thinking about doing HPlovecraft inspired game

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/thinking about doing HPlovecraft inspired game

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#1]
erm... yeah, I know this isn't a 3d programming question... but I didn't know where else to put it.... so any help would be very useful...
I want to do a game based on one of HP Lovecraft's books... but I don't know if I can just "do" a game and put in "based on a story by HP Lovecraft" or If I have to talk to someone about it first? I mean, Lovecraft has been dead since the 1930's... so what can I do?

thank you for any help you can give this young programmer :)

Mustang(Posted 2005) [#2]

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#3]
"1) from the moment the work is made tangible (written down, recorded
on tape, published on the internet) until 70 years after his/her

I extracted that from the site mentioned from Mustang...
so if Lovecraft died in 1930... 70 years later is 2000... but I think he died later on in the 1930's... lol... the funny thing is this wouldn't be a problem if he died in the `920's.... *sigh* I really want to do a sorta tribute to this guy because I really loved his work... (and I need to make money... yes... greed) so if I could get any further help I'd be very pleased and thankful...

ragtag(Posted 2005) [#4]
Didn't Disney get the copyright thing extended to 90 years, just so their dear mouse wouldn't go public domain. :( A total overkill if you ask me. Copyright was made so writers could get a fair compensation for their work, not so their grand/grand/grand children could.

Gabriel(Posted 2005) [#5]
There have been a number of Lovecraft games already ( Shadow of the Comet and a sequel whose name I forget involving submarines, nazis and demons buried under ice ) but more importantly, there is a new Call of Cthulhu game in the works. This suggests to me that the copyright is still very much in effect.

A quick google confirms that he died in March, 1937.

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#6]
Sybixsus: the one u spoke of involving a nazi's and subs is called "prisoner of ice"... I got that game... nice story... but could of been done better... even for it's time... I think they should of used a more realtime AITD sort of engine...
(yup... I love Lovecraft stuff)

One thing I noticed was most of these titles are all "call of the cthulhu" games... which was origionally a "pen and paper RPG" based on his writting... I don't know if he had anything to do with the production of the rpg... So if I stuck to his other books (eg: "Nyrothlep" or "winged death") that wouldn't have much to do with that "COTC" franchise... but just to be safe, should I write to the Lovecraft officianado gaming company "infograms" to find out more? if so... does anyone who who I should contact? (E-Mail wise)
thank everybody for all there help so far... hope I'm not being too anoying... I just love the Lovecraft stories....

Gabriel(Posted 2005) [#7]
Right, Prisoner of Ice was the game I was thinking of.

Usually when authors die there is a foundation, founded by their family to look after the estate, how the books are handled, etc. I imagine they would be the people to contact with regards to a license, fan games, copyrights, etc.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#8]
Lovecraft's copyrights are arguably a bit of a grey area now.

ST Joshi, his most thorough biographer, believes the vast majority of his stories (if not all) should now be in the public domain according to the law, but I've read that those who own Lovecraft's estate these days continue to claim copyright on pretty much everything.

The situation really requires someone with The Big Bucks to challenge their claims...

slenkar(Posted 2005) [#9]
Just put 'inspired by HP Lovecraft'
nuff said,
replace demons names with other made-up names

D4NM4N(Posted 2005) [#10]
The 'Legacy' was inspired by this too. Aparently, facts and ideas can't be copyrighted, only expressions of creative effort. which is why every RPG has trolls, drow, elves, barbarians, dwarves (who are always Scotish?!?) etc.etc.etc.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2005) [#11]
The family can claim copyright if the books are still in print and they have enought money to sue and make life nasty for anyone of the opposite opinion. Yes, it was Disney Co. the made copyright unattainable to everyone. While copyright on technology dies at 30 - 35 years... Literature / music / and all "intellectual and artistic" endeavors endure as long as they are being printed or published in some form or other. Lovecraft has never gone out of print and his estate (who would have little to do with him while alive) is very protective of him. BUT just do your own game of a submarine trapped in ice with your won demons... make it a modern nuclear sub and don't add cthulu and you have it.

