text program help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/text program help

seferey(Posted 2005) [#1]
Graphics 800,600

Text 0,0, "hello dear friend"

Text 0,0"Press Spacebar to continue"

While Not KeyHit(1)


seferey(Posted 2005) [#2]
what I want the to say press spacebar to continue but show more text how do I do that

Augen(Posted 2005) [#3]
Graphics 800,600

Text 0,0, "hello dear friend"
Delay 2000;delay 2 seconds before anything else happens
Cls;clear screen so text at 0,0 is not overwritten

.NoSpacebarYet;label to goto if spacebar not hit(but it's better to use function, not goto)

Text 0,0, "Press Spacebar to continue"
WaitKey();wait for any key to be pressed before processing the If statement below

If KeyHit(57);57 is scancode for the spacebar
	Cls;clear screen so text at 0,0 is not overwritten
	Text 0,0, "You Pressed the Spacebar, Here is More Text"
	WaitKey();wait for any key to be pressed before ending program
	Goto NoSpacebarYet;goto the NoSpacebarYet label if key other than spacebar is hit

End;end the program

seferey(Posted 2005) [#4]
Thanks Augen :)