 2-ground
EntityType box,1
EntityType terrain,2

;Adjust Radius of Sphere, that's used for Sphere-Polygon collisions
EntityRadius box, box_radius
;Initialise Collisions between player and ground

Collisions type_box,type_terrain,2,3 
Collisions type_terrain,type_box,2,3 

;Dither scene, so that it does look good with 16 Bit Color-Depth

; Toggle dither enable value between true and false when F10 is pressed

;If KeyHit( 68 )=True Then enable=1-enable

;Dither enable 

;other information about gravity
x_vel#=0:prev_x#=EntityX( box )
y_vel#=0:prev_y#=EntityY( box )
z_vel#=0:prev_z#=EntityZ( box )

;Main Loop

While Not KeyHit(88) ;press F12 To Exit

;Press F11 to see the world in Wireframe mode
If KeyHit(87)=True Then enable=1-enable 
   WireFrame enable 

CameraFogRange camera,1,FOG_RANGE

   ;calculate box velocities	
	cx#=EntityX( box ):x_vel=cx-prev_x:prev_x=cx
	cy#=EntityY( box ):y_vel=cy-prev_y:prev_y=cy
	cz#=EntityZ( box ):z_vel=cz-prev_z:prev_z=cz


;Keyboard Input (cursor-keys) For moving the player around
If KeyHit(57) 
  If move_entities = True 
    move_entities = False 
    move_entities = True   

If move_entities = False 
  ;all of your movement code
  If KeyDown(30) TurnEntity box,0,1,0 
  If KeyDown(32) TurnEntity box,0,-1,0 
  If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity box,0,0,-.01 
  If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity box,0,0,.01 
  If EntityCollided( box,terrain )  
    If KeyDown(17) 
      If speed>.0 speed=.0 
    Else If KeyDown(31)
      If speed<-.5 speed=-.5
    MoveEntity box,0,0,speed
    TranslateEntity box,0,GRAVITY#-.01,0
    TranslateEntity box,x_vel,y_vel+GRAVITY,z_vel

TurnEntity sky,0,.02,0 
;Update the animation-Frames and Render the calculated scene, Flip Back- with Frontbuffer after that, so the new frame becomes visible


;Free the Memory and end the program


seferey(Posted 2005) [#2]
Is there an other way to stop entities from moving?

WolRon(Posted 2005) [#3]
EDIT: removed

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#4]
Something like this in the main loop will work ...

if keydown(57)
repeat : until keydown( restart_key_scancode )


seferey(Posted 2005) [#5]
I've tried what you suggested Stevie G but when I press
57 it stops the entity witch is good. But crashes the program after I pressed it

Anyway I tested my project again but on my big computer with
ati 9200 graphics card it did the same thing and there was a slight difference with how the program ran for starters Entity
shininess command shows the shininess well on my laptop
but on my big computer it doesn't show at all

is there a way to fix entity shininess or is it my ati cards settings I half to mess with? just curious :|

WolRon(Posted 2005) [#6]
Stevie G should have stated that restart_key_scancode was pseudocode for whatever key you wanted the player to press to restart the entities movement. Also, the method he showed would stop ALL program action, which usually isn't what you want
Here's a better way:
If keyHit(57)
  If move_entities = True
    move_entities = False
    move_entities = True

If move_entities = True
  ;all of your movement code
  If KeyDown(30) TurnEntity box,0,1,0
  If KeyDown(32) TurnEntity box,0,-1,0
  If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity box,0,0,-.01
  If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity box,0,0,.01
  If EntityCollided( box,terrain ) 
    If KeyDown(17)
      If speed>.0 speed=.0
    Else If KeyDown(31)
      If speed<-.5 speed=-.5
    MoveEntity box,0,0,speed
    TranslateEntity box,0,GRAVITY#=-.01,0
    TranslateEntity box,x_vel,y_vel+GRAVITY,z_vel
By the way, it's usually better to collect user input ONE TIME seperately from the rest of your movement code. Check out some of my code samples on my site for examples, if you haven't done so before.

WolRon(Posted 2005) [#7]
BTW, it appears that you have a mistake (the equal sign) in this section of code:
TranslateEntity box,0,GRAVITY#=-.01,0
Oh yeah, and if you want to know how to post code in the code format (which will also show indenting properly), read What are the forum codes?.

seferey(Posted 2005) [#8]
Thank you WolRon yours code seem's to work perfect for me

I change these lines a little to see if they give me a different effect

and your version works better. But I changed the true and false commands like so.

