httpGet help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/httpGet help

cermit(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi, i want to create a download program in Blitz and have some feeling this has to do with httpGet.
I've seen Mark's httpGet example but I can't figure out how to use this to download a file.
I just need the code to download a file from a server that can be whatever "".

Anyone know how to do this download program? or do you have an example?

RifRaf(Posted 2005) [#2]
you could use this. from the archives
you should be able to call it like this
blitzget ("\this.dat","c:\saves\","saved.dat")

Function BlitzGet (webFile$, saveDir$, saveFile$)

	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Strip "http://" if provided
	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	If Left (webFile$, 7) = "http://" Then webFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - 7)

	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Split into hostname and path/filename to download
	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	slash = Instr (webFile$, "/")
	If slash
		webHost$ = Left (webFile$, slash - 1)
		webFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - slash + 1)
		webHost$ = webFile$
		webFile$ = "/"
	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Add trailing slash to download dir if not given
	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	If Right (saveDir$, 1) <> "\" Then saveDir$ = saveDir$ + "\"

	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Save filename -- get from webFile$ if not provided
	; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	If saveFile$ = ""
		If webFile = "/"
			saveFile$ = "Unknown file.txt"
			For findSlash = Len (webFile$) To 1 Step - 1
				testForSlash$ = Mid (webFile$, findSlash, 1)
				If testForSlash$ = "/"
					saveFile$ = Right (webFile$, Len (webFile$) - findSlash)
			If saveFile$ = "" Then saveFile$ = "Unknown file.txt"

	; RuntimeError "Web host: " + webHost$ + Chr (10) + "Web file: " + webFile$ + Chr (10) + "Save dir: " + saveDir$ + Chr (10) + "Save file: " + saveFile$

	www = OpenTCPStream (webHost$, 80)
	If www
		WriteLine www, "GET " + webFile$ + " HTTP/1.1" ; GET / gets default page...
		WriteLine www, "Host: " + webHost$
		WriteLine www, "User-Agent: BlitzGet Deluxe"
		WriteLine www, "Accept: */*"
		WriteLine www, ""
		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Find blank line after header data, where the action begins...
		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
			header$ = ReadLine (www)
			If Left (header$, 16) = "Content-Length: "	; Number of bytes to read
				bytesToRead = Right (header$, Len (header$) - 16)
		Until header$ = "" Or (Eof (www))
		If bytesToRead = 0 Then Goto skipDownLoad
		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Create new file to write downloaded bytes into
		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		save = WriteFile (saveDir$ + saveFile$)
		If Not save Then Goto skipDownload

		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Incredibly complex download-to-file routine...
		; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

		For readWebFile = 1 To bytesToRead
			If Not Eof (www) Then WriteByte save, ReadByte (www)
			; Call BytesReceived with position and size every 100 bytes (slows down a LOT with smaller updates)
			tReadWebFile = readWebFile
			If tReadWebFile Mod 100 = 0 Then BytesReceived (readWebFile, bytesToRead)


		CloseFile save
		; Fully downloaded?
		If (readWebFile - 1) = bytesToRead
			success = 1
		; Final update (so it's not rounded to nearest 100 bytes!)
		BytesReceived (bytesToRead, bytesToRead)
		CloseTCPStream www
;		RuntimeError "Failed to connect"
	Return success
End Function

cermit(Posted 2005) [#3]
I just needed to add some functions and it works just fine. Thanks!