Problem with Blitzmovie.dll v1.3

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Problem with Blitzmovie.dll v1.3

Chaos(Posted 2005) [#1]
Has anyone tried using the latest version of blitmovie dll? I seem to be getting a problem with the BLITMOVIE_IsPlaying() function, basically it seems to return 1 (running) even when the movie has finished! - has anyone else experienced this?? or is it just me?

I can duplicat the error easily by just changing the demo code in to stop the video from looping, when the demo movie finishes it should exit but never does! (well at least not on my machine)

Any ideas??

Chaos(Posted 2005) [#2]
I have just heard from Kevan (Creator of Blitzmovie dll) and he thinks there could be a problem with the function - will post more info when I get some