If KeyHit(57) 
  If move_entities = True 
    move_entities = False 
    move_entities = True   

If move_entities = False

after changing these lines. When I went to test it out it was running differently

I would push 17 first and it move then press spacebar to stop it and press it again to release it

But when I tried it your way it wouldn't let me move the entity at all unless I pressed the spacebar first then it would let me move :)

P.S Thanks for showing me the forum I sometimes forget about the [] code line

seferey(Posted 2005) [#9]
Also today I been reading the 3d tutorial on the forums here

and been playing the simple version of a skybox using

Createsphere (16,camera_pivot) 

command it's okay but when turning your entity left or right

it show a black hole why is that?

Is it me or is it just my ATI 9200 Card That can't seem to support entity shininess

Zmatrix(Posted 2005) [#10]
Seferey, the camera is Probbaly looking Through the Sphere , Try scaling it a bit larger.
for example

Scalemesh Skysphere,3,3,3

Createsphere (16,camera_pivot) is going to Rotate it with the camera , you dont want that.

you should Create the Sphere normaly


Then texture it.

make it full bright so light doesnt effect it
Entityfx Skysphere,1

you might also want to change its order to its rendered behind other objects no matter its scale.
EntityOrder Skysphere,10

Then, in the main program loop update its position with the camera
Positionentity Skysphere,EntityX(camera),EntityY(camera),EntityZ(camera)


octothorpe(Posted 2005) [#11]
  If move_entities = True 
    move_entities = False 
    move_entities = True   

  move_entities = Not(move_entities)

seferey(Posted 2005) [#12]
Hi the sky sphere commands work but the problem is still there

also is there another way to create entity shininess

After the black hole part when my entity fall's off the terrain

the entityshininess command turns on and actually shows


seferey(Posted 2005) [#13]
delete thread

Matty(Posted 2005) [#14]
Your camera range is too short - or your sphere is too big. Simply make a sphere that is larger than the camera near distance and smaller than the camera far distance, set the entityorder so that it renders behind everything and remember to update its position so that it is centred on the cameras position at all times.

seferey(Posted 2005) [#15]
I put the camera range to

CameraRange Camera,1,8000 

and it fixed the sphere problem

now the last problem to fix is

Entityshininess box,1  

it loads up at start fine on my laptop but on my big computer with my Ati 9200 it loads up after I fall off the terrain. Why does this happen?

Also I discovered that my Ati 9200 card seems to show
entity shininess command. when I run My source code with the camerafogmode and camerafogcolor commands
togethger it show my entity shiniess

And one more thing. Is there a way to put boundries to prevent My entity from falling off the terrain?

seferey(Posted 2005) [#16]
Is there a way to put boundries to prevent My entity from falling off the terrain?

how do I create a quad

t3K|Mac(Posted 2005) [#17]
add 4 invisible boxes or quads around your terrain and include them into your collisionroutine.

octothorpe(Posted 2005) [#18]

Matty(Posted 2005) [#19]
create a cube, resize it using fitmesh so that the borders are aligned with the terrain borders, then use flipmesh to invert it, set its entityalpha to 0 and include it in your collision routine.

seferey(Posted 2005) [#20]
I fixed it but it seem's to not work anyway

;Name of application
AppTitle "My First Terrain And First animated Character"

Print "Press F12 to exit"
Print "Press F11 to see Wireframe Mode."
Print "After the wheels start moving"
Print "Press Spacebar to move the car."

Delay 2000

;Initialise Graphics mode
Graphics3D 800,600,16,1

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Const FPS=500

Const GRAVITY#=-0.01

;Camera has to be set, so the scene is visible
CameraRange Camera,1,8000 
;CameraFogMode camera,1
;CameraFogColor camera,1,150,150
;CameraFogColor camera,20,23,150
PositionEntity camera,30,0,1,True
;Light The Scene, so that it doesn't look flat

RotateEntity Light,90,0,0

;Create the "Terrain" Entity...
PositionEntity terrain,40,17,0
RotateEntity terrain,0,0,0 
TranslateEntity terrain,30,-20,-.1 
;...and texture it
EntityTexture terrain,Grass

;Create A Border Line 

FitMesh Wall,600,600,600,600,600,600
;ScaleMesh Wall,600,600,600 
EntityAlpha Wall,0
EntityOrder Wall,20
FlipMesh Wall

;Create a skybox using a model sphere

ScaleMesh Sky1,5000,5000,5000
PositionEntity Sky1,30,-.9000,0 
EntityTexture Sky1,Sky
EntityFX Sky1,1
EntityOrder Sky1,20
FlipMesh Sky1


