Banks and Tokamak

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Banks and Tokamak

RiverRatt(Posted 2005) [#1]
I have started using Tokamak. Yippy!
But it seams to use banks alot, something I have not got into because createbank() is under-documented. So If anyone could point me to some tutorials or just explain banks better for me you have my undying gratatude. Specificly how to use them with Tokamak. For instance I found a truck rally sample by Sweeny and it uses banks to set the collision info for the terrain mesh.
;Sets the parameters for a material. Materials can be used for different things including triangles, 
;rigid bodies, And animated bodies. (And once supported, particles)
TOKSIM_SetMaterial 0,0,.1 ;(Index%,Friction#,Restitution#)

;Sets collisions
TOKSIM_SetCInfoBank ColBank
TOKSIM_SetCollisionResponse -1,1,3 ; Impulse & Feedback originaly (-1,1,3)
TOKSIM_SetCollisionResponse -1,2,0 ; No Impulse Or Feedback -1,2,0

tex = LoadTexture("track.bmp")
Terrain = LoadMesh("track.3ds")
ScaleMesh Terrain,30.0,30.0,30.0 
RotateMesh Terrain,-90,0,0
EntityTexture terrain,tex

So in this line, ColBank=CreateBank(104*10), how did he know how to set 104*10?

Bot Builder(Posted 2005) [#2]
104 is the number of bytes per collision, 10 is the actual maximum or the guessed max number of collisions.

2nd post

RiverRatt(Posted 2005) [#3]
Sorry for being dence, but still, how would I know which of those to use. In the code above he is using it for a terrain. So what would I use for say a basic cube?
This one?
Function TOKCOL_bodyA(bank,index)
Return PeekInt(bank,index*104)
End Function
And then for a sphere, I would move up the list or am I just totaly off base?

I guess what I am asking is how do I use those functions and wich functions to use?

I have another question.
While I have your attention, I am working on my first experiment with tokamak. I am just trying to make a flatend cylinder that scoots along a terrain, that will react to the terrain. I am using the terrain and its collision code from the Truck Rally again till I can write my own.
The problem I am having is making an accurate representation of the collision cylinder but there is no way I can be sure if it is correct. So do I have this part right?


Global player_mesh=CreateCylinder(32,True)
ScaleEntity player_mesh,diameter#,height#,diameter#
PositionEntity player_mesh,x_pos#,y_pos#,z_pos# 
EntityColor player_mesh,255,0,0
Global player_RB=TOKRB_Create()
TOKRB_AddCylinder(player_RB,diameter#,height#) ;TOKRB_AddCylinder(RigidBody%,Diameter#,Height#)
TOKRB_SetPosition player_RB,0,5,10
EntityAlpha veiwcoll,.25
ScaleEntity veiwcoll,diameter#/2,height#,diameter#/2

PositionEntity veiwcoll,TOKRB_GetX(player_RB),TOKRB_GetY(player_RB),TOKRB_GetZ(player_RB)

Thank you Very much for your time. I will be happy to donate this and many more examples when its done.