e-mail sending?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/e-mail sending?

Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2005) [#1]
I know I've brought this up before. Does any know where I can get my hands on the e-mail sending code? It specifically needs to be able to handle attachments.

I've tried the Code archive version and it seems to not send attachments correctly. It creates a file, but it's not the right size.

John Pickford(Posted 2005) [#2]
Here's my current code. It's based on Marks Blitzmail but I've added code for sending attachments.

There's probably some superfluous stuff in there.

	Const debugSMTP=True
Global encodestring$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

;Email Globals

Global mailhost$ 
Global mailer$ 
Global mailfrom$
Global mailname$ 
Global mailto$  
Global mode$
Global mymailserverport

 Global myemailaddress$
 Global myname$
 Global mymailserver$
  Dim myaddressbook$(100,2)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; . SMTP functions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BlitzMail...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function BlitzMail$ (mailfrom$,mailto$, subject$, message$,attachpath$,attachment$)

	debuglog2 "Attempting to Email file...",2
	error$ = "OK"

	debuglog2 "OPENING TCP STREAM:"+mymailserver$+ "(PORT:"+mymailserverport+")",2
t = OpenTCPStream (mymailserver$, mymailserverport)

If t

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Service available?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	response$ = ReadLine (t)
	code$ = Code (response$)
	If code$ <> "220"
		If code$ = "421"
			error$ = "Service not available"
			debuglog2 error$,2
			error$ = response$+ " FAILED: Expecting 220"
			debuglog2 error$,2
		Goto abortSMTP

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Say "Hi"
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

		debuglog2 "SENDING: HELO "+DottedIP$(HostIP(1)),2


	  WriteLine t, "HELO "+DottedIP$(HostIP(1)) 

		response$ = ReadLine (t)
		If Code (response$) <> "250"
			error$ = response$+ " FAILED: Expecting 250"
			Goto abortSMTP

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Non-existent command -- try it for error message!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; WriteLine t, "LALA BlitzMail Deluxe"
; response$ = ReadLine (t)
; If Code (response$) <> "250"
; error$ = response$
; Goto abortSMTP
; EndIf

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Tell server who's sending
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	debuglog2 "SENDING: MAIL FROM: <" + myemailaddress$ + ">",2

	WriteLine t, "MAIL FROM: <" + myemailaddress$ + ">"
	response$ = ReadLine (t)
	code$ = Code (response$)

		If code$ <> "250"
			If code$ = "501"
				error$ = "Email sender not specified (or invalid address)"
				error$ = response$+" FAILED: Expecting 250"
		Goto abortSMTP

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Tell server who it's going to 
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	debuglog2 "SENDING: RCPT TO: <" + mailto$ + ">",2

	WriteLine t, "RCPT TO: <" + mailto$ + ">"
		response$ = ReadLine (t)
		code$ = Code (response$)
			If code$ <> "250"
				If code$ = "501"
					error$ = "Email recipient not specified (or invalid address)"
					error$ = response$+" FAILED: Expecting 250"
				Goto abortSMTP

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Email data
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	debuglog2 "SENDING: DATA",2

	WriteLine t, "DATA"
	response$ = ReadLine (t)
	If Code (response$) <> "354"
		error$ = response$+" FAILED: Expecting 345"
		Goto abortSMTP


; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Headers
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteLine t,"MIME-Version: 1.0"
WriteLine t, "Date: " + CurrentDate$ ()
WriteLine t, "From: " + mailfrom$ + " <" + myemailaddress$ + ">"
WriteLine t, "To: " + mailto$ + " <" + mailto$ + ">"
WriteLine t, "Subject: " + subject$
WriteLine t, "X-Mailer: " + mailer$

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Email message
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	debuglog2 "Sending Message Contents",2
	WriteLine t,"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="+Chr$ (34)+"boundarystring"+Chr$(34)
	  WriteLine t,""
	  WriteLine t,"--boundarystring"
	  WriteLine t,"Content-Type: text/plain" 
	  mess=OpenFile (message$)
	  If mess
		While Not Eof (mess)
		 mbyte=ReadByte (mess)
		 If mbyte=Asc ("#")
			Select ReadByte(mess)
				Case Asc ("1")
				  WriteString t,mailto$
				Case Asc ("2")
				  WriteString t,mailname$
			End Select
		  WriteByte t,mbyte
		CloseFile (mess)
	  encode_file (attachpath$,attachment$,t)
	  WriteLine t,""
	  WriteLine t,"--boundarystring--"
		debuglog2 ""
	debuglog2 "--boundarystring--",2

