types within types

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/types within types

skyfire1(Posted 2005) [#1]
i bet this question has been asked a million times but i need to know the answer. how do you put types in types? can someone give me a quick example on how to pull this off?

Warren(Posted 2005) [#2]
You can't do that, the language doesn't support it.

Unless I'm not understanding what you mean. Could you elaborate?

puki(Posted 2005) [#3]
Yes you can:

It is sort of like this:

Set up the first Type.

Create the second Type, however, include a field that references the first Type.

So you might have a Type for Orc with fields of race, level, money, etc. which is called 'Orc' - in the second Type called MageOrc you could have a field called MOrc - which includes the Orc Type into the new MageOrc (MOrc.Orc), plus any new fields for MageOrc such as magic, spell_level, etc.

I sort of did that out of my head - but that is the general idea.

IPete2(Posted 2005) [#4]

IPete2(Posted 2005) [#5]

IPete2(Posted 2005) [#6]
YES you can,

here's a good example from Krylar's book "Learn to Program 2D Games in Blitz Basic"...


Type Ships
Field Name$
Field LaserPower%
Field Armor%
Field ShieldPower%
Field Missiles%
Field TopSpeed%
End Type

Type Destroyers
Field ShipBasics.Ships
Field LandingBays%
Field FighterCompliment%
Field IonCannonPower%
End Type

Destroyer\ShipBasics.Ships = New Ships
Destroyer\ShipBasics\Name$ = Name$
Destroyer\ShipBasics\LaserPower% = LaserPower%
Destroyer\LandingBays% = LandingBays%

Hope this helps


puki(Posted 2005) [#7]
Cripes - he must have got excited.

Ice9(Posted 2005) [#8]
Is this what you mean

Type efx
	Field sprite
	Field x#
	Field y#
	Field z#
	Field angX#
	Field angY#
	Field angZ#
	Field alpha#
	Field gravity#
	Field life#
	Field Scale#
End Type

Type PProj
	Field entity
	Field OldX#
	Field OldY#
	Field OldZ#
	Field XVel#
	Field YVel#
	Field Power#
	Field range#
	Field facing
	Field Life#
	Field spritecount
	Field sprites.efx[40]   ;array of types in type note the square brackets
	Field SpriteIndex
	Field explode
	Field HitPlayer
	Field HitEntity
	Field Delay#
End Type

Type P
	Field Entity 
	Field X#
	Field Y#
	Field Z#
	Field OldX#
	Field OldY#
	Field OldZ#
	Field XVelocity#
	Field YVelocity#
	Field ZVelocity#
	Field YRot#
	Field Facing
	Field Falling
	Field action
	Field OldAction
	Field MoverOffset#
	Field MoverZOffset#
	Field jumpoff#
	Field index
	Field layer
	Field OldIndex
	Field OldLayer
	Field PProjectile.PProj ;Type in type with type in that type
	Field Health
	Field Score
	Field OldScore
	Field Lives
	Field Magic
	Field MagicTimer#
	Field shadow 
	Field Rshadow
	Field Lshadow
	Field SUshadow
	Field RSUshadow
	Field LSUshadow
	Field SSUshadow
	Field RSSUshadow
	Field LSSUshadow
	Field SSDshadow
	Field RSSDshadow
	Field LSSDshadow
	Field SDshadow
	Field RSDshadow
	Field LSDshadow
	Field Fshadow
	Field Bshadow
	Field BlockStub
	Field shadowtexture 
	Field Playerhealth
	Field PlayerScore[5]
	Field PlayerLives
	Field PlayerMagic
	Field MagicTex
	Field healthTex
	Field LivesTex
	Field ScoreTex[5]
	Field ResetX#
	Field ResetY#
	Field ResetZ#
	Field GoldKey
	Field GoldKeySprite
	Field GoldKeyTex
	Field RedKey
	Field RedKeySprite
	Field RedKeyTex
	Field BlueKey
	Field BlueKeySprite
	Field BlueKeyTex
	Field WhiteKey
	Field WhiteKeySprite
	Field WhiteKeyTex
	Field BlackKey
	Field BlackKeySprite
	Field BlackKeyTex
	Field Anim_Idle
	Field Anim_Run
	Field Anim_Shoot
	Field Anim_Jump
	Field Anim_Shoot_Run
	Field PlayerLight
	Field Pivot
	Field Textbox
	Field Textbox1
	Field Textbox2
	Field TextboxSprite
	Field TextboxFont
	Field EMFootDust		
End Type

puki(Posted 2005) [#9]
He's showing off - it doesn't count.

Shifty Geezer(Posted 2005) [#10]
You can also referrence a type within itself as I'm using
Type vector
Field x
Field y
Field z
End Type

Type object
Field pos.vector
Field siz.vector
Field rot.vector
Field next_obj.object
Field prev_obj.object
End Type

Just remember that you need to create new instance of all subtypes. eg. To create an object I would need to use...
Object1.object=New object
Object1\pos=New vector
Object1\siz=New vector
Object1\rot=New vector

...to create vectors for position, size and object.

skyfire1(Posted 2005) [#11]
thank you so much!

*skyfire1 jumps around his room.

*skyfire1 says like he's jumping around the room but in reality, he's sitting on his chair, doing absolutly nothing.

Hotcakes(Posted 2005) [#12]
Warren, what were you referring to? =]