Another BSP loading question

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Another BSP loading question

Nexic(Posted 2005) [#1]
I've now managed to load a quake 3 bsp (as I was trying to load a HL one before), but I still cannot get any textures on it. Most editors require the wad or pak file in order to choose the textures, so how would I then go about getting those textures into the same directory as the BSP?

I really like using worldcraft to build levels, and Im sure you can use it to build quake3 bsps (im not interested in entity data, just geometry and lights). However it again requires a wad file for textures. Would it work if I made my own wad file, then copied that wad file into the same directory as the bsp?

Shambler(Posted 2005) [#2]
As far as I remember the pak file is in zip format so just unzip the textures to the same directory as the bsp.