Need help with Lighting

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Need help with Lighting

Kalisme(Posted 2004) [#1]
Ok, My "lighting theory" worked (sorta), for those who don't know what I'm talking about, my theory was:
U can subtract darkness from lightmaps (sorta) by rendering the camera twice, one with lightmapping, the other without... In the one with lightmapping, you render little green (or whatever color) spheres... you save the image and mask it, to subtract the green spheres.. You place the image over the full bright (light mappless) image, and it looks like the sphere (sorta) subtracts from the shadows....
Now, this theory DID work... but unfortunatly, I was right in thinking it wouldn't look right, but could anyone write some code, or refur me to some code that:
Covers (hugs) meshes... I know Swift wrote some code for simple shadows to be placed at characters feet (I don't mean the swift shadow system of couse) Has anyone thought of doing something like this, but instead of going just directly down, going up, left right... ect ... ect
Then making it green (just an example color) and full bright... that could be very useful... If ANYONE could help, I'd be VERY thankful... Ok... I'd better go back to writting a rag doll editor... See ya

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#2]
I still don't understand your idea of light, couldn't you post a screenshot and some sourcecode for dumb ppl like me? :)