There is no way to prove you read Lovecraft unless you wrote you dissertation on him.


Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#12]
kewl.... I'm definatley wanting to do a Lovecraft game now... but I think I'll base it more on the actual necrenomicon.... (I found a half translated copy) it's pretty much like a bible... and I'm pretty sure no-one owns that... HP Lovecraft based alot of his work off of the Necrenomicon (Infact he made referance to it alot)... So what I'm thinking of doing exactly is doing a game about the necrenomicon... (ever seen Evil dead?) then adding the psychological "Lovecraft style" (also used by many writers, such as Stephen King) aspect and modernising the whole thing... then at the start put "inspired by the writing of HP Lovecraft"... then probably put "HP Lovecraft" under "special thanks to:"... I think that should work and not put me in any legal problems.... hows that sound?

OrcSlayer(Posted 2005) [#13] didn't realise the Necronomicon was the invention of HP Lovecraft? Lovecraft actually said he thought of writing a full Necronomicon (I believe for continuity in his books), but ultimatley decided not too. However, he did make it clear that it was his own creation. Have a look here:

Good site for any Lovecraft fan BTW.

_PJ_(Posted 2005) [#14]
Call Of Cthullu ( the pnp rpg ) was published by Chaosium as far as I recall, I think they managaed to circumvent legal issues because the game was based on a fictional mythology surrounding a fictional character or something.

I would definitely contact Infograms, though.

maximo(Posted 2005) [#15]
What makes you think that you have the experience and talent to make this game? Working alone it would take forever. If you can't program, if you can't make graphics then all you can is dream. It's really ´funny to read this posts I want to make game based on this great book/story/movie/game. When you have completed 5-6 games and have enough experience then you can talk about making game based on Lovecraft world.

_PJ_(Posted 2005) [#16]
What makes you think that you have the experience and talent to make this game? Working alone it would take forever. If you can't program, if you can't make graphics then all you can is dream. It's really ´funny to read this posts I want to make game based on this great book/story/movie/game. When you have completed 5-6 games and have enough experience then you can talk about making game based on Lovecraft world.

Ouch! WHat makes you think you can put people down like that?

It doesnt take talent to make a game based on something. check out "Fluxxians". The community for which that was released loved it, because it featured aspects of the game and universe it was based on. Mightygames and Netdevil even praised it.

There's no greater incentive to putting all you can into a game when it's a game about something you really enjoy. Whether the game would be officially endorsed or not is of course a different matter.

Give the guy a break. Its something he really wants to do.

OrcSlayer(Posted 2005) [#17]
I would actually love to do something with a Lovecraft feel to it someday, have wanted to ever since I played the original Alone in the Dark and thought "wow, if I could make something like this with better would be pretty darn creepy." Of course Alone in the Dark was creepy...back in the day. Now we're all too darn spoiled to appreciate characters with double digit polycounts and hand drawn backgrounds...heh.

_PJ_(Posted 2005) [#18]

I would really imagine a game based on works by Lovecraft would be adventurey/survival horror types. Games in which the atmosphere, tension and immersion (for which music plays a big role too) count for more than all the flashy graphics!

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#19]
You guys aware of this, out in 2-3 months? It's been getting good preview commentaries...

OrcSlayer(Posted 2005) [#20]

I still like it, but my point being most people won't give it a chance looks really really old.

And I've heard of Call of Cthulhu quite a bit lately, it is turning out to be pretty cool looking. Some of the preview movies I've seen showed pretty unimpressive interiors though, especially in caves. However, it's been in development for a long time, I bet those where just early drafts. This is made by Bethesda after all, and I'm a pretty big fan of their work ( of the best games I've ever played).

Cancerian(Posted 2005) [#21]
I was looking into this about a year ago and I contacted a few companies that deal in Lovecraft reprints and memorabilia. This is the response I received from Marc Mishaud of Necronomicon Press (

"We adhere to the belief that the Lovecraft copyrights are in force and held by the Lovecraft Estate out of Providence, and administrated by Robert Harrall. Some may argue otherwise, but that's the stand we've held for numerous years and will continue to do so."