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of message
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteLine t, ""
WriteLine t, "."
response$ = ReadLine (t)
If Code (response$) <> "250"
error$ = response$

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Say "ciao"
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteLine t, "QUIT"
response$ = ReadLine (t)
If Code (response$) <> "221"
error$ = response$

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return error message, if any
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CloseTCPStream t
If error$ = "" Then error$ = "Timeout error"

	debuglog2 error$,2
Return error$


; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Oops. Forgot to go online (or server isn't there) 
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	debuglog2 "Failed to connect to server at " + mymailserver$,22 
	Return error$


End Function

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ask server for help (usually list of commands)... not much use, just example
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function GetHelp (server$)
t = OpenTCPStream (mymailserver$, mymailserverport)
If t
ReadLine (t) ; 220
WriteLine t, "HELO BlitzMail Deluxe"
ReadLine (t) ; 250
WriteLine t, "HELP"
response$ = ReadLine (t)
error$ = Left (response$, 3)
If error$ = "214"
help$ = response$
readhelp$ = ReadLine (t)
help$ = help$ + Chr (10) + readhelp$
Until readhelp$ = ""
RuntimeError help$
RuntimeError "Couldn't get help information!"
CloseTCPStream (t)
End Function

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return 3 digit code from server's response
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function Code$ (code$)
If debugSMTP
debuglog2 "COMPUTER SAYS:"+code$,1
Return Left (code$, 3)
End Function

Function encode_file (path$,name$,stream)

	debuglog2 "Encoding file attachment...",2
	file=OpenFile (path$+name$)

    If file


	WriteLine stream,""
	WriteLine stream,"--boundarystring" 
	WriteLine stream,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="+name$
	WriteLine stream,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
	WriteLine stream,"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="+name$ 
	WriteLine stream,""

	debuglog2 "--boundarystring" ,2
	debuglog2 "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="+name$,2
	debuglog2 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64",2
	debuglog2 "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="+name$ ,2
	debuglog2 "",2
	debuglog2 "(encoded file contents not displayed)",2


	While Not Eof (file)

;Fetch 3 bytes

		value=ReadByte (file) 
		value=(value Shl 8) Or ReadByte (file)
		value=(value Shl 8) Or ReadByte (file)

;spit out 4 bytes (encoded)
		WriteByte stream,Asc(Mid$ (encodestring$,1+ ( (value Shr 18) And 63) ) )
		WriteByte stream,Asc(Mid$ (encodestring$,1+ ( (value Shr 12) And 63) ) )
	    WriteByte stream,Asc(Mid$ (encodestring$,1+ ( (value Shr 06) And 63) ) )
		WriteByte stream,Asc(Mid$ (encodestring$,1+ ( (value Shr 00) And 63) ) )

		;new line every 64 chars
		If linelen>63
			WriteLine stream,""		
	CloseFile (file)
		debuglog2 "File not found",2
End Function

Function debuglog2 (message$,col=0)

	If col>0 And debug_enable>0

		Select col
			Case 1
				Color 255,255,0
			Case 2
				Color 255,0,255
			Case 3
				Color 255,0,0	
		End Select

		Print message$
	If debug_file

		WriteLine debug_file,message$
		DebugLog (message$)


End Function

Yan(Posted 2005) [#3]
Just for a bit of variety (it's very old and therefore not well written)...

Usage example (you'll need to supply your own HTML message and attachment ZIP)...

Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2005) [#4]
I've tried both of these had some trouble with both actually. It could be my lack of internet techical knowledge.

I got the one in the archive from Oricle(I think is the name) and that sent the mail, but didn't send the body text, or the file attachment correctly.

Sucks, I got my game totally prepped for e-mail games, and I can't seem to get the darn e-mail to work!! :-(

Yan(Posted 2005) [#5]
Try this...

MIME Mail ~22kB

lo-tekk(Posted 2005) [#6]
@Squatting Neville,

just tested: real cool and simple to use.
Should be in the code archives...

Thank you for this fine piece of cake.


Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2005) [#7]
I tried that one, it keeps giving me this error, "malformed auth code". Any idea what this is?

Yan(Posted 2005) [#8]
I'm glad you can find a use for it. I haven't put it in the archive because, it's pretty messy in places and, as Craig is finding out, it hasn't been tested on many servers so it's a bit flakey. :o)

Hmmm...Did you try adding your account username and password to 'send_mail$()'?

Try this version of send_mail$() and post (or mail me, if uou prefer) the debuglog output...Remember to remove any personal details first! ;o)

Craig H. Nisbet(Posted 2005) [#9]
Yeehaa, that's worked!! Thanks a lot!!