Occlusion System

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Occlusion System

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#1]

I'm having some problems with an occlusion system.

I've reached the point where I need help from a better programmer than me.

The problem seems to be with the pre-calculated bounding boxes for each zone in the level map - but I'm not sure of this.

The code with level map is here:

Here's just the code:

Any help would be much appreciated.


Rogue Vector

Sunteam Software(Posted 2004) [#2]
I think if your just referring to what is being displayed on the text then replace your Occlusion_Update function with this one (you weren't displaying each line on seperate y axis):

Function Occlusion_Update(v_playerX#, v_playerY#, v_playerZ#)

	Text 5,30, "X: " + v_playerX
	Local n=0

	For g_current_zone = Each TZone
		If (IsInsideZone(v_playerX, v_playerY, v_playerZ, g_current_zone)) 
			Text 5, 60+(n*20), "Zone name: " + g_current_zone\name
			;If Not(g_last_zone = Handle g_current_zone)
			;	HideAllZones()
			;	ShowEntity g_current_zone\entity
			;	For l_index = 0 To VIS_MAX_ZONES
			;		ShowEntity 	g_current_zone\can_see[l_index]
			;	Next
			;	g_last_zone = Handle g_current_zone
			;	Exit
			; ***********************************************************************


End Function

Notice the use of local var n.

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#3]

But the problem is with the bounding boxes.

They're supposed to encapsulate each of the rooms.

The system uses the bounding box to determine if the player is inside a particular room.

It hides the rooms that cannot be seen based on this determination.

It looks like the scale and alignment of the bounding boxes doesn't match the scale and alignment of the level geometry.


Rogue Vector

Sunteam Software(Posted 2004) [#4]
Sorry but I must be missing something, how can you tell. It doesn't appear that your displaying the bounding boxes so I can't see how you know if it's working or not.

tis early in the morning (for me), so if I'm missing the obvious then please tell me. but help me to help you :)

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#5]
The bounding boxes are defined mathematically when the level map is loaded.

They don't exist as 3D objects.

They are described using the following numerical values:

[min_X, max_X], [min_Y, max_Y], [min_Z, max_Z]

They are stored in the TZone object.

It is the calculation of these values that seems to be wrong.

But I can't see where I've gone wrong.


Rogue Vector

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#6]
You need to create the bounding boxes by parsing all vertices and get their true world coordinates trough TFormPoint. At least that's what I do with water zones and it seems to work, even with scaled levels.

I TForm them before I check them for Min/Max and then store them in an array, and in the inside-zone-check I don't have to TFormPoint anymore.

Sunteam Software(Posted 2004) [#7]
Ah I see, jfk is right, use tformpoint to convert the vertices to 3dworld coords first... i.e.:

TFormPoint VertexX#(surface, m),VertexY#(surface, m),VertexZ#(surface, m),zone\entity,0

Then use TFormedX#,TFormedY#,TFormedZ# to get the transformed coords.

Hope that helps.

N(Posted 2004) [#8]
Just posting what I wrote in the case it might help you. I'm afraid that I don't have the time to go over it all, but since you wrote your own occlusion system you might get it.

Portals. (E.g., what Quake 1/2/3 use, except you have to place the portals yourself or write your own code to generate them and split the meshes accordingly.)

A simple bounding box one. (Similar to what you're doing, I think.)

Math code needed for both of them.

Stack code needed by both.

Sunteam Software(Posted 2004) [#9]
Noel, I'm sure there is some good stuff there, why not put it in the code archives :)

Rogue Vector(Posted 2004) [#10]
I've implemented the TFormPoint stuff and it has improved the system slightly.

Here's the latest code for the occlusion system.
You'll need to download the test level (see above).

Zones 1 and 7 are correctly mapped with a bounding box, but for some reason the other (in-between)zones are still messed up.


Rogue Vector.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#11]
Well if you have overlapping zones, you may have to show multiple zones. And make sure to compare the players position globally. And as I said, use the world locations of the vertices to store min and max xyz (aka bounding box) of the children. oh yes and don't forget to set min to max and max to min before xou start comparing each childs vertices, somethinglike this:


for i=1 to countvertices(s)
 get vertex locations
 if x < minx then

store bounding box