Mouse location on mesh

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Mouse location on mesh

Grovesy(Posted 2005) [#1]
Me again,

How would you go about finding the x,y,z locations of the point on a mesh where the mouse is pointer to?

Is it a simple case of collion detection between the mouse and all objects in your enviroment?

Just to help make this clear, I current have a flat plane (will eventually be a terrain style mesh) and want to get the mouse location when the user clicks the mouse. An object will then move to this location on the planes surface.

Thanks again

big10p(Posted 2005) [#2]
I had this old code on my HD that may help:

gpete(Posted 2005) [#3]
heres a little better version:

Graphics3D 800,600,32
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()


	SeedRnd MilliSecs()

	Global frame_count%
	Global fps%
	Global slowest_fps%
	Global fps_timeout%
	Global frame_time%
	Global slowest_frame%
	Global frame_start%
	fps_timer = CreateTimer(60)
	slowmo% = False
	wiref% = False
	cam = CreateCamera()
	PositionEntity cam,0,50,-35
	light = CreateLight()
	plane = CreatePlane()
	;RotateEntity plane,-90,0,0
	EntityColor plane,80,55,100
	NameEntity plane,"The Plane"
	EntityPickMode plane,2
	PositionEntity plane,0,0,0
	; Main loop
	While Not KeyHit(1)
		frame_start = MilliSecs()
		If KeyHit(28) Then slowmo = Not slowmo
		;If KeyHit(14)
		;	wiref = Not wiref
		;	WireFrame wiref

		If MouseHit(1)
			pent =CameraPick(cam,MouseX(),MouseY())
			px# = PickedX()
			py# = PickedY()
			pz# = PickedZ()

		Rect MouseX(),MouseY(),2,2,1
		Text 10,100,"Entity: "+pentt$
		Text 10,120,"x: "+px
		Text 10,130,"y: "+py
		Text 10,140,"z: "+pz
		frame_time = MilliSecs() - frame_start	


		If slowmo Then Delay 200



; Display debug info
Function show_info()
	If fps_timeout
		frame_count = frame_count + 1

		If MilliSecs() > fps_timeout Then
			fps_timeout = MilliSecs() + 1000 
			fps = frame_count 
			frame_count = 0 
			If fps < slowest_fps Or slowest_fps = 0 Then slowest_fps = fps
		If frame_time > slowest_frame Then slowest_frame = frame_time
		Color 0,255,0
		Text 10,10," Triangles: " + TrisRendered()
		Color 255,255,0
		Text 10,25," Millisecs: " + frame_time
		Text 10,40,"   Slowest: " + slowest_frame
		Color 0,255,255
		Text 10,55,"       FPS: " + fps
		Text 10,70,"     Worst: " + slowest_fps
		Color 255,255,255
		; First call initialization.
		fps_timeout = MilliSecs() + 1000 
End Function

For more fun, make a height map and replace the plane with a textured terrain, then the pickY() will give you numbers generally greater than 0.0

big10p(Posted 2005) [#4]
heres a little better version:

How dare you, sir! :P

Grovesy(Posted 2005) [#5]
Thanks for the help guys, unfortunatly my code isn't working quite how I was expecting.

I was hoping that were i click on the plane my object will be relocated to that position, but its appears to jump around!

Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global PlayerX# = 0
Global PlayerY# = 0
Global PlayerZ# = 0

Global cube=CreateCube()
PositionEntity cube,PlayerX,PlayerZ,PlayerY
ScaleEntity cube,0.2,0.2,0.2
EntityColor cube,100,100,100

Global camera=CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,PlayerX,5,PlayerY-5
PointEntity camera,cube

PositionEntity look,PlayerX,0,PlayerY
PointEntity camera,look
EntityParent camera,look

RotateEntity light,90,0,00

;Create plane
EntityColor plane,100,120,100

NameEntity plane,"The Plane"
EntityPickMode plane,2

While Not KeyDown( 1 )
If KeyDown( 205 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,-1,0
If KeyDown( 203 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,1,0
If KeyDown( 208 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-0.05
If KeyDown( 200 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.05
	Text 0,40,"PickedX: "+PickedX#()
	Text 0,60,"PickedY: "+PickedY#()
	Text 0,80,"PickedZ: "+PickedZ#()
	Text 0,0,"Use cursor keys to move about the infinite plane "

Function check_mouse()
	If MouseHit(1)=True
		PlayerX = PickedX#()
		PlayerY = PickedY#()
		PlayerZ = PickedZ#()
End Function

Function update_player()
	PositionEntity cube,PlayerX,PlayerZ,PlayerY
End Function

Any ideas?

ratking(Posted 2005) [#6]
The error is on this line:
PositionEntity cube,PlayerX,PlayerZ,PlayerY

Grovesy(Posted 2005) [#7]
Doh! How silly do i feel.

Thanks for your help all.