normalmapping problem

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/normalmapping problem

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#1]
Yup... I have a problem with that animated normal mapping thiny I was trying out...
It isn't that amazing, I guess... it's just a mixture of realtime cubemap creation code and vertex color changing for showing normalmaping.... But it's what I nedded... and it made sense to me... so I presumed it would work...
but there's some problems with the code :(
here is a link to the filefactory download of the file I put together:
I think the big problem is in the vertex color code...
but I'm not sure... :S
I made the normal maps in ORB... I made the actual 3d model very quickly... (and it looks horrid... but "meh")
I'm sorry for the wierd download proccess... but could someone try it out and see if they can help me? I wabba re-write the whole thing and make some nice simple little functions so anyone can use them then... it's free to use.
I think it would help the blitz3d comunity... but I dunno.

The controls are a bit anoying... but just look through the code first.
Thank you for any help given.

Finjogi(Posted 2005) [#2]
Lets see if I got it right by reading your code:

- apply "light to vertex normal" vertex colors for the ball
- create cubemap from inside ball view (at least at beginning..?)
- apply that cubemap to animated 3d model

basic idea should be ok... but I have no clues why normal mapped model does not look "right", mayby vertex color calculation is not right or something. I'll try to dig bit deeper later tonight.

edit: normal mapping of your walking man seems to be bit off, there are seams and weird sudden color changes that will make dot3 lighting appear quite messy. Mayby you should try with simpler static object and see if it starts to show OK?

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#3]
thanks Finjogi,
I'll try a better more simple object...
for some wierd reson I don't think the guy rendered right either :(
then I'll see if the normal lighting code is bad or if thw model is... well... I know the model's bad... but I'll check the code.
Thanks for checking it out and any help you give in the future :D

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#4]
Ok.. just placed in the head model that comes with ORB... it works alot better... so part of the problem was definatley my model...
but I noticed something REALLY odd... everything seems ok at first... but when the colored ball is off screen... the cubemapping changes from the stable kind to the reflection kind... if that makes no sence what so ever... you'll have to check it out (sorry... I'm bad at describing stuff)
But the code still seems odd... but most people use this for normalmapping in blitz... I'm verey confused.
Oh well... I'm gonna keep at it. Hope 2 update soon.

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#5]
LOL... it's sad I've posted 3 times 2day...
Oh well... I hust popped in Fredborg's dotmapping code... wow... seriousley WAY better :D
I'm going to play with it some more...
but here's a link if anyone wants to fix it or play around with it... whatever you want :D