If you are doing a directly derivite work, based on one story in particular or using the names of characters or creatures Lovecraft created it would probably be best to do the ethical thing and include his estate in the deal somehow. It's certainly cool to be respectful of the man who created the works.

I'm not aware of any "Prisoner of Ice" story by Lovecraft and I don't recall if the game ever used "Cthulhu" or any other official mythos creations. You can go that route pretty much without fear of litigation. In fact the Call of Cthulhu game (I've heard) is legally consiering itself a derivitive of the role-playing game and not the originating author's works. Kind of weak, but that's business.

Last I heard the Lovecraft legal estate can be contacted here:

Robert C. Harrall
56 Shirley Blvd.
Cranston, RI 02823

JustLuke(Posted 2005) [#22]
I don't see what the problem is here. Just make up your own slimy, tentacled beasties with with names that contain too much punctuation and too few vowels. Problem solved.

Here's one for free:

Great K'Koovl, the drooling god. Imprisoned in a crystal universe beyond our own by the creatures who serve it. Great K'Koovl is forbidden from manifesting his physical presence in our dimension, however, he can possess the body of a willing person for a short time, and, during a total eclipse, it is said that certain sensitive people can hear him sweetly singing, singing, singing. To hear his melodic yet utterly alien song is to go insane.

See? It's easy. Lovecraft's style and story content is pretty easy to mimic because it's so well known. Just don't rip off any specific elements from Lovecraft's stories. Don't mention Arkham, don't use any characters from the books, don't have people turning slowly into fish creatures, don't even use the Necronomicon (invent your own evil-sounding book, if necessary), etc. Use your imagination a little and you'll do just fine. Good luck with your game.

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#23]
sorry people... I didn't know people actually replied to this... sorry for not replying to something I started.. oops

Orcslayer: The Necrenomicon is acually a lejitamit (yeah... I can't spell) book... people seriously have developed (or once had) a religion based around it... one of my friends was into HP Lovecraft aswell for a while (I'm more of a permanent fan) HP Lovecrafts father was actually in a cult (or studied it... can't remember) That connection to the acult aparently was what inspired Lovecraft to write about it... HP Lovecraft wrote a small story entitled "Necronomicon" (or something) it was more of an informational peice about the outline of the book...
Well... that's my understanding... what can I say? I love Lovecraft mytho stuff... I might be wrong... but I'm pretty sure Lovecraft didn't write the origonal book, he wrote about its mythology. Oh... and I have all 3 of the origonal AITD's... AITD1 still has a place in my heart. Oh... and it's nice to meet another Lovecraft fan :D

Maximo: hehehe... yeah... I must sound like a joke... maybe I am... I feel fully capable though. I've been programming since I was 8, I've been doing 3d modeling for at least 5 years... my Gothic surrealist artwork has got a few fans (feel free to view my gallary at: I am a BIG fan of HP Lovecraft and psychological horror (well.. also psychology) so erm... I feel up to it... if I failed... meh... at least I'd get some more experiance.

Cancerian: Thanx a ton :) I want to be respectful to HP Lovecraft so I'll defenatley check out the legal estate.

Lemort: ..hehehe... yeah, lots of companies have done that... ever played "Quest for glory 5"? (I think it was 5) Very big Lovecraft theme... but no mention of Lovecraft (I don't think)... The thing is I WOULD do that... but I REALLY want to do a sorta "tribute" sorta thing aswell as make a horror game... so I duno... Thanx anyway... I hope I don't have to do that though...

A big thanx to everyone that posted a reply... U've alll been very helpful so far.

maximo(Posted 2005) [#24]
THEartistKAL I will make your game for you but only if you give me 90% ;)

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#25]
Maximo: lol... I think I'll b ok... thanx 4 the offer

maximo(Posted 2005) [#26]
I insist! Dont insult me by refusing my offer or you could wake up with horse head in your bed! ;:)

BlackJumper(Posted 2005) [#27]
I have seen some of KAL's work - what makes you think he doesn't already do that on a daily basis ???