;Create the "Box" entity and animate it
ScaleEntity box,.1,.1,.1
PositionEntity box,0,-.9000,5
TranslateEntity box,30,-.70,-.70
EntityShininess box,1
SetAnimKey box,15,True,True,True
Animate box,1,2,0,100

;Set Collision types fot the "collisions" command 1-player, 2-ground 3-border
EntityType box,1
EntityType terrain,2
EntityType Wall,3

;Adjust Radius of Sphere, that's used for Sphere-Polygon collisions
EntityRadius box,box_radius
;Initialise Collisions between player,ground and border

Collisions type_box,type_terrain,2,3 
Collisions type_terrain,type_box,2,3
Collisions type_Wall,type_terrain,2,1 
Collisions type_terrain,type_Wall,2,1

;Dither scene, so that it does look good with 16 Bit Color-Depth

; Toggle dither enable value between true and false when F10 is pressed

If KeyHit( 68 )=True Then enable=1-enable

Dither enable 

;other information about gravity

x_vel#=0:prev_x#=EntityX( box )
y_vel#=0:prev_y#=EntityY( box )
z_vel#=0:prev_z#=EntityZ( box )

;Main Loop

While Not KeyHit(88) ;press F12 To Exit

;Press F11 to see the world in Wireframe mode

If KeyHit(87)=True Then enable=1-enable 
   WireFrame enable 

;CameraFogRange camera,1,FOG_RANGE

   ;calculate box velocities	
	cx#=EntityX( box ):x_vel=cx-prev_x:prev_x=cx
	cy#=EntityY( box ):y_vel=cy-prev_y:prev_y=cy
	cz#=EntityZ( box ):z_vel=cz-prev_z:prev_z=cz


;Keyboard Input (cursor-keys) For moving the player around
If KeyHit(57) 
  If move_entities = True 
    move_entities = False 
    move_entities = True   

If move_entities = False 
  ;all of your movement code
  If KeyDown(30) TurnEntity box,0,1,0 
  If KeyDown(32) TurnEntity box,0,-1,0 
  If KeyDown(31) MoveEntity box,0,0,-.01 
  If KeyDown(17) MoveEntity box,0,0,.01 
  If EntityCollided( box,terrain)  
    If KeyDown(17) 
      If speed>.0 speed=.0 
    Else If KeyDown(31)
      If speed<-.5 speed=-.5
    MoveEntity box,0,0,speed
    TranslateEntity box,0,GRAVITY#-.01,0
    TranslateEntity box,x_vel,y_vel+GRAVITY,z_vel

TurnEntity Sky1,0,.02,0 

PositionEntity Sky1,EntityX(camera),EntityY(camera),EntityZ(camera)

;Update the animation-Frames and Render the calculated scene, Flip Back- with Frontbuffer after that, so the new frame becomes visible


;Free the Memory and end the program


seferey(Posted 2005) [#21]
I now got it to work by writing

;Create A Border Line 

ScaleMesh Wall,600,600,600 
PositionMesh Wall,50,17,0 
EntityAlpha Wall,0
EntityOrder Wall,20
FlipMesh Wall

;Set Collision types fot the "collisions" command 1-player, 2-ground 3-border
EntityType box,1
EntityType terrain,2
EntityType Wall,2

Collisions type_box,type_terrain,2,3 
Collisions type_terrain,type_box,2,3
Collisions type_Wall,type_terrain,2,3 
Collisions type_terrain,type_Wall,2,3

right here Where it says

;Create A Border Line


fitmesh command doesn't seem to work But when I got rid of it and wrote

;Create A Border Line 

ScaleMesh Wall,600,600,600 
PositionMesh Wall,50,17,0 
EntityAlpha Wall,0
EntityOrder Wall,20
FlipMesh Wall

it works correctly thanks :)

Matty(Posted 2005) [#22]
You haven't set up collisions between the player (type_box) and the border (type_border), for some reason you have set up collision between the terrain and the border

seferey(Posted 2005) [#23]
I'm currently using a pak explorer the latest and my question is.

how do I load the content Inside the .pak file I made
in Blitz3D?

Just Curious :)

seferey(Posted 2005) [#24]
I have a quick question about drawimage command

not related to this project of mine

I'm currently making a mouse pointer but my problem is

I can't seem to get rid of the white square box around the mouse cursor

I've already tried photoshop 7 with transparency and imageicon as well :(

octothorpe(Posted 2005) [#25]
Try new threads for new questions. Also, you might find the Beginner Forum more helpful.

seferey(Posted 2005) [#26]
thanks octothorpe I'll go look at the beginner forums