Loading include file multiple times

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Loading include file multiple times

Chimeara(Posted 2005) [#1]
As the title says i want to Load an include file multiple times... eg

if keyhit(57)

SO the user presses space goes through the include file returns to the main file and presses space again,which i want to runs the include again. is this possible? how?

Ross C(Posted 2005) [#2]
Why would you want to load the same file multiple times? Slightly confused by that... :o) Why not include the file at the top. The include file would only contain a function. Then call the function from within that If - Then statement.

Chimeara(Posted 2005) [#3]
Why?.... longStory, i have the settings menu in a different file to the main menu...(i't seemed long before) so i prob could just make it a function in the main menu file.... but some gut feeling is saying 'i don't like that' ....yep, so that sums it up

DH(Posted 2005) [#4]
I hope this is a joke.

*(Posted 2005) [#5]
TBH include files should only be included ONCE per source file, thats not to say you cant have an include within an include but not a good idea to keep calling em as it would make the program 'infinitely' big as each call would have to be compiled with the include data etc.

Floyd(Posted 2005) [#6]
Even if you could Include the same file several times the original question is misguided.

Include essentially 'pastes' some code into the source prior to compiling. This happens before the exe is created. You can't decide whether or not to Include code based on user actions.

Paolo(Posted 2005) [#7]
Don't do that.
I you need the information inside an Include file to be
re-scanned at any time in the code then do something like

;Include your file at the top of your code this way:
Goto no_scan
	Include "my_file.bb"

;Then at any time in your code, just call a Gosub:
if keyhit(28) ;Enter
	Gosub scan_it

This is what I do and it works just good :)


Mustang(Posted 2005) [#8]
'Nuff said:

The Include command effectively "cuts and pastes" the contents of the .bb file to be included into the current file at the point of the Include function call, temporarily, before being passed to the compiler to Execute.

Note that each .bb file can only be included once.


jfk EO-11110(Posted 2005) [#9]
>>"Note that each .bb file can only be included once."

well this isn't entirely true any longer, as far as I see.

I have just included the same file twice, and the compiler didn't bother at all.

Floyd(Posted 2005) [#10]
But did it actually include the file twice?

Unless this has changed since version 1.88 any extra Inludes are simply ignored.

Paolo(Posted 2005) [#11]
NO the file is not include twice.

You can include the same file as many time as you want
in your code, but at the compilation will only scan
the first one that shows up in the code (starting from the
top, of course).

What I said above is useful when you have variables in your
main program (local), for example arrays, and when you
jump to the next level you can call a gosub to the
included file so your variables can be reset or re-dimension
in case of arrays...

If an include only have Globals + Types + Functions, then
it doesn't matter where you "include" it in the code... globals things are just detected everywhere...