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#28]
Maximo: yeah.... I'd probably just make the horse head into a work of art... finding a horse head in my bed would be like Xmas! :D LOL... Not meant to insult u though... I'm just trying to be a little more independant in that area for now...

BlackJumper: U've seen some of my work? Kewl :D Did u like it?

Oh... and I'm actually thinking of doing a non-prophet "Alone in the Dark" remake... just for experiance... does anyone know where I could get text documents of the "books" found in AITD? I'm too lazey to re-write them... :(
Would anyone be interested in playing a blitz re-make of AITD? (oh... before you answer you should REALLY check my art gallery @ because I will probably re-making the monsters using my concepts just so I can make them a li'l more creepier ;) )

_PJ_(Posted 2005) [#29]

a non-prophet

Is that one that wont spread the word of god, or tell the future, or is it really a non-profit one? :)

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#30]
Malice: LOL... I seriously did laugh out loud... I'm such an idiot... yes... I meant "non-profit" XD

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#31]

Orcslayer: The Necrenomicon is acually a lejitamit (yeah... I can't spell) book... people seriously have developed (or once had) a religion based around it... one of my friends was into HP Lovecraft aswell for a while (I'm more of a permanent fan) HP Lovecrafts father was actually in a cult (or studied it... can't remember) That connection to the acult aparently was what inspired Lovecraft to write about it... HP Lovecraft wrote a small story entitled "Necronomicon" (or something) it was more of an informational peice about the outline of the book...

KAL, this is utter drivel! If you want to know more about Lovecraft's life, I highly recommend trying to grab a copy of "HP Lovecraft: A Life" by ST Joshi, for starters.

Lovecraft's father had nothing to do with occultism. He was put into a mental asylum after contracting syphilis and going pretty much insane, and he stayed there until he died. Other than that, very little is known about him at all, other than that he may have been a travelling salesman at one point.

The Necronomicon is not a real book -- it's purely a Lovecraft invention.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2005) [#32]
No AFAIK the Necronomicon was invented by A. Crowley so he could seduce 14 year old British virgins (of both sexes) and make money.

If you are researching Lovecraft don't read ANYTHING with a co-credit given to August Derelith... Read the early shorts. His "serious" work... not the crud gleaned from his notes by Derelith... She is a hack.


maximo(Posted 2005) [#33]
I offered him to join the fammilia but he said no. Wack him boys! ;)

//GodFather :p

BlackJumper(Posted 2005) [#34]
August Derleth was a bloke... and also a hack !

You really ought to read everything written by Randolph Carter - he was the person that HP stole all his ideas from ;-)

Kalisme(Posted 2005) [#35]
blitzsupport: well u learn something new every day... but I do know that the "book of the dead" has been used in many religions... paganism and egyptain come to mind... I used to study many religions... I proberly got confused.... and read many myths developed by geeks and other hacks... oh well... thanks for clearing that up... I will definatly hunt that down... Oh... and look up translations of the necronomicon on the net... I beleive group hysteria must of confused people because I've read a half translated version :| they must really love Lovecraft....

Rock zimbabwe: was he the guy Lovecrafte wrote "Winged death" with? I liked that story... The thing with Lvecraft is that he wrote MANY short stories (like Stephen King) and it is pretty hard to hunt them all down so I haven't read them all... Actually I think I had a link to a Lovecraft library... something about dark something... erm... I dunno... but as soon as I catch up on my homework I shall continue reading mor Lovecraft and might re-read some books (because they're great)

Blackjumper: I shall check it out ASAP, sounds interesting

BlitzSupport(Posted 2005) [#36]
KAL: Do dig up a copy of that book -- it's the ultimate read for Lovecraft fans!

Many people have been fooled into believing the Necronomicon is a real book, which is really a credit to how well Lovecraft built up its background and encouraged other pulp writers to make reference to it in their stories...

BlackJumper(Posted 2005) [#37]
Try this:

The Statement of Randolph Carter

For a brilliant 'scam the scammer' take on the Nigerian 419 email scam, look at this...
Randolph and the Nigerians